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Author Topic: Collected Sayings.........  (Read 4087 times)

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Collected Sayings.........
« on: October 22, 2010, 06:58:48 PM »

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
Robert J. Hanlon

"It is absurd to divide people into good and
bad...They are either charming or tedious." - Oscar Wilde

"No wise man ever wished to be younger."
Jonathan Swift Irish essayist, novelist, & satirist (1667 - 1745)

Genius does not ask of experts, it's vice versa.
Genius is not good flock material.
Do you personally know any clever sheep? - anon

The truth is usually an excuse for a lack of imagination.- G.B. Shaw

and one line I think would suit Ray!:

"I can't help it if their ego suffers bystander trauma from my vivisection of their argument."

And I just had to sneak this in:

“Yes, I have many weaknesses. That’s why I am strong.
I am loved in my weakness.
There is great strength to be found in weakness. But first, I must know that I am weak.
Then the Great Spirit is strong, when He wills you to give Him your reins.
His burden is light.
Knowing He calls the shots gives me great peace because I am not deluded by thinking I have control. It’s because of my weaknesses that I am strong. 
That‘s the way He cuts it for me; and I pray that He will bless you likewise; at least! 
There is no greater gift in my life. A peace that I cannot understand.
He gives me wings; and I soar.

He willed me to come to the edge, but I hesitated.
He willed me to jump, but I was scared.
Then with a great act of love, He pushed me;
and I flew !

Always check His resources. I would never have figured I had wings.”

'Old' Grapehound
Sons of Thunder


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Re: Collected Sayings.........
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2010, 10:48:52 PM »

Yes Janine,
You understand that exactly as the writer intended it.
When we understand that we have no control and that God has total control, the centre of our confidence shifts from ourselves to Him. So it's only in our weakness that we are truly strong, because it's His strength we must rely on and His strength is boundless.
We are loved in our weakness. We must decrease and He must increase.


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