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Author Topic: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine  (Read 8273 times)

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Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« on: October 29, 2009, 03:56:42 PM »

For my birthday this past September, Jill (aka NoviceBeliever) downloaded all of Ray's available audios and wrapped them up in a nice CD case and presented them to me while we drove her friends boat along a lake in the wee hours of the night and early morning.  I have never enjoyed a gift so much nor been so addicted to listening to a cd(s).  I honestly have been listening to Ray's audios non-stop since I got them.  I think maybe I stopped and listened to some music and the radio for 1 day total out of all the days since the Sept 4th weekend.  Each time I listen to Ray speaking, I pick something else up or understand something just a little better.  Also, listening to these cd's each and everyday and every minute that I am in my car driving (anywhere from 1-3 hrs a day during my commute and any other time I'm driving to the store or friends & family, Dr. Appt's, grocery shopping, etc) really helps to keep my mind focused on God's Word.  It keeps my mind from wandering into depths of ungoldy thoughts.  I find it extremely helpful and never get tired of listening to them, even when I just listened to a particular tape less than a week ago, hearing it again is never tiring or boring.  I am so happy that God has seen fit to give me the mind to seek out understanding by listening to Ray's speaking at conferences and from his home.  I find myself upset when I've gone thru the entire series because I crave to hear more. 

Over the weekend, Jill & I met for dinner/sushi and she had finally downloaded her own set of cd's containing Ray's commentaries.  I know that she will enjoy listening to them as much as I do.

Does anyone else listen to Ray's audios over and over?  If so does it help them also to keep their mind focused on God and to protect it from wandering where it should not go?

When my Mom was an active member of the JW's, she and the Elders used to always say to me... "Bad Association Spoils Useful Habits".  That was about the only thing that I ever really agreed with them about as far as how to live a godly life on a daily basis.  they had all these rules and regulations about how men could not have a beard or earrings, etc because facial hair was a size of laziness/sloppy based upon society's standards.  Long hair on guys was a definite no no because then he was considered feminine.  Of course being a former Marine, I like having a high and tight or a modified low regulation haircut.  I've always liked having short hair so the long hair issues never bothered me but for a short time I did wear earrings and never thought it was feminine, it was just a fad but I noticed for people like the JW's who claimed to shun the world, they sure did hold onto to "worldly" views and enforce them within their kingdom halls.

One of the main reasons why so many of their young adults and youth rebel against their beleifs when they get old enough and start living a double life, is because they have been sheltered so much that they never can experience the world for themselves.  They are force fed the JW doctrine so they do everything they can that's sinful and opposite of the JW's beliefs.  then when it's out of their system, like the wayward son, they return and rededicate themselves usually by going to Bethel (JW's HQ in New York) to study and learn from the Elders there who believe they are members of the Elect Class.  They have their Memorial during Easter and you can only participate in the communion if you are a member of the Elect.  It's so sad that they force family's to disassociate themselves from one another.  People are so willing to throw away their own children in order to adhere to their rules and regulations.  There is very little compassion within the Kingdom Halls that I experienced but the gossip among the women is rampant and uncontrollable.



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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #1 on: October 29, 2009, 04:29:11 PM »

Hey Jacob,

                Yes, I do listen to Ray's Audios, over and over, unfortunately I tend to listen primarily to certain ones, the ones that interest me the most. Does All mean All, Foundational Truths, How Hard is it to get Saved, Can you Lose Eonian Life and God's Spirit, Church Government, etc. Yes, Bad Associations do spoil usefull habits, sometimes it's the JW that's the associate you want to avoid,  ;D, sorry just being alittle cynical. I copied and pasted the last paragraph in your Post, because it interested me and I made a comment on it, as to a Pyschological problem that develops from teenage JW'S. See Below!

  One of the main reasons why so many of their young adults and youth rebel against their beleifs when they get old enough and start living a double life, is because they have been sheltered so much that they never can experience the world for themselves.  They are force fed the JW doctrine so they do everything they can that's sinful and opposite of the JW's beliefs.  then when it's out of their system, like the wayward son, they return and rededicate themselves usually by going to Bethel (JW's HQ in New York) to study and learn from the Elders there who believe they are members of the Elect Class.  They have their Memorial during Easter and you can only participate in the communion if you are a member of the Elect.  It's so sad that they force family's to disassociate themselves from one another.  People are so willing to throw away their own children in order to adhere to their rules and regulations.  There is very little compassion within the Kingdom Halls that I experienced but the gossip among the women is rampant and uncontrollable

Unfortunately, more often than desired, those who lead a Double life develop what's called Borderline Personality, because of trying to be Two different people, one sort of person in front of the congregation and a different person when with Classmates, Workmates, Peers, etc. Sometimes, it's the only way they are able to emotionally survive.

                                 Kind Regards, Samson.


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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #2 on: October 29, 2009, 05:32:08 PM »

The recordings are more valuable then perhaps even Ray himself knows.  I listen to them several times a week myself.  Because of this I am really looking forward to the fall conference audio's and am praying that God gives Ray his mind on the subjects that are to be covered as well as his strength to carry him through the weekend.  Because of a dearth of good teaching available Ray's audio's make up the bulk of them for me.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #3 on: October 29, 2009, 07:20:32 PM »

I had a dialup connection for most of the time I've been at B-T, so that made me have to be fairly conservative in downloading and so I tended to gravitate to particular topics like Samson said.  Now that I have access to broadband, I find myself with much less 'privacy'.  I've also found myself struggling harder with sin, and spending more time meditating on, and living out, what I've already learned.

Happy Birthday, Bob!  I don't know yet if I will be in Mobile, but I am fully confident that this conference will be exactly what the Lord would have me hear then or later.

Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #4 on: October 29, 2009, 08:35:40 PM »

you mean....I'm not the only one? :)

It is a huge comfort to listen to Ray speak. I really miss his monthly home bible studies :(


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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #5 on: October 29, 2009, 08:59:29 PM »

Hey, I listen to them all as well!! I have some on my mp3 player.. sometimes I just sit here and listen to them on the computer..I too have my favorites, but I love them all!! Great stuff..I so appreciate all the hard work that went into putting all that on the website!! I know it was a lot of work..We never stop to think who does all that work. hours of putting all that stuff up and I know that Kat does the transcribing of all those tapes! Unbelievably great work!!
Kathy :D


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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #6 on: October 30, 2009, 01:33:46 PM »

I should also say "Thanks" to Marcus for all of his help.  He really help me get this together with his technical assistance.  Although I am still trying to condense some down to a 2 hours limit on CD-R and can't seem to get that one right, any thoughts?

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #7 on: October 30, 2009, 03:30:33 PM »

I should also say "Thanks" to Marcus for all of his help.  He really help me get this together with his technical assistance.  Although I am still trying to condense some down to a 2 hours limit on CD-R and can't seem to get that one right, any thoughts?

There are some "CD" players that will also play data files if they hold Mp3's (or even sometimes wma's).  It just depends on whether or not they were manufactured to do that.  Yours may (or may not).  If yours does (or you can find one that does) you can load up a lot more on a CD.

I think the same is also true of some models of DVD (and maybe even BluRay) players.

To test, just burn a CD in your favorite CD Burning application as a Data-CD (not a music-CD), making sure that all the files you are burning are Mp3, and plug it into your player.  It'll only cost you a blank CD.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #8 on: October 31, 2009, 03:02:06 PM »

As a teacher, I know that there are plenty of learning styles.  Mine tends to be...listen to a tape...then copy if Kate did the transcription and read and reread at my leisure.  I too, tend to go back to old favorites, but try to do all at least once.  I am the same way at the BT site.  Thank God for all this food.  I still can't feed anyone else very much tho. :P


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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2009, 02:27:02 PM »

I love to listen to Ray's audios. Most of the time I listen at my computer with my Bible. I read the Bible verses as he references and get so much more from his teachings. I am considering buying an I-Pod for myself thus enabling me to have more teachings available. I did have a memory card installed in my cell phone which has several of my favorites.

I love Kat's transcripts and thank both Dennis and Kat for their great work. It would be wonderful to be able to provide CD's of Ray's messages to millions throughout the world and my prayer is for GOD to provide.

I do need Ray's mailing address in Mobile. I sent a check to 502 Government Blvd, Mobile, AL 36692 which was returned with no such number and unable to forward. I am not able to make the conference but will eagerly await the audio and video. My daily prayer is for GOD to strengthen Ray and sustain him as he prepares and ministers to the many who love and need his teachings.


Marky Mark

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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2009, 02:49:18 PM »

I do need Ray's mailing address in Mobile. I sent a check to 502 Government Blvd, Mobile, AL 36692 which was returned with no such number and unable to forward.

This will help you Phil3:10. :)

And if you’re able to help please send your check directly to Ray:

Ray Smith
5052 Government Blvd
Mobile, AL  36693

Thank you,

Dennis Vogel


G. Driggs

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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2009, 03:27:30 AM »

Also, listening to these cd's each and everyday and every minute that I am in my car driving (anywhere from 1-3 hrs a day during my commute and any other time I'm driving to the store or friends & family, Dr. Appt's, grocery shopping, etc) really helps to keep my mind focused on God's Word.  It keeps my mind from wandering into depths of ungoldy thoughts. 


Very interesting you should say that JL, I was thinking more or less the same exact thing the other day. I noticed if Im not studying Scripture, Ray's papers, the posts here, or acknowledging the Lord in all I do, then ungodly thoughts and sin happens easier. 



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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2009, 05:49:26 PM »

So very TRUE!

Every day, I am finding out or more accurately being reminded of the simplicity of God's plan, purpose & Word.

By staying focused on God and His Word, it really does help you to walk the straight and narrow pathway.  We all know where that wide path leads.

By constantly keeping God at the forefront of my thoughts, my mind-frame focuses on prays and communicating with God.  Inquiring of God and trying to stay true to His plan for my life.  This helps me to continue to open myself up to His will and desires in my life.  Dare I say that it keeps my mind in a higher realm?

Since our carnal nature is enmity towards God, I find it much easier to shut the beast out if I've been keeping my mind focused on Godly things.  When I get vain & think I’m strong enough to take on the beast that’s usually when the beast is able to rear its ugly head in my mind.  Vanity is its food and if my mind is inundated with even the more innocent of wicked thoughts, trying to call on Christ to banish the murmurs of the beast is much harder.

I have yet to experience anything remotely close to what I’ve come to understand thru Ray & Bible-Truths.  Every day it seems I am given more and more truth to keep the blinders & ear plugs off permanently. 


Also, listening to these cd's each and everyday and every minute that I am in my car driving (anywhere from 1-3 hrs a day during my commute and any other time I'm driving to the store or friends & family, Dr. Appt's, grocery shopping, etc) really helps to keep my mind focused on God's Word.  It keeps my mind from wandering into depths of ungoldy thoughts. 


Very interesting you should say that JL, I was thinking more or less the same exact thing the other day. I noticed if Im not studying Scripture, Ray's papers, the posts here, or acknowledging the Lord in all I do, then ungodly thoughts and sin happens easier. 


G. Driggs

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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2009, 08:39:51 PM »

By constantly keeping God at the forefront of my thoughts, my mind-frame focuses on prays and communicating with God.  Inquiring of God and trying to stay true to His plan for my life.  This helps me to continue to open myself up to His will and desires in my life.  Dare I say that it keeps my mind in a higher realm?

Since our carnal nature is enmity towards God, I find it much easier to shut the beast out if I've been keeping my mind focused on Godly things.  When I get vain & think I’m strong enough to take on the beast that’s usually when the beast is able to rear its ugly head in my mind.  Vanity is its food and if my mind is inundated with even the more innocent of wicked thoughts, trying to call on Christ to banish the murmurs of the beast is much harder.


Yes I truly believe this is how we know God's will for our lives. By studying and practicing what we have read, seen and heard, constantly and consistently. Most importantly we have Christ to strengthen us to accomplish His will. Im sure you know, we can do nothing of ourselves. We may stumble and fall along the way but He is able to make us stand again and hopefully through this process we get better and better until the Day dawns. Practice is NOT perfect, but practice MAKES perfect.

I think denying self, denying the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, resisting pride and being crucified with Christ is alot like keeping your mind in a heavenly spiritual realm. Even Ray says that Jesus was in Heaven 24 hours a day while walking in the flesh on earth, in part because Jesus' mind was always on the spiritual and did not sin, and He did not make provision for the flesh, even though He was tempted in all points just like we are. And we are told to have the (spiritual) mind of Christ, right? His focus was always on the Father, and all His ways.

Good stuff JL, you helped me put some things into perspective.

Peace, G.Driggs

Roy Coates

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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2009, 11:50:38 AM »

I have them all on a 8 gig chip that fits in my phone. I work with them, drive with them, sleep with them and listen to them all the time over and over


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Re: Ray's Audio Tapes & Other Ramblings of Mine
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2009, 12:53:20 AM »

I listen to his audios from time to time, though I prefer to read his writings. How many gigs is that cd with his sermons on it???
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