Hey Everyone!
Very friendly community indeed! Glad to be here! I'm sure I'm going to spend countless hours reviewing videos and discussions. If I see where I might contribute some ideas I will jump in. I'm fairly "low-key" as I have never been a bible teacher or even one to seriously debate an issue for that matter, but I do consider myself an informed student of the bible... correctly informed? Well that's a different matter
. Anyhow - thanks again for your warm welcomes.
Thank you web-masters, Dave in Tenn, Rene', Kat, for your courteous invitations to this forum community. I was questioning myself why all the protocol in the procedures to join. Now, through briefly checking out this thread on new member introductions, I understand it is to keep the "flim-flam", "carnal minded" and "spiritually immature" out. There are certainly thousands of other places for them. I can see where some here have gone through trials of fire to remove the dross. Wow! Doesn't God surely know what He is doing for His saints for the next era! Sometimes very painful now... but on what bliss there is to be!
Also web-masters, this is my first time on a forum of any type and I'm still going to have to figure out what all these "gadgets" on this and other pages are for and how to copy and paste other's responses to my replys. This is embarrassing for me to say but it even took me ten minutes, or so, to figure out how to get where I was supposed to send my greeting up above.
Question: where do you stand on allowing teaching by women over the internet? (I'm for but most "reformed" forums and even some blogs are against). Any teachings you can send me to? I'm sure I'll find out when I navigate past threads but have you had a discussion on "when you see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place... flee to the mountains"? Or "has the church age ended for true believers in this sinful and apostate time"?
Debra ~ Hi, nice meeting you!
Suzie ~ Hey! nice meeting you also. We're almost neighbors!
Doug - Thanks for your testimony as how you found the BT website and what it means to you. My dad was a michigander and I have spent many a summer as a boy near Jackson. I can pick a Michigan native from a crowd by their accent. I also "love" the U.P. and have vacationed there several times. I believe I even camped at a state park near Marquette. Lake Superior is very cold swimming! Nice meeting you.
Janie ~ Your sharing about HC and the 15 yrs. is worth alot to me! Sometimes as negative and hurtful times tend to make one hold back with sharing that experience (it does me), it may mean well to others by encouraging and building them up to "keep on keeping on". And that is what your sharing has done for me. I would appreciate it if you would share even more of the positives and some of the negatives about that time. I could discuss and listen to your experiences for hours and I also could probably write a book on the 18 yrs. that I was a "campingite" and diligently "tithed" to that "ministry". I thought I was on the pinnacle of my learning experience while listening to the Open Forum radio program every night for an hour and a half. God reminded me - oh so wrong - you never get there in this life. Thank you so much for your encouragement to the future blessings of this site.