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Author Topic: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!  (Read 6434 times)

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I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« on: December 17, 2009, 11:51:41 PM »

I need to ask my brothers and sisters here a favor, and this is not easy for me to do:

I have started something monumental. It is certainly difficult, but I am committed to doing this. Since I was young, I have been overweight. I hit 200 pounds in the 6th grade, and I never got back down.. although I came close once or twice back in college. I probably need to lose about 100 pounds now!

The time has come to change this, and I'm 4 days into it already. I am going to do this by simply dying to self and learning to eat just enough and not until I have all I want. For sure, eating all I want is how I got to be so big, and for sure eating just enough will be the biggest part of taking the weight off. I am amazed at just how much I ate before I started this and how much less I am eating already!!! YIKES!

And, although the weight has been slowly coming off over the last couple / few years (OK.. VERY slowly), I realized that the next step God has planned for me is to learn to control this area of life by giving it to Him. Sigh.. Did I mention this is going to be difficult?  :)

So it may take many months, and it may take a year, but I know God is leading me to do this safely.. and so I'm just going to do it.

And yes.. One of the things that God used to lead me to do this was to see how much better Ray looked after getting so much weight off. He may be sick and feeling terrible much of the time, but he looks far better than I do.

Anyway, if you feel so inclined, I would appreciate it if every now and then you lift me up in prayer or remind me to stick with this.

(Feel free to do this through my Facebook account or the Messaging feature here. The link to my Facebook is in my profile. This way we don't clog up the forum.)

Thanks everyone!



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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2009, 12:05:12 AM »

Just let me remind you, Jonathan that you are NOT alone!! You know it's going to be a struggle, but you can do it!! I have lost 25 pounds in the last 4 months and if I can do it anyone can!! I get discouraged and beat myself up because I want to be there already..but I know that God can help us do it! You, me, and whoever else he leads to do it! Not only losing weight, but just taking better care of ourselves all the way around! I have a long way to go myself and if anyone else cares to join in the battle of the bulge just jump right on up and come on!!!  :D
Eating more wisely, thinking more positively and loving yourself along the way! OUCH that sounded like Richard Simmons!! hehe!! YOU can DO it!!  ;D Hang in there, buddy! I'm with you!!  ;)
 :-X :-X to all that extra food... take that you evil twinkies!! hee!
Kathy ;)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2009, 12:06:29 AM by Ninny »

Dave in Tenn

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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #2 on: December 18, 2009, 01:17:16 AM »

You'll feel better, look better, and learn some important truths along the way.  Do well. 
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

Roy Coates

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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2009, 01:40:18 AM »

I am excited for you already. Just the fact that you are inspired to ask for prayer and encouragement speaks volumes. God is working in you Pil 2:13 to will and to do His good pleasure. May God sustain you through your trials. Peace


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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2009, 02:53:25 AM »

Don't forget lots of fruits and veggies!! ;D ;D You can do it!!!!


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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2009, 04:05:19 AM »

Jonathan I have  lost 50lbs. I started in March. I change just a few little things in my life. One, softdrinks (out) two, No eating after 8pm. (that's even too late for most) and third, I forced myself to eat 6 small meals a day. Instead of 1 lg meal a night. I was never a breakfest guy and I never had time for a big lunch so I would make up for it at night. When you wake up make sure you eat a Sm. breakfest. No time, eat a piece of wheat toast. it will put something in your stomach and also it will make your body start burning calories. It all comes down to numbers. One must burn more Cal's. than takes in. Sound easy, does it not?? NOT, if so everybody would do it. (that is, those of us who need to). Once you get into it and start seeing results, it will get alot easier. Good luck, and God bless.


Roy Martin

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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2009, 07:20:59 AM »

Hi Jonathan. A prayer has been said for you.



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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2009, 10:18:48 AM »

I certainly will pray for you and if I may you need to get a copy of Dr. Steger's book called 'The Nutrition Factor' if you don't have it already.  He appeared at the conference and if you have not watched or listened to his lecture I would do so.  In his book he goes into proper nutrition and will give you a good start on the foods you should be eating.  Quite often it's not just how much we eat but what we eat so it's possible to both lose the weight and to feel good at the same time. 


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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2009, 11:37:35 AM »

Sadly Dr. Steger's book is not possible for me right now. We are going through a major financial test of faith as well right now and just keeping food on the table and the bills paid requires much faith. Thankfully God is continually providing.. even if it is just a little bit at a time. I can be thankful that today there is enough, and that we have heat, clothes, food and a home.

I really do have to do this the old fashioned way.

But, I do thank all of you for your support. So far I am behaving today.  :)


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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2009, 12:23:04 PM »'ll be ok, my friend..God is with you, He always provides just what you need, without a doubt!
watch this one with your babies, Jonathan! ;) ;)


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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2009, 12:29:45 PM »

Hey Rockdude,

                     I sent a PM to you.



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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2009, 02:56:21 PM »


I pray that you will succeed in your undertaking.

I just feel like I want to give you a word of caution.  The problem with overweight is not a problem of eating too much only.  There is a certain fat percentage that we all have naturally.  Mine is very low, about 4%.  I can, therefore, eat anything I want and will never gain weight (did you ever think about how some people can eat anything and not gain a pound?).

My brother's is about 33%.  He'll gain weight just by looking at food, so to speak.  This is a scientific fact.  Now what disturbs me in today's society is the marking of the "obese", the constant banging on T.V., radio, and just all over media about how "fat" people are responsible for being fat, and what slobs they are, providing zero scientific facts to back it up.  That's not true, at least not all the way, there are many other factors involved here such as genetic. 

This is done by Department of Health, the Nanny state, especially the "righteous" one in our city of New York, and other self-interest groups under the guise of "public health".  A disturbing trend which grows now even globally.  They marked smokers, "obese", and other groups, and this sort of marking is really SOCIAL ENGINEERING, as a result calling milk evil, calling cheese evil, calling meat evil, calling flour evil, calling essentially all foods that God made for our consumption EVIL.  All this truly disturbs me.

So, proceed with education, wisdom, and prayer.  Do not place yourself in prison made by human hands.  I'd rather be in God's prison, anytime.

Love, Ingrid.



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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #12 on: December 18, 2009, 09:21:09 PM »

Hi,  I will be right in there with you. I have been doing what you are doing. Darren is so right. We need to eat small meals. We need not to skip. It makes your more hungry and messes with the metabolism.

I will pray for you . You already know God will be with you every steip of the way.

If, I skip a meal my sugars go up. I have learned that I need not do that. Stress has the way of making me not want to eat. So that messes my sugars up. I was taking lots of insulin and my diabetic pills. I have been down to just the diabetic pills most days. If, I am stress my diabetes goes up or if ill.

It is a hard battle, but we have God on our side.

In His Love,


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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #13 on: December 19, 2009, 08:57:29 AM »

Wow.. You all are quite encouraging! I just reread everything this morning (here and the e-mails and messages I've received separately), and it really does give me motivation to stick with it today... So thank you!  :)

It's nice to have family!!



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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #14 on: December 19, 2009, 02:11:02 PM »

Praying that God will guide you and help you stick to your diet, Jonathan.



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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2009, 03:18:48 AM »

Geoff, hows you diet going? small meals, low cal, low sodium, 8 glasses of water and no eating after 8pm. OH no sodas you would not believe the weight my wife lost just from cutting out all the cokes she was drinking daily. She stopped the reg cokes and went to coke zero, man she knocked off 15 lbs in 2mos. Just a thought.



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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2009, 08:57:41 AM »

So far I am mostly behaving. It's not easy when everyone around me is having holiday parties, and celebrating with big giant feasts. Add to this the blessing of having cookies and sweets showing up at my door from a couple of relatives and customer / friends of mine.. and it becomes VERY difficult to behave.

But.. God makes the way! I do not in myself have the will power to lose this weight. This comes from God. He has given me a mission, and thus He has given me the ability to do this, but only if I learn obedience. And even when I eat a little more than I should, I have been learning to put my plate down and stop when before I would have finished all I had and likely had some more. In my 47+ years, I have NEVER been able to do this until now.

I've cut my carbs way down, which is helping me sleep a bit better too. I've had some serious sleep issues for quite some time now, and any improvement here is a HUGE blessing to me!

I don't drink soda / pop very often, so giving that up was easy, despite the fact that they just brought Pepsi Throwback back into the stores made with real sugar instead of HFCS, and this time it even looks like Pepsi! (the old red, white & blue cans are back!).

(At least the Coconut M&Ms are no longer in the stores locally.. Those were DANGEROUS! LOL!)

Ahh.. I guess this wouldn't be work if there were no temptations along the way.  ;)
Somehow I limited myself to only one cookie, too.. instead of a small stack.

I won't be having any more. The children can have them now. :)

Again, THANK YOU for the encouragement so many of you are giving me: Here, by e-mail / PM, and on Facebook. I no longer feel like I'm doing this alone. God sends me encouragement through many of you, and now this journey doesn't look so ominous or difficult. It really does help!


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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2009, 09:24:14 AM »

Jonathan..the evil m&m's! I never could find the coconut ones so that's good for me!!
The cookies try to hunt me down, too! You're right..God will help you!! I've been looking for the Pepsi Throwback and can't find that either..God is keeping it away from me!!  :D
keep on keepin' on, buddy! YOU can do this and GOD is making it possible!!
Kathy ;)


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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2009, 05:39:47 AM »

Your doing great man. Keep it up. It's really hard around this time of the yr. If you can hang in there now, It will get better after the 1st when all this nonsense is over.



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Re: I need some encouragement - Weight Loss!
« Reply #19 on: January 01, 2010, 11:06:11 PM »


I'm hanging in there and am sticking to my plan. My clothes are looser, I'm now sleeping significantly better, and I see little places where I can safely cut back a little further with my eating.

I am AMAZED at how much food I used to eat. So much for all things in moderation. I thought I was eating right and healthy, and I did not see how I was letting my flesh control this part of me. Now it also has to come under subjection to the will of God.

One day at a time...

And BTW.. I am amazed at the number of you who have written me privately or through Facebook with your comments and encouragement. Thank you! :)
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