Hannah Grace is better and she's on her way home!!! Thank you God!!! I guess she had a virus..she's feeling much better! Her parents send thanks to all who have prayed for them..Anyone who gets updates from her caringbridge page already probably know but for those who don't visit her page...thank you all for praying for Hannah Grace and especially for praying peace and comfort over her family!
The reason I don't post about many other children like I used to is because my brain and my heart can only process so much pain and suffering, but I know our Father is aware of all of it! So I have mainly concentrated on Hannah Grace and Elijah Seritt...and of course my little munchkin..there are others that I do pray for...but my heart can not fathom the pain and the suffering that these families go through..and for my own sanity I have to pull back and concentrate on a very narrow focus..I hope none of you think that I have been ignoring others, but I have to give them to God and go about my day with hope for them!
I have a little grandson in Indiana who went through a very scary ordeal just before Grayson did..he just collapsed one day and couldn't walk..they did an MRI on him and found that he had a virus that had attacked the back part of his skull...it went away after a few days with no lasting effects! That was before I joined the forum..so I know what fear families go through when they are beset by overwhelming circumstances..and I want you all to know that I pray for all of you when I know you are sick and hurting!
Thank you all for being so patient and listening to all my calls for prayer..thank you for always being there for me!
Love you!!