Welcome Tammy! So,glad to hear your story. I too had an instant relief there was no Hell. God had been dragging me before coming in here. I had just overcome a huge sin in my life. But, I could not believe he would forgive me. That, led me to thinking about all the diffrent teachings like Calvinist, Lutheran, Catholic , Fundamental Churches. He had me reading about all of those and others. I sat there that night and told God that this has me confused. Its kind of funny how the verse that God is not the author of confusion came to my mind.
Just, like the night he started to help me over come this sin. The verse that he provides a way out of temptation. Those were about the only Bible verses I could remember. But, he put those thoughts in my mind.
Little did I know, I was going to be showed the Greatest Love Story Ever Told. I had to confess that I never knew him. It still amazes me how he Loves. I really want to learn to Love like that . For sure, I do not have a love that pure. But, I want it.
I am so glad he brought you back and looking forward to getting to hear from you.
In His Love,