Hello snorky,
Welcome to the forum. The questions you asked are hard to answer, yet I would consider you to look at what is going on in the world now. Are we to be a part of it? Or are we called out of this world? And is not His kingdom not of this world? Relligious leaders have used these things that happen in this world to keep people under their control.
We, the true believers are no longer of this world. So, why should we be like those of the world and take such stock on what happens. Those people who sell books and have huge ministries are making money and making huge money feeding from the fear of others. Perfect love casts out fear, we must put faith that He gave us and put it towards His kingdom, and not of the world.
The political system of this world, who have always professed that they are of God, no matter what relligion they believe, when and if you read the word of God, truly are not of God. They do not love God, they do not love their neighbor, and they sure don't forgive their enemies. We must be careful not to get drawn into their lies, and that is exactly what they are, lies.
Yet, it is a strange thing, this life, I have known many good intented people drawn into the ways of this world. We all have done it, we are all guilty. Thank God, He is a God of love, mercy, and forgiveness. Think about it, does the world follow these aspects, I think not. And if they do not follow these things, then they do not follow Christ. Simple math, to me. So, why listen to those who continually speak of worldly things.
Hope this helps a little anyway, I sure dont know much on this subject. But anyways welcome to the forum.
God bless,