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Author Topic: Hello again! I have been gone for awhile and had to register again. I am  (Read 7171 times)

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Jim Wilder from New Port Richey, Florida in the Tampa Bay Area. I drifted away from this forum and Ray's site and returned to church. It is an independent evangelical church. I teach a class called Starting Point and a Wednesday night Bible study of the book of Luke. Ray's writings and the posts that I read while here kept nagging at me (or was it the Holy Spirit of God). When I find myself teaching similar beliefs of you folks, the church is not always appreciative. I am definitely in turmoil so here I am again to listen and learn and make some major decisions. Thank you for allowing me back and God Bless. BTW, I was very shook to hear of Ray's illness. May God richly bless him. I also have cancer that many have not heard about. It is Multiple Myeloma which is a blood cancer in the bone marrow. It converts manufacturing of good white to monoclonal malignant cells which reduce your immunity. So I understand a lot of what he is going through. He is on my prayer list.


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Welcome back!

Be encouraged my brother you are not alone.  I have never attended any church services or any bible studies related to them after learning truths in Ray's teachings. 

I had this nagging thought feeling like I was not socializing as a Christian after I stopped attending church services. It was the social aspect of it that really bothered me. The music and the fellowship I enjoyed the most. It was very difficult to break out of custom and tradition in church services. It is the mainstream of this world. Going against the grain is different and it takes courage to not follow false doctrines and teachings. Everyone goes left and you go right. It does feel odd. Humans are social and nobody wants to be lonely.

Be encourage that God is leading you to the right road towards truth. Yes, it does feel unsettling for a while. I have a quote I use to deal with difficulties. "Bear the discomfort in order to gain comfort."

Our comfort is our Lord, Jesus Christ.

May God guide you and give you health.



Dave in Tenn

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Hi Jim.  I pray our Lord will lead you into all faith and assurance.  It's been a series of burnings of wood, hay, and stubble in my life since believing the good news gospel, and it's not always easy to bear.  I reckon anytime you suggest to people that even the tiniest part of their religion is worthless, they are not going to 'appreciate it'.   :D  The Lord will direct your steps according to His will.

God bless you as you deal with your disease as well.  I pray abundant grace for you.

Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Hi Jim,

Welcome back. It's hard to leave our old, familiar surroundings, and I believe that most of us here have had to go through that. Personally, I can say now that it has been worth it, as it was impossible to grow in the truths of God's Word whilst in Babylon. Also praying for your cancer, that God will keep it under control.


Marky Mark

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Hey Jim,welcome back.Its nice to know that the Shepherd found one of His lost sheep and brought him back into the fold. ;)



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Hey Jim,
Welcome back to the forum.



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aspects of organized church is tough. Many friends, entertainment and traditions. I brought my family into the church. I have baptized 10 people in about the last 2 years at my current church. Notice the entertainment that I metioned above. Much of the modern church is a business interest of marketing and entertainment. Even teachers and preachers must have an ear to hear. And the greatest teacher is the Word of God and the discernment of the Holy Spirit. I have long questioned man-made doctrines like hell, the trinity, tithing, and all the non-biblical traditions long before I found Ray's website. It is great to know that I was not alone and that many, many Christians were much further down the discernment road than I was. We must have an ear to hear. Amen. Thanks again.


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Hi and Welcome back.  I am so sorry you are fighting cancer at this time.  God Bless you. I will tack you on everytme I pray for Ray!! ;)


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draw tommorrow and then next Tuesday I have an appointment with my hematologist oncologist to apprise me of the results. Hopefully it is still stable and not aggressive. God is in control. God Bless, Jim.


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I pray the results are positive. I got this scripture from this forum. Thought you would like to read it for comfort.

Lamentations 3:31-33 (Contemporary English Version)

31 The Lord won't always reject us!

32 He causes a lot of suffering,
     but he also has pity
     because of his great love.

33 The Lord doesn't enjoy
     sending grief or pain.


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Hi Jim,

I'm glad you have decided to return  :)
Sorry I'm later to welcome you, some how I missed your intro.  Cancer certainly is a hard pill to swallow, and I see you are deeply involved in the church.  You have a lot on your plate, so to speak   I hope you will enjoy the good fellowship here and that we can give you some encouragement too.  I will pray for your strength to endure and for your healing.

Here are a few links so you can check out, there might be some new stuff since you were here last.

The forum rules, it will help you see how this forum is moderated.,3.0.html,4558.0.html,3614.0.html

Forum Indexes & lots of Info.,14.0.html

Ray's Videos,8227.0.html

Ray's Audios,2641.0.html

Ray's 2008 Audios,8256.0.html

Transcripts of Ray's Audios,12.0.html

Who Am I? (members pics and personal stuff),16.0.html

mercy, peace and love

« Last Edit: August 04, 2009, 11:15:03 AM by Kat »


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links. Yes, I have a lot on my plate! I thank God for the cancer. It got my attention. I am focused now and on fire for God. May His will be done. God Bless, Jim.
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