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Author Topic: to whom it may concern  (Read 7880 times)

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to whom it may concern
« on: May 19, 2012, 07:23:12 PM »

just a note to my facebook friends to let you know that i have deactivated my fb account. i want you to know how much i have enjoyed getting to know you in a more personal way and how much i value your friendship. I hope to stay connected via this forum in the future. FB has been a love/hate relationship for me & family (i love-family some time, and recently feel i need to break from it, at least for a while. Not my will but Gods be done.


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2012, 08:52:29 PM »

lauriellen, hey!   nice to meet you here on B-T even though I never was your facebook friend!  Couldn't be because I have never had a fb account and more than likely never will.  From personal experiences with others, I have learned that it is a social network that is mostly just trivializing one's life experiences and can become quite addictive.  But, I wouldn't know because like I said I have never "been there, done that".

bye the way, I'm and Okie myself... born in Stillwater.  Also spent a summer once raising my two pair of ostriches with a friend at his farm in Clayton OK.  Beautiful country!

I hope the relationship with your family improves now!  :)



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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2012, 11:10:20 PM »

Thanks Doug,
i think oklahoma is beautiful too. FB is what you make of it. For many it is a gossip hotline. For me, i found it a great place for sharing a laugh, ideas and information. Can't say i won't miss it, but my time will definately be better spent in other areas. =)


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2012, 09:08:16 AM »

I'm so going to miss you  :'(  but I know your family comes first. Just know you will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2012, 01:23:59 PM »

We're all family..we'll be together one day!!! One day we won't be lonesome for each other and until that time, we do what we have to do!!
Love you!!!


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2012, 02:05:07 PM »

   ''If you’re not paying for it, YOU are the product''

This site (the bt forum) is way better, good choice. And this site is a nonprofit organization

Years ago, 'I have been there and done that...' 

Now I stay in touch with friends and family trough old fashion emails... when I give news directly to them, it feels more personal, even so I don't get such quick responses.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 12:46:51 AM by Moises »


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2012, 03:59:44 PM »

I was reading your last post when something happened and when I went back on fb, you were gone. Glad we can still keep in touch here! I think you're awesome and will miss you!

:) Elaine


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2012, 03:56:57 AM »

No Laurie?  At first I panicked knowing how busy your were at this time on the ranch and knowing the silly puns I wrote in response like "the TRACTOR is PULLING for you!"  and A letter from "John Dear!" I "figgured" OH, NO! DUANE ya done it agin with ur stupid "huumer" when THEY were in a serious PICKLE!  So I rushed into Betty to see if SHE got "de-friended" as she isn't as "whatever" as I am --then RELIEF--Betty, too, got the same message!  DUANE was "off da hook"!  Happy/sad!

Then Betty axed if you were a "B-T'er" and I said YES!  And she sed: "WHY don't you see if Laurie is still on "F of R".  No Laurie.  Relief BUT now --WHAT HAPPENED?  So I sez to me-self:  "Self? W-h-o knows EVERYTHING about EVERYBODY--ax them!  So I reached Brian Weismuller and Kathy Anderson and inquired of them (we ALL knew you were SUPER BUSY) BUT was there ANYTHING ELSE that caused this --maybe PRAYER WAS THE ANSWER to a situational "thingy".

Kathy wrote back tonight and sed that your explanation wuz on B-T FORUM (GREAT CHOICE!) and to read about it there.
SOOO to "make a SHORT story-LOOONG"  Betty and I will miss you (as well as HUNDREDS of others) and we hope this is resolved.  BUT also remember that "B-T" reading and INTERNAL CONFLICT was affecting ME a couple years ago and I, TOO, had to SIGN OFF the same way-- for my own MENTAL HEALTH and MY marriage.  (I REALLY STRUGGLED and I COULDN'T let the new teachings of B-T and Ray "go" and they DIRECTLY CONFLICTED WITH 65 years of FUNDAMENTALISM and HOME RAISING --and I just about had a "nervous breakdown" over the internal conflict. )I GUESS the whole world knows now!)

Six months passed and I had Ray's writing on "hard copy (so I cheated) but God TOLD ME THAT THIS WAS RIGHT and I couldn't GO BACK TO THE OLD FUNDAMENTAL THINKING --even though it cost ALL my family and "friends" (who are STILL praying that I get out of "Ray's Cult") so it will be life-long!  Back to YOU--so WE understand, as well as ALL THOSE (who themselves) had to take spiritual respite.  Ya DONE the right thing-putting your family FIRST AND keeping with GOD on the FORUM!  But, maybe someday you will return to OPEN ARMS to where you left from.  With facebook behind you-NOW YOU CAN HAVE A LIFE!!  (Facebook is really: "bubble gum for the brain"!)
In Christ,
Duane and Betty Gevert
:-)  &  :-( 

Shawn Fainn

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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2012, 02:42:56 PM »

I understand exactly how you feel. Anyway, I enjoyed reading your posts there :)


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #9 on: May 22, 2012, 02:53:17 AM »

Even so, nobody has asked my opinion... Since this is a subject that I have give a deep thought on the past years, I am going to give it.

From the positive side... In the bigest social Network of the world today, you can be able to try to use it carefully and cleverly. As long as you don't use it for your most personal relations, the network can be useful to make some necessary presence on the web. But you have to be very cautious on how do you represent your self and about each activity that you make on the site (since being misunderstood and make false assumptions is easy), you must give not too much information, and try to don't interact in there too much.

Because when the head quarter's of the company are close and you finally get ''offline''...Did we used the network ''freely'', or did the network used us? (based on the WSJ article: “Spending on data from online sources is set to more than double, to $840 million in 2012 from $410 million in 2009.” ) --Writers for The Wall Street Journal found in 2010 that Facebook apps was transmitting identifying information to "dozens of advertising and Internet tracking companies".    (I am glad there are no 'dislike buttons' around here!--I would have a fine collection).

Is it just about time for another bigest social network to arise?, or is it too late and there will be food for glutton marketers for a life time? Honestly. I don't care. And I don't care if they keep on growing and growing, making more and more money... I just wish that the brothers who got to know each other here on the bt forum, would come back and share back again on this wonderful platform.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 02:55:31 AM by Moises »


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #10 on: May 22, 2012, 03:39:51 AM »

Ha, Duane wrote:  Facebook is bubble gum for the brain.
Too funny.  Were you trying to say "eye candy"?


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #11 on: May 22, 2012, 03:56:15 AM »

No-"eye candy" is beautiful pictures of women, or unavailable women that are "pleasing to the eye".  (Jail bait but pretty)
     "bubble gum for the brain" is ANYTHING that takes up a lot of time "occupying your brain" but has about as much PRACTICAL/NUTRITIONAL VALUE as bubble gum.   TV is another example.  Watch one show after another--and what do you have to SHOW for your time?   NADA! 

Now that we have out terminology down--I will terminate my bloviating!  :-)   

ALWAYS NICE to hear from you, Gina! 


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2012, 03:03:50 AM »

No-"eye candy" is beautiful pictures of women, or unavailable women that are "pleasing to the eye".  (Jail bait but pretty)
     "bubble gum for the brain" is ANYTHING that takes up a lot of time "occupying your brain" but has about as much PRACTICAL/NUTRITIONAL VALUE as bubble gum.   TV is another example.  Watch one show after another--and what do you have to SHOW for your time?   NADA!   

ha, ha


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2012, 08:08:02 PM »

I'll miss seeing you there.  Glad you'll still be here.


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #14 on: May 30, 2012, 11:28:07 AM »

just a note to my facebook friends to let you know that i have deactivated my fb account. i want you to know how much i have enjoyed getting to know you in a more personal way and how much i value your friendship. I hope to stay connected via this forum in the future. FB has been a love/hate relationship for me & family (i love-family some time, and recently feel i need to break from it, at least for a while. Not my will but Gods be done.

Hi Laurie,

Sorry you needed to leave Face Book, We were involved in so many good conversations/discussions together. Always enjoyed your contributions and being your friend. As I stated in the past to you, it's always preferable and usually more successful to keep Face Book friend totals to a minimum. That seems to be the only way to avoid grief and the occasional "ugliness" that surfaces from time to time. Of course, Now you might have more time for the bible Truths Forum and We can have more involvement and discussions with you here, that's a good thing.

As I've stated in the past to you, the problem with having a large friends list, especially when Topics center around Religious Topics, like the ones We got involved, a Friend of your Friends or like the saying: " A Friend of a Friend of a Friend of a Friend," sometimes gets an opportunity to comment on a News feed that was meant for certain Friends and those Friends of a Friend sabotage Your discussion turning it into a debate, like the one way back with that know it all Attorney Circuit Judge Guy.

Well, in reality, quitting Face Book ain't a bad thing, your probably better off. You seem like a very nice Lady and because your a Cattle Rancher, which probably require much toughness, especially with that wacky Oklahoma weather, I wouldn't want to get on your bad side,  ;), ;D.

Pam and I Love you, Samson.


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Re: to whom it may concern
« Reply #15 on: May 30, 2012, 11:28:41 PM »

thanks Pam & Sampson,
i always did love your well thought out posts on fb, but i can still enjoy them here! but i will miss Pam's jokes for Everything seems to have a season and i think the fb season is over for me. ;)  I surely did get tired of the debating.
love ya'll too =)
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