God Bless You Are You Spirit-Filled, Born-Again? Why Do We Wrestle Against Demons? My family thinks my wife is the Devil Demons and Nephilum Unequally Yoked Together Why was Jesus so Sarcastic? Dear Mr. smith , I am so thankful for your teaching , I did watch TBN. for a short time and it destroyed my faith . Keep up the good work. Thank you and God bless you, Kayleel Hi: I've come upon your web site and have read a few articles, tithing and hellfire, with interest. I go to an Assembly of God church. I would like to ask: Do you describe yourself as a spirit-filled, born-again Christian? Is Jesus Lord and Savior of your life? Do you believe in speaking in tongues, healings, etc. with the help of the Holy Spirit? Just wondering and thank you, CJB [Ray Replies] Dear CJB: If anyone has the Spirit of God, then he is born
again, as that is what our life is all about -- being born and fashioned into a NEW
CREATION as God's achievement by Grace through Faith. I would be interested to hear your opinion about demonic influence on Christians. Can a Christian have a demon? Do Christians need to cast out the spirit of over eating for fat people or the spirit of anger for anger uncontrolled anger? I tend to believe it is the flesh (sin nature) we all deal with. I have just seen an over emphasis by some churches on giving demons credit for everything or weakness a Christian has. Tim [Ray Replies] Dear Jim:
So it is NOT the physical that is our biggest
problem (flesh and blood), being overweight, etc. So when we speak of "anger" we are in the realm of the spirit. James says, "Whosoever is ANGRY with his brother is a MURDERER"! WOW! "Be angry and SIN NOT--do not let the sun go down upon your ANGER" is another. So being overweight and having uncontrolled anger
are two totally different things. Being overweight is no more a sin than having flat
feet. There are thousands of things in the biological makeup of our bodies over which we
have and nor can we have control. If one is a total glutton, that is a lust of the flesh,
but MANY overweight people eat very little for their size. But anger, that's different.
Anger comes from within the man and it can cause one to SIN. Satan and his demons have their role in God's creation. God Himself has even commissioned LYING spirits to go out and do their dirty work (I Kings 22:22). So demons and real, they are here, and they will be around for a long time. How should we handle them -- ask the preacher to cast them all out so that we are clean and will never be bothered in any spiritual way again, not to mention having a perfect size body? No, here's what God tells us we should do after telling us that we DO WRESTLE against these forces:
So the truth is that we continue to wrestle and do
battle with them -- it is good for us to do so, it MAKES US STRONG in the TRUTH and in our
reliance of God's spiritual armor to protect us. I have never met you, but I consider you a friend because of the comforting words I read on your web site. Mind you 5 years ago I wouldn't have even bothered to read anything on your site. I was raised a Baptist, I went to church every Sunday, and I was basically pretty good. I went to Africa after high school and started to realize that if what my religion said was true, a lot of people were going to go to this place called hell. I was introduced to Keith Green, and decided I would use him as a role model. I still remember coming home and crying in front of my whole church. I was confused. Why did all these adults say and teach about this hell, and yet they were doing nothing about it. So I started a group with my friend called Rising Sun and we went downtown and started passing out tracts, talking to people and helping out in the food shelters. Lots of other youth started coming and we even had a bible study night. (I was told latter that the city evangelical board had a meeting about us and was worried that we were a cult.???? ) Anyway I decided to go to Bible College. I read Finney, Spurgeon, Wesley brothers, Edwards, I read them all. People were going to hell and it was more or less MY fault! I wasn't sharing this great news. So I went to downtown Calgary and street evangelized (remember I'm just a quite country boy). I joined Campus Crusade and went to the lunch rooms from table to table, arguing, sometimes crying in front of them. But did people come to Christ? No! Did I love these people more then God? It appeared to me that I did. I didn't want them to go to hell, and yet I would read bible scriptures stating that no one can come to Jesus unless God draws them. After two years of bible school and going overseas again to Latvia I volunteered at a bible camp before going back to my last year of school. Seeing the children and knowing what I did and how little God intervened it seemed I lost it. At church one day I stood up, while the pastor was preaching, and just started telling everyone how terrible they were acting. They were all cozy here in their nice little church while children were going to hell because no one was telling them about God's love. I remember running out of the church and weeping without control, while the pastor's wife and my dad and other person had come outside. (This is just the natural path of anyone who truly believes the bible and the teaching of hell. Most people say they believe in eternal torment, but actions speak louder then words.) But God had mercy on me. I went to Campus Crusade. I started to raise money (Worst experience of my life!) I phoned up an old friend for money. She didn't give me money but we started dating. I left Campus crusade. I became a school custodian. (My family, and supporters of course still think to this day my wife is the devil and she is dragging me away!) My wife who has non-Christian parents told me she couldn't believe in a God that sent people to hell forever AND that she couldn't live with someone who believed that also. So I took a chance. I rolled the diced. I risked my eternal soul. I told her I would go on a spiritual journey with her, all the while knowing that I was right and would have to leave her eventually. But I started reading my bible, and looking on the internet, and reading books. After 5 years of this I was still not sure, I believed that God didn't send anyone to an eternal hell, but I wasn't confident. THEN I JUST HAPPENED TO STUMBLE UPON YOUR WEB SITE. Because of what God brought into my life I was now reading your website with tears and at times jumping for joy. I can only sum it up with one word. Thanks, Your friend, Derek. P.S. I like your sarcastic tone:) [Ray Replies] Dear Derek, WOW! What an interesting email! I share your joy that you have come to not only believe in your heart, but now see the clearly Scriptural proof that God is the Saviour of All and that no one will be punished eternally. Your story is so interesting, Derek, I would love to share it with others, with your permission? I won't reveal your email address or anything, of course. May God continue to open your eyes and give you joy in His Spirit. How does you wife feel about your interest in my site? God be with you, Ray [Another email from Derek] Dear Ray, Thanks for your quick reply. I guess it's nice to just see a personal reply to really prove that you really do exist! :) I went to Bible school for 5 years and studied a little bit of Greek and also had some friends who studied Greek, but to put in the hours of study that you have obviously put into your work, I realize the time and energy it must have taken. I'm no scholar, but I do have a great desire to understand things fully, when possible. My wife was an orphan, and at one time was left unattended as a baby for quite awhile. Eventually she was adopted by two loving people. Of course she looks at her parents and considers them saints, and they are the nicest non-judging people that I know. But no they are not "Christians". Interestingly though they would bring her, my wife, to Sunday School. Of course there she was told that her parents would be going to hell. She kept going to church off and on, but has told me she never really could believe that just because her parents never said some little prayer that they would burn forever in some "hell". After I left CCC I joined the little church she was going to because they promised me a job as youth leader. Of course I would have to be the school custodian at first and then slowly take over the youth position. (This was a big lie.) So we were both hurt and left the church and stop going to church all together. That's when we had a big discussion about hell. My wife going on her instincts, common sense, spiritual insights, did not want to have anything to do with anything or anyone that would or could believe that her parents were going to hell forever. She is now more or less anti-Christian or at least anti-religion. We even tried going to a universal church, but she realized that they too just have there own agenda. I found your site about a month ago. I printed one of your papers and forgot to put it away. My wife, read it. Since I really respect her opinion, she has gone to university, she is very intellectual, and has a very deep spiritual side, I was interested in her response. She told me whoever wrote this, revering to your work, is amazing, and is very intelligent. It's hard to have a marriage when two people disagree about major things. I'm so glad we are on more common ground. I am forever indebted to her faithfulness and love towards me. She has helped me to become who I am today. Of course I feel very frustrated and angry sometimes though towards my parents. I love them, but at the same time they look down at her as if she is dragging me away from God. They look at her as if she is the devil. Oh of course they say hi and talk nicely, they make it less obvious. They are always asking us if were going to church (A Baptist church). If we are doing well in our relationship with the Lord. (They think were not, because of the things we believe, we don't go to church, my wife is French and she drinks wine, and the list goes on.) I know we don't really know each other, but I want to ask you a favor. I feel that my wife would love to talk with someone like you. I think just to hear someone else, who is much more articulate and good with words:), she would appreciate it so much. I have no idea if you would like to talk to her on the phone, and I don't want to put you on the spot. Or better yet, this e-mail address is hers. Maybe you could write her a little personal letter. I don't know if I'm being to forward or not, but I'm just going on the notion "Ask, and it shall be given unto you:)" Once again thank you for your time. Thanks, thanks, thanks, Derek [Ray Replies] Dear Derek: [And a last email from Derek's wife] Hi Ray, Unlike those who believe in God because the alternative
is HELL, I believe because of the beauty I see each day, the love I here in my parents
voices, the smile from a stranger, the hugs from my Kindergartens, and the many other
miraculous acts of love and kindness I see each day. Keep up the honesty, the boldness, and the 'challenging', you are freeing souls. You will never know how much your web site has meant to me in the last year or so. At the time I found it I was just on the verge of coming to a revelation. I had an idea about the difference between mercy and grace. I thought that those saved in this life received God's grace but those that did not would at least receive his mercy. I had an idea that the church would have an important role to play in the new Earth, teaching the world about God. Since reading your essays I have finally had the courage to speak up about what I have been reading in the Bible for years. You hear this all the time, but I want to thank you for exciting me in my God again for the first time in years. I find that as I share what I am learning in the Bible with my pastor, that my experiences are similar to yours, they debate the doctrines with me but never bring up scripture. Now when I talk to Christians I can hardly believe what I am hearing and wonder to God how a people who claim to be people of the Book can base most of their fundamental beliefs on Pagan lies. I was wondering if you think that most of the lies associated with contemporary Christianity were the result of St. Constantine's conversion and institutionalization of Christianity. It is easy to research and find evidence that this Roman Emperor outlawed the Jewish expression of the Christian faith and replaced it with his own religion, the worship of Mithras. This is where we get our celebrations of Easter (the conception of Mithras) and Christmas (the birth of Mithras 9 months later). I have a question about the nature of demons and the Nephilum. Believe it or not but this is not my primary concern or even area of greatest interest. It is only a matter of curiosity. According to the book, [Ray Replies] Dear Ryan: Thank you for your kind words regarding our site. Demons and Nephilum do not apparently have anything in common. Demons were "good teachers" in classical Greek. By the writing of the Septuagint they were thought to be evil spirits and thus are the translation of of "daimonion" which means "TEACH-diminutive." They are spirits of an evil nature that cause great harm and pain to those whom they sometimes possess. Nephilum is not really a translation. It is used twice in the Revised Standard Version where the King James has "giants." These giants are not the result of the sexual union of angels and women, but are the offspring of a man and woman. The same is true for the giants called "Rephaim." There were apparently clans of giant people in Canaan. (See Num. 13:33). Sincerely, Ray TODAY I TRIED TO TELL A FRIEND THERE WAS NO HELL LIKE WHAT CHRISTENDOM PREACHES THERE IS. I GUESS I DON'T HAVE TO TELL YOU THE RESPONSE I GOT. AND THEN THEY TOLD ME BECAUSE I DON'T GO TO CHURCH THAT I WAS GOING TO HELL. I TOLD THEM I CANT GO TO A PLACE THAT DOES NOT PREACH THE TRUTH. AGAIN I WAS CONDEMNED TO HELL. I TOLD THEM I DON'T THINK THEIR UNCLE DONNIE WAS BURNING IN HELL AND IN TORMENT BECAUSE HE DID NOT GO TO CHURCH. THEY SAID HE WAS IN HELL AND THAT HE WOULD BE BURNING FOREVER BECAUSE HE DID NOT ACCEPT CHRIST INTO HIS LIFE BY GOING TO CHURCH. THIS SAME PERSON THAT TOLD ME THESE THINGS DOES NOT LIVE A HIGH MORAL LIFE THEMSELVES, BUT SAID BECAUSE THEY GO TO CHURCH AND SAY THEY ASK THE LORD TO FORGIVE THEM EVERYDAY THAT THEY WILL GO TO HEAVEN NO MATTER HOW THEY ACT. ANYWAY RAY, I AM NOT COMPLETELY GROUNDED RIGHT NOW. I DON'T KNOW HOW TO RESPOND QUICK ENOUGH. BUT CAN YOU GIVE ME THE RIGHT THING TO SAY WHEN SOMEONE DAMNS ME FOR NOT GOING TO CHURCH? BELIEVE ME RAY I HAVE BEEN GOING TO CHURCH FOR YEARS, AND ITS PRETTY BAD WHEN YOU GO TO CHURCH FEELING GOOD AND BY THE TIME YOU LEAVE YOU ARE MISERABLE GOING HOME. IF YOU TAKE THE WORD OF GOD SERIOUSLY YOU WOULD LIKE TO HEAR THE TRUTH NOT WHAT SOME PASTOR THINKS IS THE TRUTH. YOURS TRULY, CHUCK [Ray Replies] Dear Chuck: Thank you for your email. All those who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. It is happening to YOU. What do you tell them? Actually, you are not obligated to tell them ANYTHING for not meeting with them. However, here is a Scripture that tells us what to do when we are entangled with those who do not believe the Truths of God:
There is your Scriptural reason for not assembling with them. God be with you, Ray Mr. Smith: [Ray Replies] Dear LeAnn:
A "LOG?" Jesus says to get the LOG OUT OF YOUR EYE! A log is A BILLION TIMES BIGGER THAN A "mote" or "speck"!! This is sarcasm at its finest!
This is SARCASM, Ruth. But it is most effective.
If I were to say this today with regards to the heretical and hypocritical theologians, it would offend many. What if I say, "The theologians that teach a a never-ending pit of eternal terrorism are a GENERATION OF SNAKES." Yes, I am more than sure that it would offend many. So you see, Ruth, my sarcasm's are really MILD compared to those of Christ!
Jesus did not answer their question before THROWING IT BACK INTO THEIR FACES!!
Jesus likened this woman to "dogs." That's what the Jews (not Jesus) thought of the gentiles--DOGS! Actually the Greek is "puppies" (very young dogs). But still, Christ called her a "puppy" a young dog! It worked, however, God gave her the wisdom to answer back with a little SARCASM OF HER OWN: "And she said, Truth, Lord: [TOUCH�, Master... BUT ... let's follow through on your own example...] YET the DOGS [puppies] eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table" (Ver. 27). And so we read this:
What a marvelous set of verses that is!
That's a little "overkill," don't you think? One could simply hold his head down in a bucket of water and accomplish the same thing. A "millstone?" Around one's "neck?" Drowned in the "depth of the sea?" Powerful, powerful 'sarcasm.'
They asked Jesus a question; Jesus asked them a question; they refused to answer; JESUS REFUSED TO ANSWER--Sarcasm!
Exaggerated SARCASM! No one can "swallow a
camel," but it sure works when giving us a perfect caricature of what these
hypocrites were doing.
Don't think that the Old Testament is without its fair share of Godly sarcasm:
Maybe I can scale back a little on my sarcasm, if
you think that will help get my point across better.