Maybe you won;t find this funny but......
To understand this you have to go to emails to Ray and scroll to the message titled 'Help!' See email below. When I read it and then glanced over at the facial expression on Craig's photo in the left column, I couldn't help laughing. It's almost as if Craig is reacting to the message.....
« on: June 07, 2009, 04:29:10 PM »
Hi Ray!,
do you have any idea how to re wire a telefonica wall plate, i accidently pulled the 4 wires out, 1 green 1 red 1 white and 1 brown, and now i cant get my phone to work? you seem to have the answers for everything else and an awful lot of time on your hands just thought you might be able to help... cheers Daniel (dont worry I'm not a Jew).
Dear Daniel: Actually I do not have " awful lot of time on my hands," seeing that among many other obligations, I am battling fulltime, stage IV terminal prostate and metastacized bone cancer Also,. I have seventeen hundred and forty unanswered emails ahead of yours. With that said: Reconnect the green wire to the green wire; reconnect the red wire to the red wire; reconnect the white wire to the white wire; and reconnect the brown wire to the brown wire.
God be with you,