...just for fun...change the ending...
At that moment the traveler comes down the stairs, states that the rooms ARE satisfactory, and STAYS THE NIGHT!
That the rooms "are satisfactory" may be doctrinally or theologically incorrect yet as I said....just for fun... turn the story on its head....sure....
No one produced anything. No one earned anything. However, the whole town now thinks that they are out of debt and there is a true atmosphere of optimism and glee all because one man decided to pay the debt who also, like the one leper who returned to thank Jesus, he is not only healed but restored too and GETS A BONUS 100% INCREASE. Getting your sores healed is one thing but having your limbs restored, that were eaten off by diesease, is a bonus plus increase.
Who will thank Jesus?
An owner of an Inn took care of the bills out of the purse of the good Samaratin making provision for the nearly dead, kicked, robbed and left to die chap in the ditch.
A very pregnant woman riding a Donkey alongside her husband Joseph, were given place to shack up in the manger.
Maybe Joseph was proud of his Donkey like one might find pleasure in his Lamborghini.
Still, by law of attraction to money, comes debt.
The wealth of Kings arrived as frankincense, gold and myrrh only when Jesus reached the age of about two. We learn through Ray Smith, that by the time of the birth of Jesus, Judaism was steeped in paganism.
Our journey out of Babylonian conditions, may not either be the glitz nor glamor of monetary affluence but can be weaning off the addiction to false prestige of worldly status of approval entwined in the root of all evil.
Riding out of Baylon in a Lamborghini or bedecked with silver and gold as were the Hebrews leaving the tyranny of Pharaoh doesn't say much for the thief that comes in the night, who can stay till the morning as Rahab discovered to her salvation!