I am now 46 years old, which is still young. God first started dragging me to His truths 27 years ago. It has not been one of the norm, like the many in the world today. Through many hardships as a young man, as we all go through, it was through the first sincere prayer in this life, that brought God into this life.
It has been a hard walk when looked carnally, but when viewed as one of a spiritual walk, it has been good, very good. Many lessons learned and stilll learning. I pray that I never get too smart. At least not for my own britches.
He gave me some great experiences in the Spirit, that I have never heard of before. Being still young and not knowing anything about wolves dressed in sheeps clothing, brought many hardships upon myself, nonetheless lessons learned, the hard way.
It's as if He has gone backwards with me. I saw the whole truth, right then and there after that prayer, He does hear prayer, wow, yet I had no foundation. Because of the bitter persecution, I had to rely upon my own wisdom, before I learned of His word. Needless to say with nobody to talk to and not having any sure knowledge in His word, it was hard.
I can not go into depth of all the testimony God has given me, for I have learned that some of it is between Him and me, personally. The most important thing that can be said of the testimony He has given me, is the love He has for us. This is what was shown to me first, so strong, true and powerful is His love, words can do no justice. But, because I have been accused many times on this forum, to be talking about some lovey type of love. To be accused by some on this forum, over and over again of this, it grieves the Spirit within.
I have truly been blessed in learning from many on this forum, but it is time to move on, to grow in faith. It has become stagnant, sad to say. I have started many threads, only to be ignored, and the threads have good potential to benefit the body of Christ.
Yet, as God has seen fit to put me through many, many situations over the years, that there really is only a small amount of people, who claim to know Christ, really do know Him. Is the same everywhere, in churches, out of churches, forums and the like.
When one starts to talk about the love of God, subtle accusations begin to pop up, then they boil to a blister, with constant accusations. Yet, to be honest, I would not want it any other way, for they bear witness to me that His Spirit is in me. I would never want to be accepted in this world for my belief in Jesus. This is when hypocrisy creeps in, and takes root.
It is no wonder, why Jesus spoke the words, would He find faith in the earth? Please do not take this the wrong way, for I am not any better than another, in fact I feel like Paul.
Through these experiences God has put me through has taught me, that if you are true hearted with Him, you will suffer persecution and people will imagine all kinds of things and do all they can to destroy your name and reputation. Being crucified is not an easy death.
So, with this, I leave you and hope you continue to grow in faith. It has truly been a pleasure.
God bless,