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Author Topic: 21 Great Health Tips!  (Read 17387 times)

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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2010, 09:32:30 AM »


I understand you completely.  We all have topics that are hot buttons issues for us.  I have many and I have half a tongue to prove it :)  But unless it goes against the tenants of Gods word I try to ignore them.  I have more opinions on things than anyone here, just ask my family.  But I've never changed anyone's mind over anything, so I've learned to find the common ground on the forum and stay in the "safe room" so to speak.  We are a large family here and we are sure not to agree on the way we live our lives, we all have past experience that make us different, we see our family making the same mistakes we do, but we need to stand back and let them learn the lessons the same as we have and bite our tongue....Ouch.

The posts that are in the off topic areas are O.K.  if they go against what we allow, we will and have removed them.  Healthier living is something that can be discussed, and is helpful, but if it becomes a religion, I would put a stop to it.  Just like any other topic that becomes an idol of the heart.  Members now are so much more matured than in the past that we have not had a problem with these "idol" topics for a few years now.

God bless Kat and others for bringing up these topics, they are helpful to some of the members here.  I've told Kat, they don't interest me, but for those they do, great, I hope they get something from them, just don't let them become and idol or religion to you and your families.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 09:50:02 AM by Craig »


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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2010, 09:51:21 AM »

AIDs to the body is as religion to the soul.  Both weaken a healthy immune system! :D

« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 09:53:24 AM by Arcturus »

Roy Martin

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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2010, 11:06:06 AM »

I good positive attitude, seeing and appreciating the little things, working in the garden, enjoying the sunrise and sunsets, and staying focused on the good things in life. All of these will give you a much healthier life physically and mentally.



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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2010, 11:11:38 AM »

Exactly Roy!

Php 4:8  Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.



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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #24 on: March 07, 2010, 11:18:58 AM »

21 Great Tips To Help You Have Optimal Health

Tip #1
ROTF, LMAO - Laughing not only eases stress, promotes social bonding, and lowers blood pressure, it may also boost your immune system.

Tip #2
Don't Skip Breakfast - Fiber in the morning means less hunger late in the afternoon, when you're most likely to feel tired and gorge yourself on sugar. An early start on eating also keeps your metabolism more active throughout the day; breakfast eaters are thinner than people who just rush out the door. *Try this: steel-cut oatmeal, usually mixed with raisins, walnuts, and flaxseed oil.

Tip #3
Hit the Sack - Seven hours of sleep a night not only helps you live longer, but also lowers your stress, sharpens your memory, and reduces cravings for pants-splitting foods. Set a bedtime and stick to it. My target is 10:30 p.m.

Tip #5
Don't Pamper Your Bad Back - Even if you're hunched over in agony, taking to your bed will only make a bad back worse. The latest research shows that bed rest weakens back muscles and prolongs the suffering. Married men may suffer more than single men because of all the pampering. A better solution is to  take a pain reliever and GET UP!

Tip #6
Taste the Colors - Foods with bright, rich colors are more than just nice to look at. They're also packed with flavonoids and carotenoids, powerful compounds that bind the damaging free radicals in your body, lowering inflammation.  Eat nine fistfuls of colorful fruits and vegetables each day and you'll reap the benefits without having to give up other foods. Whenever shopping the produce aisle, these foods are often more powerful than the drugs sold in pharmacies. Favorites are arugula and blueberries.

Tip #7
Brushing is Not Enough - If you plan to spend your later years eating more than yogurt and applesauce, invest in some floss. No matter how thoroughly or long you brush your teeth, you're missing a good portion of their total surface. The dangers of skipping floss go beyond hygiene: The bacteria that linger can increase your risk of heart disease.  

Tip #8
Take a Deep Belly Breath - Do this anywhere, anytime. Push out your bellows and suck air through your nose until your lungs are full. They'll fill with nitric oxide, a chemical found in the back of your nose that opens up blood vessels. The dose of oxygen will make you feel happier and more alert. A good technique for calming down.

Tip #9
Join a Yoga Class - Yoga eases stress, lowers blood pressure, slows heart rates, and increases flexibility. And there's nothing mystical about it. Loosening your muscles will make them more adaptable, so you may be less likely to injure yourself playing sports. Sure, some of the poses may look ridiculous, but that's for a reason you'll learn quickly enough. Yoga can reach and work muscles that are ignored during routine sports and daily life.

Tip #10
Don't Be an Island - Ever wonder why women live longer than men do? One major reason: They form tight networks and actually talk about their problems. If you face life's stresses alone, you will make yourself older. With another person's love and support, that inner aging can be reduced

Tip #11
Avoid Fad Diets - The secret to weight loss is not to avoid carbs, fats, yellow foods, or solid foods... The real trick is to lower your daily intake by about 100 calories. You'll hardly notice, but it'll add up to a loss of about 10 pounds in a year. Calorie restriction has been shown to lengthen life (in rats and monkeys). Cut back once a year to reset my appetite and tastebuds.

Tip #12
Be a Smart Patient - Your doctor can help keep you in good health, but the responsibility ultimately falls on you. Seek a second opinion before undergoing any procedure, because 30% of the time, that opinion will change the diagnosis or plan. Keep a written medical history, and educate yourself about any family problems, even if that means calling extended family members. You might even consider signing onto Microsoft HealthVault or Google Health, so your files are accessible in case you find yourself in trouble away from home.

Tip #13
Lose the Big Belly - Most men fasten their belts below their waists. It's just another way of avoiding the truth about that gut. Grab a tape measure and put it around your body at the level of your belly button. That number should be less than half your height. So for a 6'1" frame, keep your waist under 36.5".

Tip #14
Go Green - Drink green tea three times a day. It's packed with heart-boosting polyphenols that black tea doesn't offer. (These beneficial chemicals are lost when it's fermented.) Green tea also delivers a boost of alertness, but from a smaller dose of caffeine than black tea. Green tea can even fight dandruff, just pour it directly onto your scalp.

Tip #15
Sweat Till You're Wet - If you can work up a sweat for just 1 hour a week, you'll enjoy a range of benefits: reduced risk of heart attack, better mood, and lower blood pressure. Try interval training on the elliptical, with 15 pullups and 15 dips every 10 minutes. Your muscles will become more efficient, so you'll have more stamina for more enjoyable activities that also work up a sweat.

Tip #16
Put It in the Bank - Most people rank personal finance as their number one stressor, usually because they feel powerless. Stress not only shortens lives, it also drives people to habits like smoking, drinking, or bingeing on food. Keep some money in a special bank account, safe from your lust for a new television, and you'll establish an emotional comfort zone with major health benefits.

Tip #17
Know Your Numbers - Your heart's vital signs. These include blood pressure (which ideally should be below 115 over 75), LDL cholesterol (under 100), resting heart rate (under 70), and fasting blood sugar (under 100). If your numbers aren't ideal, change your diet until they improve.

Tip #18
Add Some Weights - Just 30 minutes twice a week spent lifting weights can build significant muscle mass. What's more, working all that muscle burns tons of calories, making it a great way to lose your gut, too. Don't have weights? Try lifting yourself: Pullups are the most valuable muscle-building exercises to do. Trainer, Bob Greene, pointed out that pullups work the back, pecs, arms, and belly all at once.

Tip #19
Grab Some Nuts - Nuts are among the best sources of healthful fats and protein around. Keep a bag of walnuts in my fridge and use their massive dose of omega-3 fatty acids. Half of a handful eaten about 30 minutes before a meal will temper your appetite and help you avoid the drive-thru.

Tip #20
Hit the Dance Floor - Crosswords and card games aren't the only way to keep your brain razor sharp. It turns out that any kind of dancing with complex moves is stimulating enough to give your neurons a workout. Even the simplest moves provide some physical exercise. As a bonus, dancing may help you with tip No. 17.

Tip #21
Some Pills Should Be Popped - The indoor life gives modern man protection from the elements, unfortunately, roughly half of us are deficient in vitamin D which the sun is a major source. This crucial vitamin may aid in fighting cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. I take a 1,000 IU supplement each morning.

from Dr. Oz's 25 Greatest Health Tips

Hi Kat,

           You, like me, enjoy these Nutrition, health type articles. Below, I'll list the ones that were of special interest to me. As a side note, my Wife watches Dr. Oz, sometimes I join in;  ;).

Tip #3
Hit the Sack - Seven hours of sleep a night not only helps you live longer, but also lowers your stress, sharpens your memory, and reduces cravings for pants-splitting foods. Set a bedtime and stick to it. My target is 10:30 p.m.

Comment: Actually including naps, at least seven hours of sleep, nine would be better. Repair of muscle, growth, and the burning of body fat takes place while sleeping. I can't seem to sleep more than 71/2 hours at night, but I take a power nap of 1/2 to 1 1/2 hours daily. It's a routine, love my naps, especially on Days Off. The reason why we can burn body fat during sleep is because the body produces more Growth Hormone in deep REM Sleep, hence the burning of fat and calories. The central nervous system benefits from a sound sleep.

Tip #2
Don't Skip Breakfast - Fiber in the morning means less hunger late in the afternoon, when you're most likely to feel tired and gorge yourself on sugar. An early start on eating also keeps your metabolism more active throughout the day; breakfast eaters are thinner than people who just rush out the door. *Try this: steel-cut oatmeal, usually mixed with raisins, walnuts, and flaxseed oil.

Comment: It's probably for most people, preferable to eat a wholesome breakfast, although I prefer the Protein/Fat type: Eggs, Bacon,toast variety, however, some people like me do poorly if eating too soon in the day. Their seems to be some controversy as to the division of your daily caloric intake. There's evidence that it doesn't matter if you eat earlier in the day, as long as your daily calorie intake doesn't exceed the amount you use. I tried eating breakfast on a regular basis and personally did poorly, it didn't curb my appetite during the rest of the day. Perhaps my schedule has something to do with this preference, working the Afternoon Shift, most of my Life.

         JUST SOME FOOD FOR THOUGHT(no pun intended), Great Thrread, some good tips.

                                     Thanks, Samson.

« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 11:20:49 AM by Samson »


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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #25 on: March 07, 2010, 11:49:39 AM »

Thank you very much for your genuine response. It's interesting that I was in WCG from 1970 to 1985, I then left and went into the Baptist for ten year, until I started reading Bible Truths. I too had a negative experience in WCG, maybe not in the same way that you did, but I have tried not to let that experience ruin anything in my life that I can still benefit from.

I have come to truly understand that the Kingdom of God is not about meat and drink, do this physical thing or that, but the Kingdom is about God's true spiritual matters of the heart.  About those who God is working with to perfect spiritually in order to be born again.

This is true and we all are striving to be more spiritual minded. Okay here's my but... but we are still in the physical right now. Now it is true that leading a healthier life style I do NOT believe will help you get into the kingdom, but it certainly will make our time in this physical body better. So I personally think it's good to exercise in a way that suits your lifestyle and use all the herbs and good foods God put here, so to keep us in vigorous health. If we should carry this to a point where we are looking to OUR efforts instead of God, then I'm sure He will correct this wrong attitude if we are an elect.

Hi Arcturus,

Interesting about the 12 trace elements called Tissue Salts. I think that is the same as what I have read about, called trace minerals. I remember Dr. Steger saying something like, deficiency in any of these mineral/salt elements is what leads to many of our diseases. This does sound extreme, but he has done a lot of hands on study and experiences and I believe all his study is valid or at least worth giving serious consideration.

I have just recently been looking into Reflexology of the foot and hand and find it very interesting too.

As usual Craig, you are very helpful in putting things into perspective.

Samson, you do always seems to have good advice from personal experience that I think is very helpful. I appreciate your input.

I know it sounds like I must be spending a LOT of time in all this alternative health stuff, but that is not so. I actually spend only a relatively small amount of time with it. I actually just incorporate it with things I have to do anyway, like preparing the food we eat and treat health issues. I just find it interesting and useful.

mercy, peace and love


Dennis Vogel

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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2010, 12:50:25 PM »

my sweet sister is believing in her cure of Diabetes even though she has subsequently experienced three near comatose collapses!

Ray's doctor said he had "run-away diabetes" when he was first diagnosed back in 2008. His sugar was above 300 much of the time.

Since going on this very restricted diet Ray's diabetes is much better. He is not cured, but his sugar is normal most of the time.


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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2010, 01:21:35 PM »

I have tried all kinds of oatmeal even the steel cut. My sugars go high on it. I have no idea why. I am like Samson I have to have a high protein type breakfast. I like boiled eggs and a slice of Bacon. I also like to cut up an apple and have a low carb vanilla yogurt and throw some walnuts in it.

I like to make my own popcorn and sometimes have it for lunch or a snack . I do not like microwave popcorn.  My body chemisty works good on the South Beach diet.

I also sometimes just make devil eggs to keep handy for a snack. I just put vinegar and mustard and garlic powder in them and whip it.

I like Bran Flakes cause they are high in fiber and throw walnuts or pecans in it sometimes.

I keep fresh salad cut up most of the time. 

So, if I go with lots of good carbs like fresh fruit. Low-glycemic. I do great with my sugars. I found if you start eating things good for you, you will crave them instead of eating the wrong Things. We like to keep raw vebetables cut up so we usually eat those in the afternoon.

Just, thought i would give you some of the things I do. Also, I buy eggs with no hormones or antibiotics. Those eggs are so yellow and taste so different.

The grocery where my Husband works is starting to carry meat products that do not have hormones or antibiotics and they buy form only our state so they can keep track of where there meat comes from.
In His Love,


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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #28 on: March 07, 2010, 01:43:05 PM »

Interesting about the 12 trace elements called Tissue Salts. I think that is the same as what I have read about, called trace minerals. I remember Dr. Steger saying something like, deficiency in any of these mineral/salt elements is what leads to many of our diseases. This does sound extreme, but he has done a lot of hands on study and experiences and I believe all his study is valid or at least worth giving serious consideration.

Dr Steger is absolutely correct about this. In fact, as far as I know,  a homeopath, will show exactly the types of illnesses and in most cases, pin point the likely cause of natural death through a hair or nail sample without having to study the corpse! Just a sample of tissue will be telling enough!

my sweet sister is believing in her cure of Diabetes even though she has subsequently experienced three near comatose collapses!

Ray's doctor said he had "run-away diabetes" when he was first diagnosed back in 2008. His sugar was above 300 much of the time.

Since going on this very restricted diet Ray's diabetes is much better. He is not cured, but his sugar is normal most of the time.

I am happy to hear any good news about Ray  - thank you  Dennis. My sister is not being caused at this time of her life, to observe the dietry requirements to improve her health. She is leaning on Mystery Babylon for her fix. Well, that's where God has her for the time being.



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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2010, 12:58:26 AM »

Thanx for the tips Kat! Couldn't agree more with #3 & #10! 


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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #30 on: March 08, 2010, 09:55:07 AM »

1Th 5:21  Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

All of us on the forum are adults with perhaps the exception of a few younger teens.  Health postings for example really wouldn't have interested me thirty years ago when I was a teen but now that I am pushing 50 they are more of an issue.  We are complex beings and I'm learning that we really can't seperate our spiritual lives in Christ from our daily activities.  All is one,  and we are living our lives in the flesh with all the knowledge that God has given us.  There are many health related scriptures in the bible and if were not looking for them we probably would never even consider them.  The things that don't speak to me or that bother me I usually pass by without comment.  Take the presentation during the conference.  I learned a great deal from Dr. Steger and purchased his book and I put into practice many of the things that I had learned and am reaping the health benefits from.  Yet at the same time I discerned some eastern religion and new ageish aspects to some of the things Dr. Steger presented.  I reject those particular thoughts and that particular vein of teaching as they are in error.  Yet that doesn't mean that I throw away all that he had to say.  It's the old saying of not throwing out the baby with the bathwater.  So, I think it's good wisdom to 'prove all things' and then to 'hold fast to that which is good'.  That which isn't good or doesn't particularly speak to me I discard.



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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #31 on: March 08, 2010, 10:47:20 AM »

Great comments Arion, couldn't agree with you more.

Let's all just move on now, I don't think we can go any further than what has already been stated.



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Re: 21 Great Health Tips!
« Reply #32 on: March 08, 2010, 01:23:42 PM »

Anyone own the Montel Williams Health Master or a similar product? 
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