I absolutely relate to your cry lauriellen.

I have experienced much comfort when caused to think of Jesus who in the Garden of Gethsemane also sweated blood in deep appeal, earnest supplication and desperate urgency before God where He too , like us, felt our distress. We want the evil to pass and to be ended and I, rightly or wrongly, liken the bitterness and anxiety that evil and suffering bring to the experience where Jesus Christ begged the Father to let the cup pass. Three times He implored His Father. Then He suffered persecution of such abominable proportions that any human suffering we go through, I believe, is just a small part of what the perfect Son of God endured.
The point is that God’s Son also felt like asking God to change His mind, make another plan, achieve the objective differently and go about the process in an alternative manner. That, to me is a comfort. It makes me feel not so alone in asking God to do things differently. It is not pointless to ask God to change as Jesus did the same thing and He knows the Father much better than I do. Jesus asked and He was in the Plan and Purpose and Will of God and His Father kept Him there to always renounce Himself to the Will of His Father. Jesus did not, could not and would not fail or destabilize the Work of God or the events that God had put in place for Him to fulfill. God MADE Jesus succeed as He shall MAKE us also succeed in our trials and tribulations no matter how bitter the taste and painful the experience.
We cannot change anything and it is okay if we can cry to God our desperate dismay at what we see and feel as He makes a new thing out of all the bad, ugly painful circumstances we are meant to experience. I also want the evil to end. I also want it to be over. Too much is simply just too much. Jesus knows that. Before He went into the too much part of His experience, He sweated blood. He knew and knows.
God will make things right as only He who is responsible can. We are powerless to change the course of God’s Plan and purpose but we can cry as did Jesus to let the cup pass and subordinate ourselves totally to His care in, His Will be done.
Also we can ask God to give us discernment and appreciation of His Spirit that Comforts in much the same way as He sent His angel to strengthen and encourage His Son in His time of great crisis, need and distress.
Keeping one another in mind thought and prayer also helps our heart’s desire for good to overcome evil.
Remembering that there is a better life in the Kingdom of God that is not vulnerable to evil and has overcome this wicked age lead by our Lord who has overcome the World, also has comforted me in times of peak suffering.
Noticing the little things that are so beautiful and are made by God, also helps sooth huge wounds that comes to us through the Comfort of His Spirit. God does not let us down.