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Author Topic: Are we really christians  (Read 6089 times)

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Are we really christians
« on: December 10, 2009, 02:44:28 AM »

Hello everybody,  this has been bugging me for a long time now, it`s that name or word, christian. I know what it means and where it comes from. How does God see this name or word. It does not come from Him it comes from man I sometimes think that anything that man creates, God hates. Ok, here we go, to be honest with you, and I am pretty good at that, I do not feel like a christian, I do not want to be a christian,(anymore) to me christian means you go to church where Christ does not dwell coz its made by hands and you pay for your salvation and believe what they believe. I don`t do that, and neither do any of you. :) christian is religion roman catholic, Buddha Allah, etc, these things do not come from God. There is only one way anyone one this planet can follow Christ, you must believe and teach the TRUTH about Him. and they or them millions of them don't do that. We are the ones that try and do that. And I am getting tired of getting punched in the nose because of it to my family, friends co- workers think I have some kind of internet God that's gonna saved us from hell. they say if you dint go to church your not a christian, I say, Halalua, exactly, bullseye. Does God see US like them, Christian's or does He call US Christians. I have separated God from all religions and churches in my walk with Him. I dont associate any of that stuff with Him at all. I like it that way. So, are we Christians or what, or can we somehow get a new name. It should make us all feel pretty good inside that God has so far only given us the power to believe the truth.
     Bless you all.   Ricky
Your heart is God`s gift to you, what you make of it, shall be your gift to Him.


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Re: Are we really christians
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2009, 03:15:53 AM »

Hi, I for one do not like calling myself a "Christian", but only because of what the world (and "Christians" alike) associate the term with (i.e. - people that go to church, people who believe in heaven and hell, people who are "born-again", etc, etc).

I simply call myself a "believer in Jesus Christ" if anyone asks me.

The term "Christian" itself just means "a person who believes in Christ", so technically, I guess we are all "Christians". But again, I just don't like what the term is associated with, therefore I no longer use it for myself.

Just my take on it :)


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Re: Are we really christians
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 08:48:52 AM »

I basically do what jerreye does.  When you start to present some of the scriptural truths that Ray teaches to others the first thing they want to ask me is what 'religion' I am or what denomination I am.  I don't play those games anymore.  I tell them I don't do the label thing anymore....that I am just a follower of Christ and that label is enough for me.


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Re: Are we really christians
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2009, 09:06:55 AM »

I also agree with the definition of Christian that's what we are. But because the word is synonymous with the doctrine of eternal torture, we are not looked upon as 'true Christians' by MOST. But depending who you talk to, if you say you believe in Christ, they'll think you are a Christian nonetheless.

I don't think it's anything to get in a huff about. The Lord sees us for who and what we are...He's not going to get any of us 'mixed up' with those who believe in eternal torture just because you call yourself Christian. I believe He's a litter wiser than that  ;)



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Re: Are we really christians
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2009, 11:15:14 AM »

Yeah, guys, the word Christian, I think just makes a distinction between people who believe in Jesus Christ as opposed to those religions who do not believe in Christ as the Son of God...That's the way I see it, too! So saying you're a christian really only means you are part of a group who believes in Him, not necessarily someone who follows Him!  :)
Kathy ;)


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Re: Are we really christians
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2009, 12:21:11 PM »

I, like the others, do not want to be labeled a Christian any longer because of the perception of many of what that means I believe.
I consider myself a Christ follower and that's what we call ourselves.



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Re: Are we really christians
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2009, 12:26:34 PM »

I'm with you.. I mostly call myself a "member of the Body of Christ".


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Re: Are we really christians
« Reply #7 on: December 10, 2009, 01:02:51 PM »

Why does this seem so familiar?  ;D

This subject has come up numerous times and the comments are always the same. Most members don't want to be called 'Christians' because of what other people's perception of this word means. They then state they refer to themselves as 'follower of Christ' or 'member of the body of Christ' or some other term.

But what about the members who actually believe in what the name Christian means? Are they wrong for regarding themselves in the true definition of the word? So many members state they do not want to be a stumbling block for other members but yet here we are again. It seems we like to spend more time finding things we DON'T agree about than that which we do.

I'll also say this: any term or connotation in regards to Christ that one calls themselves will ALWAYS be construed as one who believes in Hell. That is just how far corrupt Babylon is and how much the Lord is blasphemed in the nations. You can't get away from that stigma; most of the world thinks we're deceived, a cult, mislead, etc.

Now here's the key: IT DOESN"T MATTER!  :D  Thank God that He is more interested in converting our heart and mind instead of who calls themselves what. What one calls themselves can easily become an idol of the heart...on both sides of the argument. Let people think whatever they want to think about your beliefs and your 'title'.

Take comfort that the Lord is giving us all a NEW NAME that NO MAN KNOWS except for who that receives it [Rev 2:17].  :)



Roy Martin

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Re: Are we really christians
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2009, 01:09:53 PM »

Amen to that Marques.

Identity crisis? ???

« Last Edit: December 10, 2009, 01:17:15 PM by Roy Martin »


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Re: Are we really christians
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2009, 02:40:58 PM »

One other thing I wanted to mention: We should never ever act like nor think that we are better than others. We were all once deceived and members of the institution called the church just like most Christians are now.

Whether we call ourselves Christians or not, we should walk in love, compassion and humility towards one another, be they Christian or not. None of us were able to gain our status in God's kingdom of our own merits anyway.  :)

Marky Mark

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Re: Are we really christians
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2009, 04:26:36 PM »

Take comfort that the Lord is giving us all a NEW NAME that NO MAN KNOWS except for who that receives it [Rev 2:17].  :)



For anyone who is interested in the new name,an excerpt from Rays paper;

Be warned,one can get Spiritually fat from the hidden manna on this one ;D.




"To him that overcomes will I give to eat of the hidden manna" (Ver. 17).

That’s CHRIST, the bread of life from heaven, (John 6:48 & 58). I believe that even most nominal Christians would be agreeable to the fact that Jesus Christ IS this "hidden manna," and that it certainly is not literal food for the physical body!

But when we come to things like "the lake of fire which is the second death," the shout goes out, "IT’S LITERAL; IT’S LITERAL." Everything in the Book of Revelation is symbolic and spiritual. I will take a little more time on this next reward to overcomers, just to show how much spiritual teaching and understanding there is in every single word of Revelation.

And, "a white stone." That’s CHRIST. How is a "white stone," "Christ?" This "stone" is SPIRITUAL. Of what earthly (or heavenly) value is "a white stone" if it is a "literal white stone?" It is foolishness to think that these symbols and metaphors of Revelation are literal! Of what eternal value is a white stone with a name written in it? First of all, "stone" is not even the proper translation in this verse. I once thought it represented Christ, "the Stone rejected by Israel, that became the "Chief Corner Stone," but that is not the teaching of this verse.

The Greek word here is "psephos" and not "lithos" which is a large stone such as a millstone, tombstone, or building stone. A psephos is not a stone per se, but rather a "pebble." Gee, that sounds even less valuable than a stone. It’s a SYMBOL! It stands for something SPIRITUAL AND LASTING OF UNFATHOMABLE VALUE!

This particular psepos pebble was used in casting a secret ballot. Now notice what a definition of ballot by the American Heritage College Dictionary: ballot n. 6. A small ball [or pebble] once used to register a secret vote. Next notice this amazing definition in Strong’s Greek Lexicon, #5586. psepos, "a pebble (as worn smooth by handling), i.e. (by impl. Of use as a counter or ballot) a verdict (of acquittal) or ticket (of admission)." A BALLOT, a VERDICT OF ACQUITTAL (not guilt) or ticket of ADMISSION (not rejection)! The opposite of this white ball or pebble of acceptance, is to be rejected and turned away by being "BLACK balled."

Maybe this doesn’t excite you, but this little "pebble" is just pregnant with Scriptural and spiritual Truths! Here is an example where the symbols of Revelation shine like giant beacons in the night. No, this is not just some ordinary "stone" promised to the overcomers in the Churches, but a "ballot pebble" of "acquittal and admission" which has "a new name written which no man knows (Rev. 2:17)," which is "My [Christ’s] new name" (Rev. 3:12), and "a name written which no man knew" (Rev. 19:12).

This is a pebble ballot, cast in secret ("The Lord knows them that are His," even if the world doesn’t), to pronounce an acquittal. Acquittal means a judgment of NOT GUILTY! If we are truly, SPIRITUALLY, BAPTIZED into Christ’s death, then we are "…JUSTIFIED from Sin" (Rom. 6:3-7).

And "Freely JUSTIFIED in His grace…" (Rom. 3:24). Justify means, "to declare free of blame; absolve. Theology To free (a human) of the guilt and penalty attached to grievous sin," The American Heritage College dictionary. That’s ACQUITTAL! Whom ever possesses this white pebble is ACQUITTED OF ALL SINS AND ALL GUILT!

This pebble also signified "admission." An "admission’ is both the permission to enter something, and the price paid for the admission or entrance. Again, Jesus Christ is BOTH! Jesus Christ paid the ultimate penalty for our sins,

"But God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, CHRIST DIED FOR US. Much more then, being now JUSTIFIED by His blood, we shall be SAVED from wrath through Him" (Rom. 5:8-9).

And we can only gain admission and entrance into the kingdom of God through Him. Jesus said, "I am the DOOR…" (John 10:7 & 9), and there is no other. Jesus said to, "Enter ye in at the strait [narrow and cramped] gate…" (Matt. 7:13), and Jesus is the "door" of that gate.

And so this apparently, insignificant little white pebble takes on enormous spiritual value. Our pebble is "white," signifying the purity of both the Giver (Jesus) and the recipient (the overcomer). It is like a spiritual ticket that proves the bearer has been washed clean, forgiven, justified, acquitted of all guilt, and has a paid admission into the Kingdom of God, which Jesus verifies and signifies by His Own written Name! But it is not a literal white pebble with a literal name engraved in it—IT IS A SYMBOL of all of the SPIRITUAL benefits attached to being an "overcomer IN Christ."

"A new name written, which no man knows except he that receives it." [That’s CHRIST, Who] "…had a name written, that no man knew, but He Himself … and His name is called The Word of God" (Rev. 19:12-13).

That’s CHRIST, Jesus is "The Word of God" (John 1:1). The world often treats God’s saints as if they were heretics. Only those who possess the Name of Jesus Christ truly "know" what the name is and all that it represents. Not all who speak of the Name, have the name "written" within them. Men’s lips are often far far from their heart.

I already covered how that "name" is representative of THE PERSON WHO BEARS IT. To believe in THE NAME of Jesus Christ is to believe ALL THAT JESUS IS! And the reason we have a "new" name is because all whom are "IN Christ" are "NEW creatures [new creations]: old things are passed away; behold, ALL THINGS ARE BECOME NEW" ( II Cor. 5:17). We not only have a new name, but we become and ARE A NEW NAME as well.




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Re: Are we really christians
« Reply #11 on: December 11, 2009, 02:03:54 AM »

To offer "one more example" an excerpt taken from Ray's Paper titled, WHICH BIBLE TRANSLATION IS BEST?


One more example: Just what is the "the book of life?" The King James (and others) makes it sound like the "book of life" is a literal book that is in the possession of the Lamb (Jesus Christ). Hence people believe that Jesus carries a literal book that has literal pages in it, on which are written literal names of the saved saints. Here is how the book of life is presented in the King James Bible:

"And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb…" (Rev. 13:8).

Why is this book called "the book of life?" Most would answer: because of the names that are WRITTEN inside who are promised LIFE. Maybe then it should have been called "the book of NAMES." Whether we emphasize "the book of life," or "the book of life," both are wrong. Something is missing? What? The same thing that was missing in Rom. 8:28, only this time it is CHRIST Who is missing. Put back the missing word, and we have a WHOLE NEW SCRIPTURAL TRUTH:

From King James Version:

"…whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb…"

From the Concordant Greek Text (Page 713):


From the Emphatic Diaglott Interlinear (Page 8843):

"…of which not has been written the name in the scroll of THE life of the Lamb…"

This book is a whole lot more than the "book of life." Rather this book is: "the book of THE LIFE OF THE LAMB!" WOW!

What a Truth we lose when we "take away" the definite article "the" from this verse of God’s Book. Why oh why would God have to write our names "IN A BOOK?" How absurd! Do we think that God has a POOR MEMORY and FORGETS things if He doesn’t WRITE THEM DOWN?

No, our names must be written in "THE LIFE OF THE LAMB" or our lives are not worth anything. Here is how Jesus Christ is our "Book of Life:"

"For the law of the Spirit of LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS has made me free from the law of sin and death" (Rom. 8:2).

Our lives must be written in "The BOOK of the LIFE of the LAMB." It is "The Book of THE LIFE of THE Lamb." The book is the LAMB’S LIFE. The Lamb IS THE BOOK—JESUS CHRIST IS THE BOOK! When we "take away" from God’s "Book" we take away FROM JESUS CHRIST. We diminish "THE LIFE of the Lamb" down to a mere physical "book"—a book of paper
« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 02:06:43 AM by Arcturus »
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