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Author Topic: Prayer  (Read 5024 times)

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« on: January 09, 2012, 08:39:39 PM »

I was wondering how some people go about with letting their requests be known unto God ? Since God knows the hearts and thoughts of men I often let prayer remain just a incling in the back of my mind that I know the SOVEREIGN God will address in the way He sees fit as He works all things after the counsel of His own will. My mentality towards prayer is that I never know what to pray for and think Im just wasting my time, I feel that just my thought is enough prayer for God to intercede and to discern what is best for my life. I do medidate on these thoughts frequently throughout the day but I almost never actually speak to God or kneel to him in prayer for any amount of time. I was just wondering what the scriptures reveal about prayer so I can mature in my prayer life and maybe receive more understanding into His will. Is thinking on things with God in mind prayer ?




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Re: Prayer
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2012, 09:18:59 PM »


This I think is a good explanation that will help your soul!

Best Wishes in Christ Jesus,

Dear Hobe:  You are not paying close attention to what I have written, and you have not studied such important papers of mine such as "The Myth of Free Will Exposed."  Don't feel bad, however, as hardly anyone can comprehend this teaching. Let me make it as simple as I can. God already knows and has declared the "END FROM THE BEGINNING" (Isa. 46:10). Therefore nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING can ever change from what God ALWAYS KNEW WILL BE.
Now hold that Scriptural thought and don't ever let it go!  Next comes the more difficult part for most to believe and understand.
Things that God knows WILL HAPPEN, don't JUST happen without His sovereign direction.  Therefore, some things would never happen unless you PRAY for them.  Ah, but that is where I lost you and most others as well.  I repeat:  Some things would never happen unless you PRAY for them to happen.  Does that mean that if you had NOT PRAYED for them they would NOT have happened. Exactly. Isn't that what I just said?  Well then, just how can God KNOW what will happen if you DON'T pray for something to happen that He knows MUST HAPPEN?  Whether it happens or doesn't happen in this case all hinges on WHETHER YOU PRAY FOR IT OR NOT.  So how can God know FOR SURE?  If God WANTS something to happen through a prayer of yours, and God KNOWS that something will happen IF YOU PRAY for it, guess what?
GOD WILL SEE TO IT THAT  Y-O-U  D-O  P-R-A-Y  F-O-R  I-T!  And this is exactly what God teaches in the Scriptures. Now can you see and understand it?
Here's another example:

1Co 1:21 "For after that in the wisdom of God the world by wisdom knew not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe."

Now then, FOUR things need to happen for this Scripture to come true.

1. People must "believe."

2. Therefore God must give these people "faith."

3. They must hear the needed preaching.

4. God must provide for "the foolishness of preaching" through people like me.

Hope you understand.

God be with you,



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Re: Prayer
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 04:30:05 AM »

Hey, Matt  :)

I feel that just my thought is enough prayer for God to intercede and to discern what is best for my life. I do medidate on these thoughts frequently throughout the day but I almost never actually speak to God or kneel to him in prayer for any amount of time.

You are not alone!  I believe this will reassure you.,5815.msg48440.html#msg48440

I pray all day long. When I see people in trouble, I pray. When I see a problem or I see a tragedy, I pray. When my thinking is not clearand I’m just not getting anywhere or when my wife is complaining because she’s hurting, I just pray all day long. 

You don’t have to get down on your knees in the right position and fold your hands. You just pray instantly, constantly.

I think if you don’t do that you can’t have a feeling that God is right there. It’s like you got to get down and look up or something. God is everywhere.,11521.msg99634.html#msg99634:

It is in SPIRIT that we accomplish the things of the spirit:

We can pray in the spirit:

Ephesians 6:18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit…

Anybody can do that, “Praying always.”  I pray always, that is continuously. I don’t think; oops, I thought of something I got to pray to God about and I got to find a room or a closet.  Oh shoot, I’m in the car, I’ll pull off to the side of the road or I’ll use a public rest room, because I got to go and pray. I pray wherever I am! 

I told you how I found my house, driving down the street. I was the only one in the car and I said, God if you want me to move to Mobile, find me a decent house. It was about a four second prayer. Within minutes, minutes, I had me a house!,3720.msg116701.html#msg116701:

It’s not wrong to say ‘grace’ or whatever. But I don’t bow my head and say these vocal prayers out loud when I eat a sandwich. I’m always thankful for what I have. I’m always praying, all day every day. There isn’t a day goes by that I don’t pray 50-60 times or 70-80 times, I just pray. My thoughts are prayers, my meditation is prayers, I just think like God is there, that’s the way that I think.

I’ve told you that God is Spirit, He’s everywhere. He’s not sitting up there on a throne where you have to raise your voice so He hears you. So if you are praying silently… like I put in that paper that I wrote on prayer, ‘Praying by God’s Rules,’ I pray myself to sleep virtually every night of my life. That’s how I go to sleep, I don’t count sheep, I pray myself to sleep.

Last night I’m praying about today, praying about what I should talk about. You know, ‘help me give these people something worthy to take back home with them, so they will be really glad that they came and feel that they profited spiritually.’ I just pray about that and I pray about it and prayer goes into meditation and meditation goes back into prayer and pretty soon I’m asleep. Then I wake up and I don’t remember when I fell asleep, but all I know is I prayed myself to sleep.,2567.msg19614.html#msg19614
    Dear Bruce:
    Here is what I would say:  " I am all for prayer. I believe in prayer. I have had many prayers answered.  I pray more out of thanksgiving that I do for "things."  I pray all day long.  But, I do not always get on my knees, get a pious look on my face, and then lift my eyes toward the ceiling and begin praying.   Sometimes I pray on my knees by the side of the bed. Sometimes I pray sitting down.  Most of the time I pray in whatever position I find myself, and I never have a problem praying silently when others are present.  Never, EVER, in my life, was I in a position where I needed to PRAY OUT LOUD, but couldn't because of legal restrictions. School children can pray before they go to school, on the bus, in the rest rooms, at lunch break, on the way home, and when they get home. Now then, for what purpose would any student EVER need to pray out loud inside the school in the presence of others?  Other than to be seen and heard of men ?  Contrary to the beliefs of those who just love to march on Washington to push their religious rights, God can actually hear your SILENT prayers.  God can see in silent and hear in silent and answer in silent. Yes He can.  I know He can, because He has answered many SILENT prayers of mine, so I know whereof I speak.  It's all about pious, holier-than-thou, sanctimonious, exercises in the flesh for self gratification. Have our Christian children never been taught that God looks upon the HEART, not upon his AUDIBLE VOICE?  So help me, I don't understand all this religious hocus-pocus religious nonsense.  Hanging upside down in a deep well at the end of a rope with your mouth taped with duct tape, is an excellent place and position to pray.  No child will ever go to hell because he wasn't allowed to pray out loud in public school."

Rom 8;26 (NIV)
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.

Not my will, but thy will be done.

God Bless you, Matt!!
« Last Edit: January 10, 2012, 04:37:37 AM by Gina »


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Re: Prayer
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2012, 11:02:47 AM »

What's more, is verse 27 KJV

 27 And he(it) that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he(it) maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

Absolute proof that GOD WILL SEE TO IT THAT  Y-O-U  D-O  P-R-A-Y  F-O-R  I-T!  And this is exactly what God teaches in the Scriptures. Now can you see and understand it?

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