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Author Topic: Christian Bull....  (Read 21939 times)

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Christian Bull....
« on: May 02, 2012, 05:46:43 PM »

Ray.....let's face it....there ain't no Jesus gonna
come from the sky.....let's just all grow up and
die and that's fine!!!...Grow up,Ray!!!!!!!!!!

Dear bypolair:  Oh yeah?  And just how do you suppose you got here?  Do you believe that
you are the result of something extremely more powerful and intelligent than yourself, or do
you believe you are the result of something weaker and more stupid than yourself?  No,
bypolair, weakness and stupidity does not generate anything as intelligent as humans.

Surely you are intelligent enough to believe that, aren't you?  Well, that intelligent power
is called "JESUS."  And I for one will be looking for His coming one day from the sky.

May God grant you a spirit of wisdom,

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