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Author Topic: I agree with a LOT of what you say BUT  (Read 6470 times)

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I agree with a LOT of what you say BUT
« on: September 08, 2010, 06:18:13 PM »

Dear Konrad:

I am prepared to write a fifty page paper on the "Divinity" of Jesus Christ,
but not today.  I will give you my short answer after your comments.  But, no,
I am not prepared to engage in an endless e-mail exchange on this subject,
as I have thousands of unanswered emails ahead of yours....

You are like a breath of FRESH AIR on my topics.
I am not a believer in eternal hellfire.

Neither do I believe in a literal 6 day creation.
However, I have studied the Trinity and I have wrestled with the
doctrine as you have but there is an answer.
Jesus had two nature.  One Divine and one human.

When he said the "My Father is GREATER than I" (John 14:28),
Jesus was referring to his HUMAN NATURE.
It is like this.
You have a private and a general.

In their capacities as citizens before a judge or in the voting booth, they are equal.  
In their capacities as soldiers one is superior to the other.
In his capacity as a human (he had two natures), Jesus' Human
Nature was subordinate to the Father.
In his divine capacity he was co-equal with the Father.

In their Divine natures they were equal.
The only way Jesus could be a mediator between God and Man
was if, he was both God and Man, in himself.
Now we understand the troubling verse which almost no one
can understand:
Gal 3: 20 Now a mediator is not [a mediator] of one, but God is one.
This has been called the most confusing verse in the bible, but it is not
so hard when you properly understand the concept of two natures.
A mediator works between two people or two sides.  You can not have a
mediator where the is only one side.  A mediator is not a mediator of
one side ONLY.  He has to mediate between two sides.
But Christ, being God, is also human, and he can mediate between
God and Man because in his own being there are two natures.
Christ is a mediator between God and Man because Christ is both
God and Man.
What about the God is one part.

Christ is God and he mediates within himself through his Atonement.

We therefore are not party to the mediation in any capacity.

Christ - who is both God and man - accomplishes the mediation
totally by himself.
He mediates between two parties - God and man - because he
is both God and man, YET - he is only one Person, hence God is one [such mediator].
The Trinity does hold up.
There are many verses which imply it.

Christ accepted Worship.

Christ said even before Abraham I AM  [YHWH]
Much of what you say is good, but the Trinity holds up.
When you dispense with the errors of Christendom do not
through out the truths as well.
You are failing to understand what it is that constitutes the Christian teaching
on this subject.  The "Trinity" doctrine emphasizes that "God" is composed of
Three, equally Divine Persons:  God the Father, God the Son, and God the
Holy Spirit.  Right here is where the doctrines becomes unscriptural heresy.
The Holy Spirit "of" God, is not a "person."  Neither is God the Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ, a "person."  A "person" is a "human being."  Neither
God the Father, nor the Holy Spirit OF God, IS A PERSON--a human being!
Nowhere in Scripture is the Holy Spirit "of" God, CALLED GOD.  There is no
such thing as "God the Holy Spirit" in Scripture, and my authority is the Holy
Of course there is much more to it, but this is the starting point if one wishes
to know the Scriptural truth regarding this man-made doctrine.
I am planning to write a paper on this subject in the future, but not today,
sorry.  I know you want an answer today, but I can't. Hope you understand,
and that this will suffice until (God willing) I can write my paper on it.
God be with you,
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 04:19:07 PM by Craig »
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