In my NIV Bible right after Mark 16:8 it says, “The most reliable early manuscripts and other ancient witnesses do not have Mark 16: 9-20�
What does that mean? Why or how was it added then if the early manuscripts didn’t have it?
Dear Kevin:
The Vatican Manuscript omits verses 9-20, as do many other ancient manuscripts. Some authorities totally reject these verses, some reject them but put them in, others know they were added, but added anciently enough to be inspired fragments, etc., etc. I can justify the verses with the rest of Scripture, so I don't have a problem with it. As Jesus plainly told us that His "words are SPIRIT," it follows that these words also are then SPIRIT, and hence are not speaking of literal snakes, but evil spirits, poisons of false doctrines, new languages of spiritual understanding, etc.
God be with you,