Heh, it was a guy who called me that i dont have spoken for ages. He's an evangalist, and maybe thought i still was a christian. He have been allot in Africa, and "saved allot of people"
Seen evil souls and that kind of stuff:P. He was wondring if i would come to one of he's meetings. Then i said what i belived in, and that evryone will be saved. Then he start laughing ( a big laugh, hehe), and said, where did you get all this crap. I said i got it from the bible, and if you can dissprove me iam wrong, i will come to your meeting. Then he started talikng, but the funiest thing, he didnt mention one bibleverse, and if he did, i jused the simple bibleverse of them all against him, 1 cor 3:16 and 1. tim 2.4.
Then he stopped jusing bibleverse, and said he have been exactly where i have been, and you need to come on my meeting, so you can feel the real power from God. You have no idea how much i've seen people around the world feel the holy spirit. I said, yes i do, because i have been there to, but i do not belive in it anymore. He said, you have to stop jusing this knowledge, you have to feel the real God. And i replied, where did you get that knowledge from. Isn't the knowledge from the bible, because its Gods word. And if you can dissprove me iam wrong with a simple bibleverse, i will give up, but you cant. You cant even disprove me iam wrong that we dont have free will.
The point is that, when i look back, iam so glad that i have a little tiny knowledge of whats going on, even iam not on the right track, for this moment. This forum have really helpe me how to talk against people. And to talk in a simple way. Dont try to speak in "level Ray"
Its to complicated, hehe. And i will say that everyone of you guys, to keep on it. If i lose it, i hope you dont, because to see how much love and kindness you have, its a real blessing. What kind of love is it to start laughing if you have another opininon. Where is the love?
People! i hope you guys never stop qeustion, because that is 1 more step closer to the real wisdom:D That is maybe why we never will understand evrything, because then we stop wondring:P And then we stop seeking. But thats just a theory ;Dhehe
Good work guys for keeping this forum alive:)
Love you guys