What if God meant ETERNITY and the reason ETERNITY was not in the Greek was because there was no word for ETERNITY?
In that case the King James Bible would be a better translation than the original Greek because they (supposing the King James Bible is inspired of God) were able to accurately translate (from God) what the Greeks were unable to do.
You wrote yourself on your website:
"It may be laid down as a rule that no language had, for some time after the first century A.D., any term to denote eternity." (Whence Eternity?, By: Alexander Thomson, p. 5).
Jesus bless you!
Dear Kenneth: I can't believe you would ask such a question. You are suggesting that God cannot make His message known in His Scriptures because HE LACKS THE PROPER VOCABULAR? That is nonsense. Just because there was not a word in any language that had for its definition "endless time," does not mean that the idea cannot be expressed in more than one word. Here's an example:
Psa 102:27 But thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end.
God does not need a seventeenth century English translator to correct His original manuscripts.
God be with you,