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Author Topic: Praying for pets  (Read 13655 times)

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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #20 on: September 15, 2006, 12:32:20 AM »


In your post you mentioned John Hagee's statement about praying for pets.  Considering the "fruit" I see coming from him... Well, I think I'll stop there.

I never understood why some Christians are so opposed to praying for their pets. Does anyone know why?

Considering that even our individual prayers are caused by God.  I believe that the people you are referring to simply have not been given the eyes, ears and hearts to appreciate the gifts that our pets are. He uses them in just as many ways as he does people in our lives.  At this point in my life, I see where he uses them in ways that people just wouldn't work. 

I could write so much more on this, but I'm not sure that others can see and understand yet.  What do you think?

As for me... I will always be thankful for the pets God has sent into my life. All that he has taught me thru them. And the comfort, love, and companionship he has given to me by placing them in my care.

Do I pray for my pets?  Yes... I can't remember a time when I didn't.  I can't think of a reason why I wouldn't.




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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #21 on: September 15, 2006, 07:43:32 AM »

Hiya All

I have a little cavalier spaniel, her name is Holly. I didn't pick her, she picked me. I took my niece to 'go see the puppies' Let me assure you I had no intentions of buying a dog.
[my thinking then was; Who needs the hassle of walking, feeding, caring for etc. I'd just got a newfound freedom after my kids had left home, why waste it on a dog?]
When we were there, this little pup in particular kept pulling at the hem of my jeans. I put her away from me a couple of times, but she even followed me to the kitchen of the house,[tsk] so, I picked her up.....................well, the rest is history as they say. As she sat there, in the palm of one hand, looking at me with those sincere 'dinner plate' eyes, any thought of personal freedom without a pet was doomed!

I have to say what we all know already, What an amazingly clever God we have. He would know even then, that when my loved one killed himself, [a year later] that I would absolutely need, a reason to get up every day, go out, [she needs to toilet] go to the shops, [and meet folk on the way] There was no person who could penetrate through the darkness and broken-ness that was in me at the time [much as I loved them too] Had I not had Holly, I would never have got up again, it was all too much and I'd thrown in the towel. God was having none of it, by giving me Holly, He made sure I would go on because ultimately he knew that no matter how bad I was, I would never let an animal suffer by neglect or starvation and would get up and tend to her needs before thinking about my own.

As it was, she knew something was very wrong. She stayed close, was not as mischeivous as normal, and cuddled in at every opportunity. Can you believe it? drawing a lot of strength from a DOG? I certainly wouldn't have thought so before. Mind you, I wouldn't have thought of a lot of things before that time.

I believe I learned a lot about God in that time, through her. So yes, I pray to God to keep her safe but if it is His will to take her from me, then to give me the strength to cope with it.
I agree that there are a lot of things wrong in the world that we should remember in our prayers, but I ask, would NOT praying for our much loved animals make it a better place? I for one , doubt it.




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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #22 on: September 15, 2006, 12:52:12 PM »

All you all's posts are so great! I am so glad...even more...that this thread came up. I'll never forget how when I moved (for 6 months on a whim) to Houston from New York I was so lonely until I went to the ASPCA and got myself a cute mutt puppy, and then another and then another. When I moved back home to New York I took the first puppy (then about 8 months old) back with me...honestly I don't know what I would have done without those puppies.

Certainly God considers animals (and plants and rocks and anything else He created). Before the flood, there was no enmity between people and animals (it was only after the flood that God put enmity between people and animals--Genesis 9:2-3) In fact the animals Noah put onto the ark were in fact chosen by God (as all the other animals as well as people were corrupt before God). Not only that, but Genesis 9:5 proves that God gives (again) dominion over animals to where He holds us responsible not only for lives we take of people but animals as well. Futher, when God established His covenant with Noah, he also established it with the surviving animals! Thus, when species go extinct, God will hold us responsible. And then in Revelation God will "...destroy them that destroy the earth," holding us accountable for all the environment as well.

On the other hand in the original post it says John Hagee says not to pray for animals. He also preaches the rapture, preaches tithing, preaches eternal damnation, preaches becoming is obvious to me that perhaps on this score as well we should consider doing the opposite! As related by the Bible posted above, Christ said to bring the good news to all CREATURES.

Out here in far west Texas, enjoying the cats and hamster and fish, and enjoying the deer and the javelinas and the racoons and the foxes and the burros and the quail and doves and all sorts of birds and even ths skunks and from a safe distance the mountain lions and bears...



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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #23 on: September 15, 2006, 02:43:49 PM »

Wow! This is an old thread I started way back when ... thanks, Rosie, for reviving it.  :)

God has taught me about His heart through my cats. One time my Bethany was scared and tried to run away. When I finally caught her, I told her, "Anytime you're scared, just run to me and you'll be safe. There is no safer place than in my arms." Right then, God whispered the same thing to my spirit.

They can also comfort like no one else. When my Twinkles was diagnosed with diabetes, I felt so bad for her that I sat down in my room, put my head on the bed and cried. Next thing I knew, there was Twinkles, sitting in front of my face. She put her paw on my arm and looked so intently into my eyes, it was if she was looking into my very soul. If there's such a thing as angels taking the form of cats, she is one.

I was listening to Ray's message from the conference, and he was talking about what a blessing his cats are.

So, to those who think this thread is ridiculous and a waste of time (you know who you are), maybe you should take another look at God's beautiful creatures and let Him show you His heart.



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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #24 on: September 15, 2006, 03:30:46 PM »

Hi Sandy,

I like your perspective on this.

The kind of love we recieve from God has no boundries. It doesn't stop at the kennel, or the forest. These are Gods creations, and we must respect them as such. Why not pray for them?

In defense of some who may think otherwise. This is speculation, but I feel I must say it.

Unlike birds or dogs or any other animal, we as people have expectations. Animals do not. Often, these expectations are not realized, and this can harbour bitterness and frustration in our hearts. These hearts cannot fathom the concept of praying for animals when they feel that even their smallest desires have gone unrealized. It falls back to the "it isn't fair" doctrine. For some, that type of concern IS rediculous, when they look at the big picture.

Pray for an animal when there is so much suffering going on in peoples lives and in MY life? Are you JOKING?
Its really not that hard to understand, if you think about it.

I see that attitude as a symptom. There is an underlying cause for it, and an associated effect. In other words...reaction. I don't think they hate animals, but it may appear that way. In that case, I say pray for them first, and then for our loving animals which God so graciously provided  for our comfort.

That is my amateurish freudian analysis. I don't think anyone meant harm, let us not assume that anyway. But I agree, expressions of disagreement can come in all forms, why not temper them with understanding and patience.

You are to change the channel if you don't like the show thats on, this forum has LOTS of channels.

I only prayed for my animals once. I had a sheltie who was dying, and I prayed that he would die soon so as to releive his suffering, within 30 seconds, he died in my arms. God showed mercy to us both in that moment.



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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #25 on: September 16, 2006, 02:45:50 PM »


I think you misunderstood me. I re read my post and I can see why.

I was defending someones position who might say that praying for animals was a waste of time, or not scriptural or whatever. I was saying that I can understand HOW they feel when they might say that.

I myself, love animals, and have had quite a few. I don't pray for animals, but see nothing wrong with it at all, that was really the point I was trying to convey.

The whole point of my post was a poorly written attempt to explain why someone may NOT pray for animals or agree with it.

I'm not an animal hater didn't think that did you brother?

As far as priorities. I know people who put their animals before people. I have seen them do it. If their cat, and me...fell off a bridge at the same time, I have no doubt that they would save the cat FIRST.

As far as expectations. I don't think animals have expectations, that left unrealized fester into bitterness, I would agree with purpose though.

I hope that clears it up, I don't like misunderstandings.

Love and PEACE,



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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2006, 04:02:24 PM »


I feel alot better now, I really get upset when I think I may have offended someone. You owe me no apology, but thanks for saying that. I will as always, continue to pray for you and your family during these trials you are having.

I was really tring to defend both positions, but did it very badly. I apologize to anyone who took my post wrong or was offended. The truth is, I do love animals. When I was six years old, I killed a butterfly, and was so upset I cried for two weeks. My folks though I had some type of mental problem, but I was just feeling so guilty about having destroyed something so beautiful, that I could never replace. My daughter won't even let me kill bugs, so shes a lot like I was. I love all of Gods creations. I should have expressed myself better in that post. I will try harder not to be so ambiguous when I write.

Here is the funny part. I'm a professional writing major. You would THINK I'd be able to write complete sentences that someone can understand. My future as an attorney who can't write would appear rather be it.

Love and God bless,


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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2006, 10:21:18 PM »

"Lord a mercy" you know we need lawyers like you!  (As an English major and a teacher I knew (sorta) what ya meant!)

PS. All my pets are the kids "brothers & sisters"- I think it says so in Ecclesiastes ;)



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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #28 on: September 21, 2006, 01:39:03 AM »

God takes notice when even a sparrow falls to the ground,I have two cats and two dogs and they make pretty good freinds,my kitten got lost and I asked God to please take care of him and three weeks later he was back at home safe and sound and I still have him he's really my favorit pet his name is Thomas he talks to me first thing when i get up meow meow he says it almost lovingly,he came in tonight with a hurt paw I felt sorry for him,I think God loves all His creation and feels for all His creation when it hurts and so should we........Jerry


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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #29 on: September 21, 2006, 11:08:06 AM »

i pray everyday that someone will take my 3 legged cat :D :-* ;) :o   LOL

she's a pain  heee heee


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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2006, 01:28:56 PM »

You know, animals can be such a comfort to us. They don't talk, they love us no matter what and they even make us laugh! I 've got 2 cats and a little dog that belonged to my Daddy.


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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2006, 04:16:20 PM »

You know, animals can be such a comfort to us. They don't talk, they love us no matter what and they even make us laugh! I 've got 2 cats and a little dog that belonged to my Daddy.


That is SOOO true! Whenever I'm crying in my bedroom, Twinkles, my kitty, knows just what to do. She puts her paw on my arm, gets her little nose as close to my face as possible, and looks deeply into my eyes. She stays there until I stop crying. I always say, if there's such a thing as angels taking the form of cats, she is one of them.

BTW, no human being (other than my parents) has ever provided more love and comfort to me than she has. So if I love her more than I do most people, there is good reason. People in general are difficult to love; she is not.



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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #32 on: September 25, 2006, 05:04:53 PM »

Hi SandyFla

I think you will really enjoy what for me, God has to say about this....Here it is!.....

"A consistently righteous man regards the life of his beast...." Proverbs 12:10

If the heavens can proclaim His Glory then we as humans can praise Him for the joy we recieve via His gifts of life we recieve from Him in the form of animals, plants and flowers and all the beauty of His great and marvelous handiwork. Why not?...we should acknowledge God for everthing! especially those things that bring us joy!... 



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Re: Praying for pets
« Reply #33 on: September 25, 2006, 06:54:54 PM »

Amen, Arcturas!

I see God's beauty all around me, even in my cats. They've taught me so much about God's love, forgiveness and acceptance. Like Ray said, I see God when I look at them.

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