I'm going to start keeping a closer eye on the Off-Topics subforum. We have a 'child' forum for inspirational posts, and it's my intention to move threads which fall into that category there. Inspirational posts which conflict with teaching at Bible Truths will be deleted. Political opinion and some other controversial topics have no place at B-T at all.
Speaking as a member, and not as a moderator, I wish there was less email copy-n-pasting here in the Forum. As a member, I struggle to keep from falling back into babylonian lies, assumptions, and points-of-view. Much of what gets forwarded in mass emailings is just that--lies, assumptions, and ideological points of view. When we propogate these things, we ought to be mature enough to recognize these emails for what they are. This maturity should be expected from both the READER and the POSTER.
To my mind, copy-and-pasting is not fellowship. It's annoying (and even dangerous) in email. It can be considered rude, even illegal, to post somebody else's creative work without attribution and/or permission. It seems to me to be antithetical to fellowship here, as each of us has been drawn to Truth from where we each were, and each is moving on to the higher calling of the Lordship of Christ and the Kingdom of God. To be honest, I don't know why we need 'devotionals'. That's just me, though.
Speaking as a moderator, I hope to do a better job of seperating other off-topic' subjects from 'light hearted and fun' posts.