Greetings All,
I was led by God to Ray's website in the summer of 2007. What a blessing it is for me to be called out of Christendom.
It all started out just nice and dandy, Going to church and listening to all the preaching was a feel-good-time until I decided to read the bible. Then the light was shown on a dozen contradictions from the pulpit. I never considered my self a "holy roller" but I am glad I had the courage to say, "Hey. Wait a minute. They preach but the Bible says this? What is going on here?"
After much confusion and spiritual let down I left the church but would pop in periodically looking for a place that just preached truth. Every time I went to a different church it was more of the same doctrines and half truth preaching. I got very disappointed and felt hopeless that I could not be fed "truth" food. So I just stopped going to church and began to search for truth in the scriptures.
I once ask God, "Lord, give me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I want truth or no truth at all." After that prayer many years ago I went about my business living life but deep down I felt empty and grieved inside me for help. I kept searching and read the scriptures. God revealed a few heresies and false teachings coming out of the church.
These truths I knew:
The Sabbath Day: (Saturday is the seventh day of the week. Not Sunday)
Speaking in Tongues: (Not the gibberish I cannot understand)
Healing: (Not the falling backwards with convulsions)
These suspicions I had:
Tithing: (Force tithing a practice of Christendom welfare)
Salvation: (How many times I said to God, "Please let them have my salvation so they will not go to hell.")
Hell: (Is God really that mean?)
Going to Church: (The countless times I was told that not going to church will bring havoc in my life.) I would reply, "Not going to church doesn't mean you have to stop living."
I had struggles with guilt, more guilt and tormenting guilt. I felt I was not worthy to believe in God because I was out of place in a world where I could not fit with the mainstream. I remembered the scripture saying the Holy Spirit will show you all truth but believed it was for us in heaven not here on this earth.
Then it happened! The summer of 2007. God lead me to Ray. After reading, "In The Day of the Great Slaughter, When The Towers Fell," I felt the heavy burden that I had for so long be lifted and peace and joy began to take over. I tested Ray with what I already knew to see if he was legit and he was! Ray gave me more clarity to understand what I knew as scriptural truth. And the floodgates of truth began to sooth my soul. "You mean salvation for all? Cool! I do not have to beg people to recite a prayer to be saved? What a relief from wrong scriptural teachings.
The most important thing I learned after my journey searching for truth is that Jesus does set you free! He surely does! He is the Truth, the Way, the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings!
I pray that God will open the hearts and minds of those who are blinded by scriptural error and will be set free in truth.