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Author Topic: July 10, 2009 Continued  (Read 5461 times)

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Dennis Vogel

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July 10, 2009 Continued
« on: July 10, 2009, 11:31:58 AM »

Hi Ray,
Just needed to let you know (yet again), how much you are loved.
I know you understand, words just can not express our gratitude.
"Well done my good and faithful servant"
In Him, with His Love
John & Brenda

Dear L. Ray Smith
I don't know who you are but your website has been really interesting and a joy to read Thank you,  Sean

Hi Ray,
 I heard your condition is weak and you can only read and not respond to the emails.  I just wanted to let you know that I keep praying for your health and if God's will to heal you then it will be done. Let God give you strength to go through your trials.  I am forever thankful to you and the website for showing me so much truth and will do my best to help out with whatever limited resources I have. Please say "Hi" to your wife and encourage her greatly.

Dear Ray,
As you know there are many folks who are in anguish over your condition,
and are praying for a miracle. I do so hope and pray that it is in God's Will for that to happen. You have a brother here in Canada that has never met you. To me you are a man that I would love to have as a neighbor, a fishing buddy, as an employer etc., but most importantly you are my teacher, of God's precious truth. You know that I have had a long and hard life, but when I was pushed in the direction of your ministry, my burdens became a lot lighter. You and your family are in my thoughts every day. I love you Ray, Ches

I thank God for everything, as I know you do also.  I thank Him for things I
do not understand, but have faith that it is what is best for it is His
will.  I have always, since I first came across your works thanked Him for
you as His vessel, and recently have had the blessing of thanking Him for
your beautiful example of being a Good and Faithful Servant through
continued difficulties, even as it has become what appears to be a painful
end to this physical life.  I beg God our everything to cause a miracle
recovery for you so that your example would continue, I know that if it is
His will, it will be done.  I know that we can not reasonably have faith in
another man, but I hope you believe me when I tell you that I have been
grieving for your painful time, only in God given faith able to thank God
for these things.  Kimmie asked me to be sure to remind you of how you were
the vessel that matured our understanding of relationship with God, each other, and the world.  THANK YOU!  While you wrote of the definitions and types of what people call love, you have lived an example of Love for us. However through Jesus it may have been formed, we truly love you, and mourn for your pain.  May God's miracle be not only continued physical life, but one that is relatively pain free.  God is with you.  Love,  Bob and Kim

Dear Ray,
I am very sad to hear of your current status of health. I know you probably have a strong faith that does not see death as fearful, but it must be traumatic for your family and friends, and also for some of us selfish 'christians' who are keen to keep reading your God inspired revelations. I guess I just want to say, God bless you, and may He heal you if it is His will, and may He comfort your friends and family in this difficult time.

I am grateful to come across another uncompromising, truth seeking "rebel", that is, defender and searcher of the truth that is not afraid to stand against established religions and say “wrong!” simply by letting the Word of God speak for itself. I thank God that many of my own interpretations have finally seen some support by another intelligent and dedicated truth-seeker. Your knowledge extends into areas far beyond my own, but it is wonderful to read inspired Biblical revelation without major alarm bells going off in my heart (i.e. spirit).

Thank you for your inspired and valuable contribution to the Christian world, and may it heal the hearts and inspire the minds of many Christians to come.
May the Lord God bless you and yours,

I can't thank you enough for the teaching.  I can't find the words right now...just thank you and God bless you!  Dale

Well I hope you get well soon Sir.  The only thing that I know how to do is pray to God that he restores you to good health.   Maybe this just means I have to stop being lazy and search through the good book to find the answer myself.
God bless you Mr. Smith.    Mpho

Hi Ray, we are all so sad , but we will be praying for a miracle.
God has used you mightily for teaching us.
What a blessing all of us have received in learning from your teachings.
Till we meet, A student and friend, Terry

      My older brother first found your website a few years ago when searching for a reason not to believe in hellfire.  He eventually shared the site with me, and both our lives have never been the same.  We were raised in a Messianic Jewish home with good intentions but some confused doctrine that subconsciously tormented each of us in different ways.I wrote to you back then to thank you and you responded (which I am grateful for).  I wanted to write you again to tell you that I love you very much.  I wish you healing and the best with your current situation.  I wanted to tell you that you and your teachings have played a defining, pivotal role in my life that will always be an important part of my life story, and in my brother’s life as well.  Thanks again Ray. With Love, Dan

Dearest precious wonderful Ray,  I am so sorry to hear, if there is anything that I can do in any way at all – It would be an absolute privilege and honour, please would you let me know – In the meantime I will pray to God through Christ Jesus for your healing, we really and truly need your teachings and the truth, which is slowly but surely setting me free from all the bondage of Christianity – I really have been bound in chains of all sorts from there teachings and I have lost 23 years of my life to the dictations of their ways – God Bless You, God Keep you, God Heal you, God make His face shine upon you and give you health and peace – You are truly wonderful Mr. Ray Smith.                                            Kindest regards with great respect,     Kim

Hi Ray,
I just wanted to say that as heart wrenching it is to hear of your pain and physical torment, it is equally a blessing to hear your words of faith and determination.
Your life has been such a special one and one with such an incredible purpose and although I know how humble you are, know how highly you are thought of by MANY people. I am so proud of you for going outside and looking for other means to healing.  We were somewhat used to and comfortable in being different even before we were blessed by God to show us His truths through you and your hard work. My family, even while in Babylon, were considered a bit wacko for our beliefs in alternative therapies, nutritional help, raising our kids on real food and not jarred, no formulas, etc.
I can never begin to tell you how much your work has meant to our family. I only wish you could hear our children speak truth and see the contradictions in church doctrine that they still hear when around our closed-eyed Christian friends and family. But they hear it Ray. My oldest is only 11 and I know that you were a gift to her as well. Thank you for your hard work. If you can continue to teach us in any way, please do so. I can picture you with a tape recorder and someone transcribing for you. I know it is all God's will but we all long for more from you. You are an instrument of God's truth and we love you very much.
Be well. Get well. We are praying for your miracle.
Blessings, Linda and Tobin
God's Love Never Fails; Not Ever.

Brother Ray,   have been fighting this urge to send you this email for a while now. i feel that i will get long winded and consume an extensive amount of your time, but i can no longer hold back what i feel.
                 About 5 yrs ago while i was on my 3 week break between chemo sessions I "stumbled" onto your website. What a life changing moment!! I saw in writing a lot of things i felt since walking out of the church at age 18, never to go back. i am right now 56, so it had been a while. The truths i learned after that day has brought me closer to knowing a LOVING GOD, I KNOW this is something I never would have found in churchianity, because of their manmade doctrines stacked upon manmade doctrines.
                 I allowed me to come a little closer to an understanding of His desires of what He wants, what He is working toward, and how He is doing it.  He, I believe, intended for me to have some of the scales lifted from my eyes through your endeavors, this i have no doubt.  I have not went through nearly the pain and suffering that you are currently experiencing, but i felt the need to drop a few lines to let you know that you are in  my prayers constantly.
              I never knew how much I hated God UNTIL,  the revelation of the TRUTH, through Gods' vessel known as L. Ray Smith, and realized how much God loves ALL His creation, all that hatred left,  love took over and i can't even imagine the vileness was ever there.  What a joy it is now to know the GRACE and mercy that our heavenly Father bestows upon us now and it will pale at the grace and mercy yet to come later. These few words are but a drop in a large bucket to reveal the love I hold to for my Saviour and Father.
God Bless you Ray, I pray that Gods' will be done, and I pray His will be that more revelation and teaching be forth coming from His faithful servant.

Dear Ray,
I too am praying for your healing that God will deliver you from your sickness. Believers like us do need a teacher like you to clarify the true Word of God. Please keep fighting for us.  Leonard

Just wanted to express my condolences regarding your condition. Your writings changed my life. They also warned me away from the fools ,hypocrites and snakes that want so much to deceive. You brought me close to God and showed me what the scriptures truly contain. Thanks so much Ray. God Bless you.   Cameron ,   Penticton, Canada
My best wishes to you Ray and thanks for your teachings.
I have to tell you, I will never look at a kitten again without thinking
of you. We have a spoilt little ginger terrorist at the workshop. This
morning, after numerous attempts of climbing into the fridge when I got
milk for tea I grabbed him and held him up to my face. Yes, it took an
awesome God to create that little face. God took naughty and covered it
with fur.  I cannot imagine how you feel but I hope there is a kitten handy near
you to give you joy.  God bless you big time

« Last Edit: January 22, 2010, 12:26:35 PM by Dennis Vogel »
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