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Author Topic: A Little Leaven  (Read 6706 times)

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A Little Leaven
« on: August 26, 2009, 12:50:47 PM »

My Brother who is a preacher for over 20 years and i were talking the other day about the parable of a little leaven and because of my bad memory i decided not to debate it with him and so i sent him this from Rays paper Lake of Fire #4.the thing is i want my family to see and know these truths that i have been so blessed with but his reply has confirmed what Ray says about trying to get people to see.
This is what i sent him
Brother i found this in one of my studies also here's a link to that study.
A simple example: "Another parable spoke He unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened." Jesus didn’t explain this parable, so what does it mean? Most certainly understand that leaven (like yeast) put into dough will cause the dough to rise through fermentation. But what is the spiritual application of this parable? Paul tells us that, "Know ye not that a little leaven leavens the whole lump" (I Cor. 5:6). But who believes this parable? According to Jesus, the kingdom of God is like this parable of the leaven and the lump. The kingdom of God moves and works throughout the entirety of the universe until the WHOLE of God’s creation is brought under its influence. But who believes it?

The time comes when Jesus Christ will turn over the kingdom of God to His Father: "Then comes the end, when He shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when He shall have put down all rule and all authority and power … that GOD MAY BE ALL IN ALL" (I Cor. 15:24 & 28b). Then the whole lump will be leavened with God! Everyone—ALL. This parable is not literal. The kingdom of God is not literally "leaven in a lump of dough! These teachings are SPIRITUAL! They teach GREAT SPIRITUAL TRUTHS! Every parable teaches a spiritual truth. Unless you understand the parable of the leaven and the dough, you don’t understand the gospel. Because the leaven in the dough is like the kingdom of God and Jesus came preaching the "GOSPEL" OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD! You see, if the leaven does NOT leaven the WHOLE lump, then it is NOT "like the kingdom of God." Anything that does not involve the whole (everyone) cannot be "like" the kingdom of God. For anything to be "like" the kingdom of God it must involve the whole, the all, everyone, all mankind. Therefore Jesus said that the kingdom of God is "like" leaven that leavens the WHOLE LUMP! Aren’t these little parables just MARVELOUS?

His Reply
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The parable of the leaven teaches us that if we allow a little "false" doctrine to creep in by false teachers, that the  whole church will eventually be corrupted with that false doctrine.  This parable speaks of those of the "Old Testament" church trying to add the doctrine of circumcision to the doctrine of repentance through faith in the shed blood of Jesus for remission of sins; therefore mixing fallacy with truth.   
It has nothing to do with, nor does it even remotely suggest that all men will be saved.
It in fact teaches just the opposite.  If fallacy is allowed to be taught in the church it will lead the whole church away from the truth.
John 8:31-32 (KJV)

31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Matt 13:47-51 (KJV) The parable of the net

47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:
48 Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.
49 So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,
50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
51 Jesus saith unto them, Have ye understood all these things? They say unto him, Yea, Lord.

Those who hold false doctrines as truth are indeed in bondage to that fallacy and have not been made free.
Aren’t these little parables just MARVELOUS?

As you can see its a waste of time and i can now see its Gods will that it be this way.
Also did you see how he poked fun by useing Rays phrase.

(Aren’t these little parables just MARVELOUS?[/

Much Peace


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Re: A Little Leaven
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2009, 01:43:04 PM »

Not too many years ago I would of said the same thing Terry so your brother is in good company.  We have heard these parables for years and we think we know what they mean and because of it were not open in the slightest to an alternate or deeper meaning of the parables. 


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Re: A Little Leaven
« Reply #2 on: August 26, 2009, 03:35:20 PM »

the thing is i want my family to see and know these truths that i have been so blessed with but his reply has confirmed what Ray says about trying to get people to see.


Those who hold false doctrines as truth are indeed in bondage to that fallacy and have not been made free.
Aren’t these little parables just MARVELOUS?

As you can see its a waste of time and i can now see its Gods will that it be this way.
Also did you see how he poked fun by useing Rays phrase.

(Aren’t these little parables just MARVELOUS?[/
 Yea,he'll have his fun, but not at your expense friend,Terry.

Much Peace

I recently went through this with my older sis, Terry. I had sent Tahni every thing I had printed of Ray's teachings. I was attempting to tell her about God being Love and will save All.I was mentioning that there is no free will and she said her God is a God of love and He did give us free will. This was in her note that was tucked in the box of all the teachings I had shipped her. She didn't read of it, because she said she is confused enough.
Bottom line: until God has them see, they won't and we can't do a thing about it.I pray for eyes and ears to be opened, and in His timing they will.
Thanks for sharing Terry.
luv and hugs,meee


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Re: A Little Leaven
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2009, 04:24:30 PM »

I just talked to my sister a little while ago and during the course of our conversation she said that she is really not understanding something that is being taught in the church she's been going (imagine that!). She said there is a man in a wheel chair that goes there and the pastor said, "Everyone stand up! We are going to have a healin'!" Well of course the guy couldn't stand and the pastor calls out to him, "George! Why aren't you standing up?Don't you have any faith?" when she told me that I said, "What a crock!! that just goes to show you that pastor doesn't understand what faith is in the first place!"  I was able to share some things of the truth then with my sister..see God has to lead and when He does it will work!! I'm going to do some more sharing with my sister on how awesome God is!! :D
Kathy ;D


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Re: A Little Leaven
« Reply #4 on: August 26, 2009, 04:51:12 PM »

  That is wonderful Kathy! ;D

  My sister and I had been studying together ,though by long distance. So I thought I did have a go ahead from God.    Then again, she has had to have her internet disconnected for lack of money, so maybe God has let me know it isn't time for her to know His Truth .
Pleae let us have updates Kathy.


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Re: A Little Leaven
« Reply #5 on: August 26, 2009, 05:01:31 PM »

What's great is by one opening or another I have directed a couple of people to the BT website, I have a friend who said he's been reading some and a niece that I gave the website to and she will also help my sister get on and read some!! So whatever God does with that is fine with me!! Just have to be willing to share when we can!!! \o/
Kathy ;)


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Re: A Little Leaven
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2009, 06:12:12 PM »

Hello Terry,
It seems to me than in your brother's reply to you, he is stating  that the parable of the kingdom is like false doctrines.
Of course he also included the parable of the nets, in order, I believe, to back up the damnable heresy of burning people endlessly in some fabled hellish fire. His eyes are sealed for now Terry. You are not alone in not being able to help a brother to see the truth, Bluzman     


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Re: A Little Leaven
« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2009, 12:26:45 PM »

These parables really are marvelous. It is not hard for the carnal mind to see only that part which can physically or literally be understood.  "Context context context" How marvelous for those blessed to see the spiritual truth. Perhaps he missed the part where Jesus said " the Kingdom of heaven is like"    Bob

Yes, he missed it, his eyes are closed!
 Good oberservation Bob!


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Re: A Little Leaven
« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2009, 04:30:10 PM »

Thanks everyone for the replys theres no question he missed the spiritual meaning, heck i have to read and meditate on things for days sometimes to see the spiritual and most of the time i still don't get it but then i can be reading one of Rays papers or a reply on the forum and there it is a light comes on and i see it, ain't it awesome when God reveals his word to us its like warm honey to the soul,anyway i have a reply that a child could understand at least thats how it seems to me haven't sent it yet and may not i want to think on it for a few days, the thing of it is he's one that no matter what you're talking about he knows it all he would never admit to not understanding something, my Dads brother was like that i believe he got that from him, i think i just got my answer wheather to reply or not, anyway if he sees or don't see its God will, i learning to leave these things to God its not good on my spirit going back and forth.

Much Peace


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Re: A Little Leaven
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2009, 10:34:13 PM »

  My sister and I had been studying together ,though by long distance. So I thought I did have a go ahead from God.    Then again, she has had to have her internet disconnected for lack of money, so maybe God has let me know it isn't time for her to know His Truth .
Pleae let us have updates Kathy.

Hello meee,
She has to get her internet cut off during your studies.  Yes true maybe it is not in God's plan for her to know His truth right now.  Or could it be in God's plan for you to find another way to continue to study with her and grow closer.  No doubt it was God's plan for me to tell you this.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2009, 10:39:53 PM by Fester »
"Christianity began as a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. When it went to Athens, it became a philosophy. When it went to Rome, it became an organization. When it went to Europe, it became a culture. When it came to America, it became a business."
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