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Author Topic: A CONVERSATION WITH GOD  (Read 5652 times)

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« on: July 19, 2009, 03:30:03 PM »

A Conversation with God

man: God?.......what is the purpose of the bible?
                           GOD: ll tim 3:16 "all scripture is given by inspiration
                                    of God and is profitable for reproof, for correction,
                                    for instruction in righteousness."
man: what YOU say in the bible REALLY true?
                           GOD: titus 1:2 "..God, who cannot lie..."
man: will you REALLY do ALL that YOU say?
                           GOD: isa 46:10-11 "...I WILL do ALL My pleasure,...
                                    indeed I have spoken it, I WILL also BRING IT
                                    TO PASS."
man: what is it that you are actually doing....i mean WHY are we here?
                           GOD: gen 1:24 " then God said, "let us MAKE man
                                    in OUR image, according to OUR likeness."
man: but what is the purpose of us BEING MADE in YOUR image?
                           GOD:  ps 8:3-6 "YOU have made man to have
                                    dominion over the works of YOUR hands."
man: but the world is SO out of control, it doesn't even seem that YOU
        have dominion over the works of Your hands.
                           GOD: eph 1:11 "....according to the purpose of HIM
                                    who WORKS ALL THINGS according to the counsel
                                    of HIS own WILL."
man: so you are saying that EVERYTHING that happens, good and bad,
        is YOUR will?
                          GOD: isa 45:5-7"...I AM THE LORD, and there is no other,
                                   I form the light and create darkness. I MAKE peace
                                   AND CREATE EVIL."
man: but i thought you only created GOOD?
                          GOD:  job 2:10 "WHAT? shall we recieve good at the
                                    hand of God and shall we not recieve evil?"
man: why would you create evil?
                          GOD: heb 2:10 "For it became HIM (Jesus), for whom
                                   are all things, and by whom are all things, in
                                   bringing many sons unto glory, to MAKE the
                                   Captain of their salvation PERFECT through
man: so you are saying that you use SUFFERING to make us PERFECT
         (in the image of God)?
                         GOD: heb 5:8-9 " Though He (Jesus) were a SON, yet
                                  He LEARNED OBEDIENCE by the things which
                                  He SUFFERED. And being MADE PERFECT, He
                                  became the author of eternal salvation unto all them
                                  that OBEY Him."
man: so Christ is the author of our salvation?
                        GOD: john 12:27 "for this PURPOSE  I am come into this
                                 hour..." V32 "...and, if I am lifted up from the earth,
                                 WILL DRAW ALL MEN TO MYSELF."
man:YOU draw US? but i thought man had to accept YOU?
                        GOD:  rom 3:11 "there is NONE who seeks after God."
                                 john 6:44 "no one CAN come to Me UNLESS the
                                 Father who sent Me DRAWS him."
man: but what about MANS FREE WILL to choose?
                       GOD: JOHN 15:16 "YOU DID NOT CHOOSE ME, BUT I
                                CHOSE YOU."
man: and you only choose a few?
                        GOD: matt 20:16 "many are called but few are chosen."
man: that doesn't seem fair.
                        GOD: rom 9:18 "therefore He has mercy on whom HE WILLS,
                               and whom HE WILLS, HE HARDENS." v21"does not
                               the potter have power over the clay, from the same lump
                               to make one vessel for honor and another for dishonor?"
man: but i thought You loved EVERYONE?
                        GOD: john 3:16 "for God so LOVED THE WORLD that He
                             gave His only begotton Son, that whoever believes in
                             Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
man: but what about all those who DON'T believe?
                       GOD: I tim 4:10 "we trust in the living God, who is the
                             SAVIOUR OF ALL MEN, specially of those who believe."
man: so how can you save unbelievers?
                       GOD: heb 9:27 "As it is appointed for men once to die, but
                             after this the judgement."
man:  but what good is JUDGEMENT if you are going to condem most of
         humanity to the lake of fire anyway?
                       GOD: john 3:17 "God DID NOT send His Son into the world
                               to condemn the world, but that the WORLD through Him
                              might  be saved." rom 12:32 "For God has committed
                              them ALL to disobedience that He might have MERCY
                              on ALL."
man: so HOW can judgement save the disobedient?
                     GOD: isa 26:9 "When Your judgements are on the earth,
                            the people of the world WILL LEARN RIGHTEOUSNESS."
man: but what about the lake of fire?
                     GOD: heb 12:29 " For our GOD IS A CONSUMING FIRE."
                               I cor 3:15 "If any mans work shall be burned, he shall
                              suffer loss, BUT HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED, YET SO
                              AS BY FIRE."
man: so YOU are the FIRE that will consume mankind?
                     GOD: mal 3:3 "And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of
                            silver: and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge
                           them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the
                           Lord an offerring in righteousness."
man:  soooo.......judgement isn't going to be pleasant, is it?
                     GOD: Mal 3:2 "But who may abide the day of His coming,
                        and who shall stand when He appeareth? For HE IS
                         LIKE A REFINERS FIRE, and like fullers soap."
man:  YIKES!! that sounds scary.
                     GOD: duet 4:31 "For the Lord thy God is a MERCIFUL GOD;
                        He will not forsake thee, neither DESTROY thee."
man:  so....the end result of judgement will be turning the disobedient into
                     GOD: isa 45:23 "I have sworn by Myself, the word is gone
                     out of My mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, the
man: so there REALLY IS hope for ALL humanity?
                     GOD: col 1:20 " and having made PEACE THROUGH THE
                              BLOOD OF THE CROSS, BY HIM to RECONCILE
                              ALL THINGS unto Himself; by Him I say, wether they
                              be things in earth, or of things in heaven."
man: WOW! what a wonderful promise.  I wish everyone understood this.
                   GOD:  mat 13:11 "It IS given unto you (the chosen) to know
                             the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them
                             it IS NOT given."
man: but why would you NOT want ALL man to understand NOW?
                   GOD: john 12:40 "He hath blinded their eyes and hardened
                            their heart; that they should not see with their eyes,
                            nor understand with their heart and be converted, and
                            I should heal them."
man:  but I thought it was Your PURPOSE to HEAL (reconcile)  ALL THINGS?
                  GOD: I cor 15:22-26 "For as in Adam ALL die, even so in Christ
                           ALL shall be made alive. BUT every man in his own order..
                           for He must reign until He hath put ALL enimies under His
                           feet.  The last enimy to be destroyed is death."
man: so, you have hidden your true plan of salvation from most of humanity for
                  GOD: matt 13:13 "I speak to them in parables; because seeing,
                           they see not, and hearing, they hear not, NEITHER DO
                           THEY UNDERSTAND."
man: and during judgement you will......................?????
                  GOD: acts 26:18 " their eyes, and to turn them from
                            darkness to light, and from the power of satan unto God,
                            that they may recieve forgiveness of sins and inheritance
                            amoung them which are sanctified by faith that is in Me."
man: but what about all the doctrines your church has taught us about salvation
         and hell?
                 GOD: mat 15:9 "IN VAIN do the WORSHIP Me, TEACHING FOR
                           DOCTRINES THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN."
                           l pet 4: 17-18 " For the time has come that JUDGEMENT
                           MUST BEGIN AT THE HOUSE OF GOD."
man: so, Lord, what would you have man to do?
                GOD: ecl 12:13-14 "Fear God and keep His commandments,
                           FOR THIS IS MANS ALL. For God will bring every work
                           into JUDGEMENT, including every secret thing wether
                           good or evil."
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