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Author Topic: Only if They Knew  (Read 6825 times)

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Only if They Knew
« on: October 31, 2009, 06:58:03 PM »

My heart sometimes goes out to people that I do know and don't know.  Only if they knew what we knew.  I just feel this way sometimes and when I catch the bus everyday, I start to talk to them and then after that they try to avoid me or get angry.  I try not to debate even though I can do that well (one of the pride things that God had to burn out of me in the beginning of understanding God's Truths: another story in it's self).  It is just sad sometimes when I see people live there very lives and need answer to why does this happens and why that and we walk around (the Elect in the making) and know some of the answers to give them.  God has shown me through these last several months on how to answer a man in his folly and not to answer at times.  I am glad that God has shown me a little wisdom in this subject.  Before I was an, what Ray would say, "a religious hobbyist" trying to persuade everyone that I knew more about God than anybody in church but after you get stump and embraced a couple of times, it definitely will change your attitude.  I know these answers now but it took God's grace and embarrassment to learn this and trust me it did not feel good at all.
     Last night, my old girlfriend who is a "super saint" in church invited me out for dinner.  A couple of months ago, she kicked me out because her pastor said that us living together was not the right thing to do which I agree with that but the motive for her even having a conversation to her pastor was that I was trying to get her to change her mind about church.  I showed all the scripture that I could and she would believe for a week and then right after church, different person.
     Anyway I try not to say anything more about the Word of God to her anymore because I think I told her enough and I don’t want anymore arguments with her.  I ask her what was the most important thing that was in her life and she told me three things.  She told me school, her health, and her promotion at her job.  I kind of gave her a shrug as to there is another answer that I was anticipating and she said what?  I responded “oh nothing”.  She wanted to know if I was waiting to see if it was about our relationship and I told her that is not was I was thinking and reminded her what I felt about the relationship.  You see, I told her that it was more important that she learned the truth of God’s word than our relationship.   She got upset and said that I was wrong and that I was on my to you know where.   So after that dinner was not the same.  Whatever I talk about (mostly about the subject she brought up as being the most important things in her life) she got upset and after about 15 minutes of this, she was ready to go home.
     I say all this to say that it is my prayer that if it is God’s will that she will see the light of God’s Holy spirit and see what we see.   My heart really goes out to her and everybody in my family and friends.  People have deserted me and that is okay.  I have been humbled by it all after following Ray for almost 5 years now.  I have learned a lot and still learning and boy has it been a journey and I just praise God that He has changed me.  He has really brought me low with my pride and everything else and still more to burn out.  I am so blessed that it looks like to me that I am on the right track to prove that I am worthy of the Kingdom.  I have been persecuted hard especially in the last year and a half and Ray was right when he said in one of his sermons that if you don’t have any persecution in your life it is surely coming.   I used to want to kill myself when it first happened but through God’s Word,  I take joy in it now.  It still hurts but only for a minute or two and YES IT GETS WORST AND WORST but we graduate.  LOL! 
     Anyway, I don’t know why I shared all this with all of you except I know yall got my back because yall my family  and I think that someone needed to see and read this.
God Bless to all, Rob(blakparty)
P.S  I will pray for everyone who reads this  ;)


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Re: Only if They Knew
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2009, 07:50:53 PM »

Hi Rob,
I know it is hard to know when to say something and when not to...I'll pray that God will give you the right words to say to the right people at the right time! That is the best we can wait for God to tell us what to do..The worst thing is NOT telling people what you know..the WORST thing is to know that God is LOVE and to KNOW that He is an awesome Father and not reflect that in our lives..Now maybe that's just my opinion...that's usually just the way I see it! :D
Kathy ;)


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Re: Only if They Knew
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2009, 08:04:28 PM »

Hi Rob,

There's nothing wrong with loving people enough to want them to know the truth.

Thanks for sharing.



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Re: Only if They Knew
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2009, 02:13:19 AM »

hi rob,
thanks for posting your thoughts.  you never know what God will use through our posts that someone, somewhere needed to read.  i know that with me personally, when i am sitting at a busy intersection waiting for my light to turn green, i sit and look at all the people around me.  people in the cars around me, and people on the sidewalks, and homeless people.  and, i look at them all and then meditate on the fact that the majority of the people i was looking at, are not even aware that they are deceived.  kinda like, they don't even know that they don't know they are 'being blinded and made deaf to the Truths of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.  when you think about the Wisdom and Ultimate Promise, that is being exercised by God Almighty to bring His Divine Will into place in each of our lives, can blow your mind  :o 8).  but, it is our honor to show them all mercy and love them as Christ does.   mercy received, and mercy given to others, surely is our Father working in our lives too. 


Marky Mark

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Re: Only if They Knew
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2009, 04:23:42 PM »

the majority of the people i was looking at, are not even aware that they are deceived.  kinda like, they don't even know that they don't know they are 'being blinded and made deaf to the Truths of God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

I always feel gifted when we as Truth seekers can use the Holy Scripture as beacons of light, to the Truth. Then counterpart that, to the Truth. Don't let the world read this,because they will not believe.They would rather see you burn in a hell hole of eternal torment than believe the Spirit of Truth.

1Ti 2:4  Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

Luke 3:6 And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.

Isaiah 40:5 Then the glory of the LORD will be revealed, And all flesh will see it together; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken."

Isaiah 52:10 The LORD has bared His holy arm In the sight of all the nations, That all the ends of the earth may see The salvation of our God.

Psa 82:6  I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

Joh 10:34  Jesus said to them, "Don't your Scriptures say, 'I said, "You are gods"'?

Rev 22:17  And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

« Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 05:01:45 PM by Marky Mark »

G. Driggs

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Re: Only if They Knew
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2009, 06:10:08 PM »

I showed all the scripture that I could and she would believe for a week and then right after church, different person.

Hi Rob, the first thing that came to mind when you said that were these verses.

Mat 13:16  "But blessed are your eyes because they see. And blessed are your ears because they hear.
17. What I'm about to tell you is true. Many prophets and godly people wanted to see what you see. But they didn't see it. They wanted to hear what you hear. But they didn't hear it.
18. "Listen! Here is the meaning of the story (parable) of the farmer.
19. People hear the message about the kingdom but do not understand it. Then the evil one comes. He steals what was planted in their hearts. Those people are like the seed planted on a path.
20 .Others received the seed that fell on rocky places. They are those who hear the message and at once receive it with joy.
21. But they have no roots. So they last only a short time. They quickly fall away from the faith when trouble or suffering comes because of the message.
22. Others received the seed that fell among the thorns. They are those who hear the message. But then the worries of this life and the false promises of wealth crowd it out. They keep it from producing fruit.

Mar 4:11  He told them, "The secret of God's kingdom has been given to you. But to outsiders everything is told by using stories (parables).
12. In that way, "'They will see but never know what they are seeing. They will hear but never understand. Otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!'" (Isaiah 6:9,10)
13. Then Jesus said to them, "Don't you understand this story? Then how will you understand any stories of this kind?
14. The seed the farmer plants is God's message.
15. What is seed scattered on a path like? The message is planted. The people hear the message. Then Satan comes. He takes away the message that was planted in them.
16. And what is seed scattered on rocky places like? The people hear the message. At once they receive it with joy.
17. But they have no roots. So they last only a short time. They quickly fall away from the faith when trouble or suffering comes because of the message.
18. And what is seed scattered among thorns like? The people hear the message.
19. But then the worries of this life come to them. Wealth comes with its false promises. The people also long for other things. All of those are the kinds of things that crowd out the message. They keep it from producing fruit.

You prolly already know all this, but either way it is a good reminder. You planted a seed, watered it, now it is up to God, to make it grow.

Isa 61:11  The soil makes the young plant come up. A garden causes seeds to grow. In the same way, the LORD and King will make godliness grow. And all of the nations will praise him."

1Co 3:5  After all, what is Apollos? And what is Paul? We are only people who serve. We helped you to believe. The Lord has given each of us our own work to do.
6. I planted the seed. Apollos watered it. But God made it grow.
7. So the one who plants is not important. The one who waters is not important. It is God who makes things grow. He is the One who is important.
8. The one who plants and the one who waters have the same purpose. The Lord will give each of us a reward for our work.

The mass majority of humanity is not able to hear and see these truths, just those who were chosen from the foundation of the world are able.

No one told me of Bible Truths website, I was just feeling hopeless and very angry that an all powerful, all knowing God would let or cause "hell" to happen. The way Christianity put it made it seem like Satan was gonna win. So it seems after God put these thoughts and feelings in me is when the Spirit led me here. Praise God, all the glory is His! Sorry for shouting, it just makes me so happy He would show me and you and everyone here these things.

Everything and everyone is gonna be ok eventually. But man I get so impatient sometimes, I just cant wait till God is all in all, when all the garbage within all of humanity has burned away.

Isa 64:2  Be like a fire that causes twigs to burn. It also makes water boil. So come down and make yourself known to your enemies. Cause the nations to shake with fear when they see your power!

Luk 12:49  "I have come to bring fire on the earth. How I wish the fire had already started!
1Co 3:15. If anyone's work shall be burned up, he shall suffer loss. But he shall be saved, yet so as by fire.

Sorry for such a long post, but it just seems like an important thing to share and fellowship about even though it has prolly been said before many times here.

Peace Brother,




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Re: Only if They Knew
« Reply #6 on: November 06, 2009, 04:25:44 PM »

Hi G.Driggs,

The mass majority of humanity is not able to hear and see these truths, just those who were chosen from the foundation of the world are able.

No one told me of Bible Truths website, I was just feeling hopeless and very angry that an all powerful, all knowing God would let or cause "hell" to happen. The way Christianity put it made it seem like Satan was gonna win. So it seems after God put these thoughts and feelings in me is when the Spirit led me here. Praise God, all the glory is His! Sorry for shouting, it just makes me so happy He would show me and you and everyone here these things.

Everything and everyone is gonna be ok eventually. But man I get so impatient sometimes, I just cant wait till God is all in all, when all the garbage within all of humanity has burned away.

Isa 64:2  Be like a fire that causes twigs to burn. It also makes water boil. So come down and make yourself known to your enemies. Cause the nations to shake with fear when they see your power!

Luk 12:49  "I have come to bring fire on the earth. How I wish the fire had already started!
1Co 3:15. If anyone's work shall be burned up, he shall suffer loss. But he shall be saved, yet so as by fire.

Sorry for such a long post, but it just seems like an important thing to share and fellowship about even though it has prolly been said before many times here.

Peace Brother,


Very well put together, GOD gives to us as we can bear, in learning and testing. IS GOD GREAT OR IS HE GREATEST.

Joh 3:14-15 (MKJV)
14  But even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
15  so that whosoever (Who-So-Ever= Whoever Whenever) believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting (Eonian) life.

Joh 3:16-21 (CLV)
16 For thus God loves the world, so that He gives His only-begotten Son, that everyone who is believing in Him should not be perishing, but may be having life eonian."

17 For God does not dispatch His Son into the world that He should be judging the world, but that the world may be saved through Him."
18 He who is believing in Him is not being judged; yet he who is not believing has been judged already, for he has not believed in the name of the only-begotten Son of God."
19 Now this is the judging: that the light has come into the world, and men love the darkness rather than the light, for their acts were wicked."
20 For everyone who is committing bad things is hating the light and is not coming to the light, lest his acts may be exposed."
21 Now he who is doing the truth is coming to the light that his acts may be made manifest, for they have been wrought in God."

Jesus Christ Is Lord, To The Glory Of GOD our Father.

george. ;D



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Re: Only if They Knew
« Reply #7 on: November 06, 2009, 05:05:04 PM »

Once I understood the truth...that God will have all men to be saved and that eventually He will save all men I began to relax about some of these things.  It's much better to go through the lake of fire now than later but it is God who works within us both to will and to do of his good pleasure.  If they reject the message I leave them alone as God has not yet broken the fallow ground of their hearts to receive his truths.  I'm on quite a few different forums and I share some basic truths when appropriate and provide a link back to this place.  Most will ignore it but some do come here and are moved by the teachings.  We plant the seed and God opens the eyes of others when and as he wills.  I found out that once I understood that God isn't going to torture anyone in real fire for eternity that I could back off a bit and quit being so obnoxious with people.  The pressure to witness, do this that and the other thing is now gone.  Not to many years ago I would of rejected these truths and call Ray and all you fine people heretics.  Now I've been changed but all the haranging in the world wouldn't have gotten me to see these truths.  A blind man really is blind until the Lord removes the scales from the eyes.  It's enough to know that eventually all will be made right and that makes me free to go on and share when God moves and to leave the results up to him. 

G. Driggs

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Re: Only if They Knew
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2009, 09:24:42 PM »

Once I understood the truth...that God will have all men to be saved and that eventually He will save all men I began to relax about some of these things.  It's much better to go through the lake of fire now than later but it is God who works within us both to will and to do of his good pleasure.  If they reject the message I leave them alone as God has not yet broken the fallow ground of their hearts to receive his truths.  I'm on quite a few different forums and I share some basic truths when appropriate and provide a link back to this place.  Most will ignore it but some do come here and are moved by the teachings.  We plant the seed and God opens the eyes of others when and as he wills.  I found out that once I understood that God isn't going to torture anyone in real fire for eternity that I could back off a bit and quit being so obnoxious with people.  The pressure to witness, do this that and the other thing is now gone.  Not to many years ago I would of rejected these truths and call Ray and all you fine people heretics.  Now I've been changed but all the haranging in the world wouldn't have gotten me to see these truths.  A blind man really is blind until the Lord removes the scales from the eyes.  It's enough to know that eventually all will be made right and that makes me free to go on and share when God moves and to leave the results up to him. 

I know what you mean Arion. For the first year and a half after coming into the knowledge of Truth, I thought I had to tell the whole world, but my motives were all wrong. I was seeking persecution, and glory, in hope of securing my salvation, but hadnt realized that all I had to do was live a godly life (through Christ Who gives me strength), not in word only but in deed as well (walk the talk), and quite worrying about witnessing. By living a godly life, hating and withdrawing from evil, and loving and obeying God, then the world will hate me automatically. Wanting persecution or glory or the hate of the world should not be a motivator. I cannot get my own glory or try to justify myself, or even save myself, that is God's job. I was very excited and relieved when I first heard and saw this. Just rest in God and let Him do His work, it burns, but it is worth it.

Peace, G.Driggs



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Re: Only if They Knew
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2009, 10:09:23 PM »

Yo! Great post everyone.  That was the reason I stopped telling her about it because I feel as though that God is telling me to "let it grow" so I don't say to much anymore about it.  Yall have confirmed that through all your posts.  I love that I am so bless to know, believe, and live the truth and it took me three years to really believe and another two years to understand.  I still feel for people that don't know the truth and have mercy for them even the ones that have done me wrong recently in which I won't get into because I don't want to look like I am self righteous but anyway I love you guys (and gals) and I pray one day that I could meet some of you someday and one day be able to see yall at a conference.  I thank God for you, Love in Christ, Rob(blakparty)


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Re: Only if They Knew
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2009, 10:36:48 PM »

Arion, G. Driggs,

I laugh sheepishly (like a sheep lol) to myself when i see my brothers and sisters give this testimony. It is the same way for me and probably for everyone, and the world is blinded to these truths for a reason. I too participate very heavily on other social networks, amazing the amount of hate that comes from loving Christians; just because their everlasting hell is challenged.

Yes we burn daily, but only as much as we can bear to get out all the filth and impurity we still have inside. Thank GOD, for all that has come out already, whether at the Feast (All burnt out here); or LOF (can't take the heat now), we all will be much the better off.

(Deu 8:5 CLV)
So you know with your heart that just as a man disciplines his son, Yahweh your Elohim is disciplining you.

(Psa 94:8-15 CLV)
8 Understand, you irrational ones among the people! And you stupid ones, when shall you act intelligently?
9 The One Who planted the ear, shall He not hear? Or the One Who formed the eye, shall He not look?
10 The One Who disciplines the nations, shall He not correct, The One Who teaches humanity knowledge?

11 Yahweh is the One knowing the devisings of humanity, That they are a transitory breath."
12 Happy is the master whom You are disciplining, O Yah; From Your law are You teaching him,
13 To give him quiet from days of peril, Until a pit is dug for the wicked."

14 For Yahweh shall not abandon His people, And He shall not forsake His allotment."
15 For judgment shall turn back to righteousness, And all the upright of heart will follow after it."

(Pro 13:24 Rotherham)
He that withholdeth his rod, hateth his son,—but, he that loveth him, carefully correcteth him.

(Heb 12:5-9 CLV)
5 And you have been oblivious of the entreaty which is arguing with you as with sons: My son, do not disdain the discipline of the Lord, Nor yet faint when being exposed by Him."

6 For whom the Lord is loving He is disciplining, Yet He is scourging every son to whom He is assenting."

7 For discipline are you enduring. As to sons is God bringing it to you, for what son is there whom the father is not disciplining?

8 Now if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, consequently you are bas-tards and not sons."

9 Thereafter, indeed, we had the fathers of our flesh as discipliners, and we respected them. Yet shall we not much rather be subjected to the Father of spirits and be living."


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