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Author Topic: The story of an ex-atheist  (Read 17120 times)

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The story of an ex-atheist
« on: June 17, 2010, 04:19:26 AM »

Welcome, my dear brothers and sisters

I've been struggling with myself to write on this message board for a few days, but I've decided to join your forum community. I'm not from an english-speaking country, so I hope you will forgive me for any potential linguistic errors in my posts. I was born in Poland, Europe where the Roman Catholic Church is the largest christian denomination. Therefore most people born in Poland become catholics very quickly. I was not the exception. Over the years I lost my faith in the Church and consequently in God as well. It's hard to say what was the main cause. I think it was a "natural" rebellion against Church teachings. Moreover this period of my life was "very dark". A few bad things happened to me. In those days I became very pessimistic. I started to think that religious people are naive and wishful-thinking. Frankly speaking I became a strong atheist, althought I wasn't like others - I didn't make jokes about christianity and I respected people who believed in God. When I was 21 years old I got interested in christianity again, out of curiosity I would say. I can't explain what really happened to me, but I became a true believer. The believer of Jesus Christ teachings, but I didn't start attending the catholic church again. I can't remember the precise moment of my conversion. I suppose it was during Sermon on the Mount reading. Nearly every day I was looking for information regarding Jesus Christ and his teachings. I visited and read many christian websites until I found out about the beatiful doctrine called Christian Univeralism, considered to be huge heresy amongst most christian denominations in the world. I must say I have never heard about it in my entire life. I have learned its beliefs from studying The Christian Universalist Association  (sorry-teaching links not allowed) and Tentmaker (***). Especially the second website allowed me to learn a lot about many people in the history of Christianity who claimed that God would save everyone through Jesus Christ sacrifice. Now comes the most important part of my story. I must admit I am a big fan of Wikipedia. It is the source I have used many times. While I was browsing the entry about Christian Univeralism, I noticed  a link grouped into the External Links section which guided me to (although I am deeply sorry to inform you that the link is no longer there; it only proves that many are afraid of L. Ray Smith teachings). Back to my story. Finding was  landmark event in my spiritual conversion. It was also "a spritual earthquake" for my knowledge about God, Jesus Christ, faith  free will, salvation etc. Mr Smith is a magnificient teacher, who writes very detailed articles, analizing every word and every verse from the Scriptures. I have never met such a wise man with so much respect for God's Word. Recently I have finished reading LOF series. Every day I visit Ray's website and read his articles and new posts in your Internet forum. Just like you I had been waiting for Ray's newest article ("Hell is a Christian Hoax") with great anticipation. I am going to read it as soon as possible.

I would like to tell you a little more about many great changes in my life since I was "born again". I am more open-minded, forgiving and peaceful and less selfish, materialistic and fearful. There is no single day (I repeat no single day) when I don't think about God. I would say I became "addicted" to God's Word, obviously in a very positive way. Many people  think that it is possible for an unbeliever to turn to God only if something very bad happens to him/her. For example when your boyfriend/girlfriend dumps you, when somebody close to you dies, when you finds out you are terminally ill. Maybe this is the truth in most cases, but definitely not in mine! In my case "It" (I know now that it is God's grace which gives us faith; in other words "open our spiritual eyes") just happened in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately nobody can believe in my transformation from an atheist to a believer. Some think I am a fool, others think I am a hypocrite. I'm talking here about my family, friends and acquaintances. But thanks to God works (including tribulations which are so needed in believer's life in a process of making him/her in God's image) I am learning a lot, for instance that I should stop worrying what others think about me, because it doesn't matter. I know the truth and nobody and nothing can change that. Many are looking for proof of God's existence. I would tell them - Just look at me! I am modern proof that God does exist, that He loves all his creation, that He can open a heart of a staunch atheist like me in a second! Well, I'm completely aware many would call me a lunatic, but there is no time and place to discuss this matter.

At the end I would like to express my great gratitude to Ray Smith and all his "followers" (of course Ray is a follower of our Lord and The Good News of the Gospel which makes us the same followers like him). Your words have given me wisdom, comfort, peace and consolation and though I don't know you personally, I will be always your debtor.

My favourite Scripture: ""For therefore we both labour and suffer reproach because we trust in the living God, Who is the Saviour of all men, especially of those that believe" - I Tim. 4:10."
My motto: Everything has a reason and everything happens for a reason (I don't have to say from Whom the reason comes from).

P.S. I'm little confused if I may be a God elect. I know God is able to convert the worst sinner like Saul, but the biggest difference is that Paul wasn't a believer in the first place. He hated Christ's followers until he bacame one of them. But theoretically I was a believer, then an unbeliever and a believer again. But had I really turned away from God before? It was "god" worshipped by the Catholic Church in whom I stop believing in. Or maybe circumstances shouldn't be an excuse here? Are there any Scriptures in the Bible regarding ex-atheists? What will happen to them? What does God think about them? For which ressurection are they destined for? Could they be amongst God Elects? I would be grateful if somebody enlight me in this matter.

God be with you,
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 05:15:16 AM by Dave in Tenn »

Dave in Tenn

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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2010, 05:12:24 AM »

Hi David.  It's very good to have met you.  I enjoyed and was moved by your post.

As for your question:

Don't despair over the path your religious past has taken you.  The Sovereign God has directed all your steps.  He came to save those who are LOST/destroyed.  Wasn't that you?  Is some ways, isn't it still? 

God bless you, and welcome to the forum.   
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

judith collier

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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2010, 05:16:38 AM »

Hi David, I can only say I wouldn't worry about being an ex atheist as far as your chances of being one of the elect. Concentrate on the love God must have for you, knowing full well from the beginning to the end what you would do. Even after being CALLED i too sinned, we always sin. I believe Ray calls us "sinning machines".
I'll let the others speak as to specifics as I am not too good at finding the proper bible vs. having been raised in the catholic church also.
Nice to meet you. judy


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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2010, 06:12:26 AM »

Thanks you for your warm welcome. I must admit my biggest problem is not confidence in God (which I have so much that I can't express that just by words), but confidence in myself. I suffer from low-esteem, I think and that is why I am sometimes not able to show people who I'm really. The other issue is my anger. When I was an atheist I often feel anger on those who do injustice, but on the other side I've learned Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Now I'm trying to be angry only on wrong deeds, but not the people who do them. Ray said that there was nothing wrong to feel anger, but only if we feel it towards sin (not sinners). I have also something in common with our Lord, because I think I suffer from Messiah Complex (a state of mind in which the individual believes he/she is, or is destined to become, a savior of others). I even got impression that I would die, saving life of other man. My Confirmation name is Maximilian after Maximilian Kolbe, by the way. I know it sounds very weird, but I don't want to pretend to be somebody I'm not.

So answering your question, Dave in Tenn - yes, it can be said about me that I'm lost/destroyed.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 06:15:31 AM by Dawidos »


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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2010, 07:28:51 AM »

Hi David, and welcome!
I don't see any language barriers here, you express youself better than I.
You have shared some things that most of us have experienced, at one time are another.
We  can have more peace in our lives if we know in our hearts that our Lord, and Savior Jesus the Christ can handle all the details, when we put ALL our trust in him.
I am amazed at how he works in, and through us.  Ray, and the Bible-Truths forum is a real blessing.
Thanks for sharing.



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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2010, 08:21:46 AM »

Hey David,

Welcome to the forum.



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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2010, 10:37:31 AM »

Thanks you for your warm welcome. I must admit my biggest problem is not confidence in God (which I have so much that I can't express that just by words), but confidence in myself.


I can so identify with this comment.  I knew that nothing could separate me from the Love of God and that no enemy formed against me could prosper but I always thought that I was the problem.  What if I miss God, what about me falling into further deception?  What if I am so stubborn that I screw everything up.  Satan can't wreck it for me but I could.

I had a big 'I' problem!!  It was an idol of my heart thinking that I was so powerful that I could mess up God's plan for my life.  No, I'm not powerful enough or strong enough to thwart God's plan for my life.  He will cause me to walk in his ways.  Once I got my eyes off of me and began to look to him my I problem took it's rightful place in the dustheap.  I still have no confidence in myself but that's o.k.  It doesn't depend on you or me but on God himself.  And if He has called us as His elect then He will preform the works both in us and through us in His good timing.


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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #7 on: June 17, 2010, 11:51:57 AM »

Joel. Your praise of my command of english means a lot to me. So God, bless all my teachers and tutors. Have you ever wondered how many people we could be grateful to? For instance, those who invent a computer, an operating system, a web browser etc. All those inventions led us to Ray's teachings. It was our destiny to find bible-truths. Of course the Almighty God has made all of this possible. Glory to him Forever!!

Arion. I know what you're feeling. Althought I know the truth now, it's sometimes hard for me to believe that God is interested in any way in my person. It seems logical that He is operating all behind so important individuals like presidents, freedom fighters, saints etc. But me? The most comforting thing is that nothing can change His love for us. It gives us hope.

Over the next few days I'm going to ask many questions in this forum :)

God, be with you.



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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #8 on: June 17, 2010, 01:20:33 PM »

Hey David,

Welcome to the forum.  

Proverbs 20:24
Man's steps are ordered by the Lord. How then can a man understand his way?

Psalm 73:2
But as for me, my feet were almost gone; my steps had well nigh slipped.

Job 14:16
For now thou numberest my steps: dost thou not watch over my sin?  (The obvious answer is, yes, He does watch over our sin. "Thus far shall you come and no farther.")

Proverbs 16:9
A man's mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps and makes them sure.  (That reminds of that joke:  "If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans. haha)

Jeremiah 10:23
O LORD, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps.

Psalm 18:36
Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, that my feet did not slip.

I hope that helps a little.



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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #9 on: June 17, 2010, 01:42:34 PM »

Joel. Your praise of my command of english means a lot to me. So God, bless all my teachers and tutors. Have you ever wondered how many people we could be grateful to? For instance, those who invent a computer, an operating system, a web browser etc. All those inventions led us to Ray's teachings. It was our destiny to find bible-truths. Of course the Almighty God has made all of this possible. Glory to him Forever!!

Arion. I know what you're feeling. Althought I know the truth now, it's sometimes hard for me to believe that God is interested in any way in my person. It seems logical that He is operating all behind so important individuals like presidents, freedom fighters, saints etc. But me? The most comforting thing is that nothing can change His love for us. It gives us hope.

Over the next few days I'm going to ask many questions in this forum :)

God, be with you.


Hello David, and welcome to the forum. Two things I got regarding the above highlighted section.


Ray: Who are you and what credentials do you have to support your authoritative teaching on the scriptures?

    * I have NO "credentials" except the Spirit of God.
    * My Web Master writes Computer Software Programs.
    * Matthew was a Tax Collector.
    * Paul was a Tentmaker.
    * Peter was a Fisherman.
    * Jesus Christ was a Carpenter.
    * And I? I retired from Roofing in 2004.

How are those for "credentials?"

And Second:


God doesn’t only know the big things, like when you were to be born and when you are to die, but God know everything in between our birth and death.

Just because God counts islands and whole nations as tiny drops or particles of dust, does not mean that He is not also aware of droplets of water and particles of dust (Isa. 40:15). Jesus said: "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Matt. 10:30).

Do you realize what that statement means? If your hairs are all numbered, then God must know and take note every time ONE FALLS OUT, for the number then changes.

"Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father?" (Matt. 10:29).

Surely from these we can understand and believe that God truly does rule over His creation down to the very smallest of things. People often state that God is just not interested in such small things of life. Not true. God is more than just aware of all things, but rather God has created this world and all that in it is, for a grand purpose. No detail is too small in the ultimate working out of that purpose.

Do scientists send men to the moon without first working out the minutest of details regarding the rockets and landing craft? Is anything too small to consider when operating on the human brain or heart? Just remember that God created the entire universe out of things too small to even been seen. God is not limited to "reading us like a book." Oh no, it is God who wrote our book!"

**From Ray's LOF Series**

Though you say it seems "logical" that God would deal with important/powerful people...

1Co 1:26  For consider your calling, brothers: NOT MANY of you were WISE according to worldly standards, NOT MANY were POWERFUL, NOT MANY were of NOBLE birth.
1Co 1:27 But God chose what is FOOLISH in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is WEAK in the world to shame the strong;

Hope this helps.

Christopher  8)


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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #10 on: June 17, 2010, 02:58:35 PM »

Welcome, David to the forum!

Just, remember Adam and Eve felt naked and that God did not love them anymore for there sins.

But, God never left them for a minute when they were sent from the garden.

He never leaves nor forsakes his children. He is not like fickle man or woman.

I too wondered before coming in here if God could forgive me. I felt like such a failure.

He has blessed you and all the others who he led in here. But, he blessed all humanity.

Hope you will find this a place to come to, when you need a friend.

Loved hearing your story of your journey.

In His Love,


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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #11 on: June 17, 2010, 03:26:06 PM »

Hi David,


Rest brother, you were never in control at anytime.

Heb 4:4-7 (CLV) (Words in bold brackets my insertion).
4 For He has declared somewhere concerning the seventh thus: And God stops (Rests) "on the seventh day from all His works."

5 And in this again, "If they shall be entering into My stopping-!" (Rest)

6 Since, then, it is left for some to be entering into it, and those to whom the evangel (Gospel) was formerly brought did not enter because of stubbornness,

7 He is again specifying a certain day, "Today"-saying in David after so much time, according as has been declared before, "Today, if ever His voice you should be hearing, You should not be hardening your hearts."

george :).



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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #12 on: June 17, 2010, 05:35:18 PM »

Welcome to the forum David! As others have said, you express yourself eloquently!
I know you will find like-minded friends here. God has been leading you to this knowledge all along through all your life's journeys and paths. He was in all of them!

So many people suffer from low self-esteem. The world is hard on us and most parents don't do a very good job of teaching us how to balance our realization of our own beastly nature along with the knowledge of how much God loves each of us. Knowing you suffer from this is the first step towards re-learning how to see yourself through God's eyes and not the world's.

I am so glad you have joined us and I look forward to getting to know you better.



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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #13 on: June 17, 2010, 06:30:59 PM »

Thank you all for your kind words. Don't get me wrong. I believe in all those Scriptures with all my heart. But they are so marvelous and touching that you want to say "It's too beatiful to be be true", although in the depth of my heart I know it is. During my "research" on the subject of Christianity I've read many times that Christian Universalism is a huge wishful-thinking. It's kind of irony that nowadays not many believe in happy endings. It's very sad that christian theologians turned Christ teachings into religion of intolerance and condemnation. Although I must say a few good words about polish bishops - they put a greater emphasis on salvation and ressurection, not hell and eternal punishment. Unfortunately the Pope has stated recently that Hell does exist and is eternal. His predecessor John Paul II came from my country and I respected him very much, but after finding the truth the Pope is no longer an authority for me.

PS. I have the Bible in polish, but the translation isn't good. Hades, tartarus, sheol, gehenna - all is translated as hell (polish. - piekło). So sad :( 


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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #14 on: June 17, 2010, 11:10:59 PM »

Hi Maximilian,
I'm glad you decided to join us  :)
You have express your experiences that give us a very good idea of how you came to this truth. We live in this age where the world must go through the learning/experience of good and evil, but we tend to be more aware of all the negative/evil that is happening. This is all necessary, we need a backdrop of darkness/evil so that we can have a contrast and when we are brought to the light we can comprehend how wonderful it truly is. In the LOF article VI 'TWO JUDGMENTS BY FIRE' scroll down a little ways to 'EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE,' that will help explain this better.

But the few that have their eyes opened will see the world as a different kind of place now. Like you said not get angry at people that are only on the path that God has given them at this time. This world is what it is, the people of the world will be blind to the truth until Christ returns, then and only then will they learn righteousness.

Isa 26:9  With my soul I have desired You in the night,
       Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early;
       For when Your judgments are in the earth,
       The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.

So take comfort we are all learning and growing together here. Ask your questions and I hope you will be helped by the different perspectives you get, there are so many people here with good understanding. Here are links to what we have available here at the forum.

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mercy, peace and love



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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2010, 11:32:54 PM »

Welcome to the forum!!!  :)

judith collier

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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #16 on: June 20, 2010, 03:37:40 AM »

Max, that thought about the Messiah complex is nothing more than the ego. The ego is a mechanism prohibiting you to accept yourself as normal. The ego wants to you to think of yourself as exceptional thereby having many excuses to retain it's soveriegnty.
Simply put, it is not the real you! Judy


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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #17 on: June 20, 2010, 06:34:06 AM »

Kat, thank you for all information. While I was visiting this forum just as a guest, I paid attention to your bird avatar. It brings comfort and calmness :). It's really very beatiful.

Judy, don't get me wrong. This Messiah Complex doesn't mean I consider myself to be superior and better than others. Quite opposite, I was and I am very humble and modest :) It's just I would like to have a meaningful death, not die a stupid death, for example to get suffocated by swallowing a fly ;) Of course for every man it is an appointed time to die and God only knows what will happen to me.


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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #18 on: June 20, 2010, 09:54:30 AM »

Have you ever wondered how many people we could be grateful to? For instance, those who invent a computer, an operating system, a web browser etc. All those inventions led us to Ray's teachings. It was our destiny to find bible-truths. Of course the Almighty God has made all of this possible. Glory to him Forever!!


Welcome to the forum David. I find no language barriers at all in your English. As a matter of fact, your words are easy understand and full of kindness. I enjoyed you testimony David, thank you for sharing it with us.


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Re: The story of an ex-atheist
« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2010, 02:12:27 PM »

Welcome David,
Thanks for sharing your wonderful testimony 8)
God's Blessings!
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