as a follower of Jesus Christ, i am finding that sometimes it's just hard being the salt. scattered here a little, there a little. some grains landing closer together, some seemingly all alone. but then, knowing that the Father of Jesus Christ has Willed it so, the analogy in the Scriptures of being as salt, is a beckoning to me again of the few and the many. a few grains salted here or there, to enhance whatever portion you land on. adding His Flavor, a measure in the mixture of mankind, but standing out as unique through the essence of His blending, His Spirit within us. a physical bible study group is the exception in this age i believe, rather than the rule. this forum is our gathering place to fellowship and study in Spirit and Truth. it would be a blessing indeed to be able to meet together physically and fellowship in the Truths we are being taught. i know that when i have been with ray and others at the few conferences i have attended, there is the feeling of never wanting to leave that setting. wanting to continue in our gathering together. to stay and take in the joy and comfort of being with like minded believers. but, i think that too is part of our cross bearing at this time. having to wait with patience for the Day of His returning. when the salt will be gathered together.