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Author Topic: What must I do to be saved?  (Read 12929 times)

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Dennis Vogel

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What must I do to be saved?
« on: March 26, 2010, 10:48:13 AM »

What must I do to be saved?

Actually there is NOTHING that YOU must do to be saved, but there are certain things that GOD WILL CAUSE YOU TO DO, AFTER He has saved you. Now I realize that this is not quite the message of the Christian party line, but it is Scriptural. The idea that one must COME TO CHRIST, and then CHOOSE CHRIST, on his own by his own "free" will, it not only UNscriptural, it is ANTI-scriptural. Here is how God saves people:

I will quote this from the Concordant Literal New Testament, as it is a better translation than the KJV in these verses: 

"Now we are aware that GOD [the word 'God' is left OUT in the KJV, but it is IN the Greek manuscripts] is working all together for the good of those who are loving God [but just how does one come to 'love God?'] who ARE CALLED [by GOD, not by our so-called 'free' will], according to the purpose [God's purpose in calling us] that, whom He foreknew [God knew before you were born whether He could be calling you now, or later] He designates BEFOREHAND also, to be conformed to the image of His Son, for Him to be Firstborn among many brethren. Now whom He designates BEFOREHAND, these HE calls also, and whom HE calls, these HE justifies also; now whom HE justifies, these HE glorifies also" (Rom. 8:28-30).

Now then, can we not see that it is "HE"--GOD, Who does all these things? NOWHERE do we see here that man must first choose Christ of his own free will, THEN God will do all these other things. NO! GOD, has a purpose, GOD does the calling, GOD conforms and transforms us into the image of His Son, GOD justifies us, and GOD will glorify us also. IT IS ALL GOD!

But when God does do these things for those He calls, He also GIVES THEM FAITH TO BELIEVE THESE THINGS. So then here is the formula, if I may use that word, for HOW God saves us:

"For by GRACE are ye saved through FAITH; and that [that saving faith] not of yourselves: IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD." (Eph. 2:08).

You said that I don't cover salvation in any of my papers. Actually I do at numerous places, perhaps you missed it. Notice that we are "saved by GRACE." In Part IV of the "lake of fire" series I show EXACTLY how God uses "Grace" to train, educate, discipline, school, judge, and chastise us into the image of His Son. Are you reading and studying the "lake of fire series?"

Once God calls you, He will guide you in ALL THINGS that you need to know and do.

God be with you,


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