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Author Topic: Hello to all  (Read 6694 times)

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Hello to all
« on: January 20, 2012, 10:30:48 AM »

Hi, my name is Barbara.  I am thrilled to be a member of the forum again!  A few years ago I was a member and was privileged to even participate in transcribing some of Ray’s audio tapes to be posted here.  Because of health and computer issues, I lost my ID and have for the past year or so satisfied my thirst for spiritual enlightenment by reading the threads and I thank you.

I’m sure my story isn’t much different from most of yours.  I was raised in the Baptist Church and was a Billy Graham ‘fan’ beginning around age 10.  I remember saving my money so I could send it to his ministry.  Unfortunately,  I also remember how my many questions regarding doctrine contradictions vs what I read in the scriptures even as a child were never answered by my Bible study teachers who, I’m sure, were unable to answer them so it was easier to placate that precocious child with the simple ‘you’ll understand some day’.   Well, that ‘some day’ turned into many years!   

After marrying a member of the Church of Christ (called ‘Campbellites’ back then by many) I was baptized into that denomination and tried my best to believe and teach their doctrinal understanding.  I finally gave up on trying to understand most anything ‘spiritual’ and ‘doing’ what I was supposedly to do while experiencing a painful mid-life divorce.  After several years of putting Him ‘on the back burner’, He took me to my lowest physically, economically and spiritually knocking me to my knees and DRAGGING me to the computer one early morning at about 2:00 a.m. where I found Bible Truths!   WOW, this guy Smith had to be nuts, not believing in eternal HELL because I knew that’s where I was going!  I returned to ‘church’ and got busy with works but something certainly was missing so I found myself back to reading Ray’s articles.

To cut it short, I printed out his articles, dug out my old Concordances and Lexicons to check this ‘new’ concept out!  It took me two years to finally admit to being unable to find anything in scripture to contradict this ‘nut’!   :D  I was so awed and joyful and couldn’t wait to share my new-found spiritual enlightenment and freedom with my friends---probably most of you can guess how that turned out.   However, I was blessed to find my two children, who had left organized ‘church’ years ago, both knew what I didn’t---my son said ‘Mom, I could have told you but you wouldn’t have listened--I’ve known all my life that Jesus paid my price and there is nothing I can do that He hasn’t done!’  Even knowing how my children’s hearts were so much more loving than mine, I was blinded to their faith and their ‘living in Him’ because they didn’t ‘go to church’. How sad for me in many ways but how thankful too for His accomplishing in their lives this feat even without my help!   ;)

I still struggle with loving my neighbor and being judgmental.  Oddly enough, it seems to be easier to love my enemies for I know who they are but my ‘neighbors, friends, family’ seem to be those who inflict the most painful hurts rather than my enemies.  Maybe someone can relate to that struggle to completely crucify that old carnal hard heart so He can completely fill it with His love!

I look forward to participating in discussions with all of you.  I ask that you all pray for me.


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Re: Hello to all
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2012, 10:54:35 AM »

So glad you're back, Memme.  I confess I don't remember you, but I wanted to thank you for first up for the work you did in transcribing Ray's material!!  Thank you so much.  I love the videos, but get easily distracted but when I read the transcripts I find I actually see things more clearly.  It is a HUGE help.  I can't thank you and Kat enough.  I know the amount of work that goes into transcription--being a secretary; not to detract from anything Ray has done.  The amount of work done by all of you who support and keep BT going is unfathomable. 

I definitely understand what you're telling us about the family and hurts coming from them as opposed to our "enemies."   We women try but soon discover we can't please everybody.  (That's what makes men so enjoyable--they rarely try to please everybody. lol  I will gladly follow their lead.)

Proverbs 18:24 A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

I believe that "friend" is none other than Jesus.

Anyway, so glad you've joined us and I will definitely keep you in prayer. 

« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 11:20:26 AM by Gina »

Dennis Vogel

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Re: Hello to all
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2012, 11:28:47 AM »

Proverbs 18:24 A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Many times I read right over something and do not appreciate it. Thanks Gina.

Welcome back Barbara!


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Re: Hello to all
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2012, 11:45:09 AM »

However, I was blessed to find my two children, who had left organized ‘church’ years ago, both knew what I didn’t---my son said ‘Mom, I could have told you but you wouldn’t have listened--I’ve known all my life that Jesus paid my price and there is nothing I can do that He hasn’t done!’  Even knowing how my children’s hearts were so much more loving than mine, I was blinded to their faith and their ‘living in Him’ because they didn’t ‘go to church’. How sad for me in many ways but how thankful too for His accomplishing in their lives this feat even without my help! ;)

Hi Barbara and welcome back. :)  It is indeed a blessing to have your children exhibit an understanding of our Lord and Saviour.   

I also appreciate the scripture that Gena highlighted.  Jesus truly is the "Friend" that will never let us down. ;)



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Re: Hello to all
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2012, 12:00:57 PM »

You're very welcome, you two!   Later party people. :)


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Re: Hello to all
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2012, 12:09:14 PM »

Thank you, Rene, for reminding me of that wise proverb--like Dennis, I sometimes fail to appreciate a simple message by reading over it.  Isn't it wonderful that it seems every time we look to our Lord's words, we 'see' something we never 'saw' before?  And yes, Gina, He is indeed our best friend!

Thank you all for your welcome!  I look forward to the fellowship, exhortations and edification offered in this forum by all.

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Hello to all
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2012, 02:12:21 PM »

Welcome back, Barbara. 
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Hello to all
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2012, 09:13:04 AM »

Hey Barbara,

I still struggle with loving my neighbor and being judgmental.  Oddly enough, it seems to be easier to love my enemies for I know who they are but my ‘neighbors, friends, family’ seem to be those who inflict the most painful hurts rather than my enemies.  Maybe someone can relate to that struggle to completely crucify that old carnal hard heart so He can completely fill it with His love!

Welcome back to the forum. I can relate to your quote above. I think the biggest reason we have so much trouble with our Neighbors, friends and family is because we have to deal with them on a daily bases where as with our ememies they for the most part just stay away. I have found the longer you are away from someone who has caused you pain the easier it is to forgive them and love them. Will pray your struggle become less and less as each day goes by.



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Re: Hello to all
« Reply #8 on: January 21, 2012, 02:44:54 PM »

Hi Barbara,

So good to see you back  :)

mercy, peace and love



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Re: Hello to all
« Reply #9 on: January 21, 2012, 03:39:09 PM »

Welcome back Barbara!



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Re: Hello to all
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2012, 09:17:38 AM »

Hi Barbara,

Glad you re-joined and found much Truth from this Site and it's material to cause a return. I joined in late December(2007), don't remember if you were still there at that time. At this point in time, I believe the CAUSE that keeps me here centers around MOSTLY agreeing with the material & appreciating Ray's thorough coverage of the subjects He addresses. In some cases for Me, it was necessary for Him to do so with some of His articles, because I basically already agreed early on with that particular subject, but He is usually very thorough for the benefit of detractors & guests to avoid the "What about this Response," so I understand why Ray is very thorough. Hope you enjoy the association contained within this Forum.

Kind Regards, Samson.
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