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Author Topic: Children not in church  (Read 8275 times)

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Children not in church
« on: July 12, 2006, 02:31:34 PM »

Since I've left my church, I have also pulled my kids out, ages 10 & 12.  They are obviously not in the same spiritual walk I am in.  They know the truth about the church system and are comfortable with my beliefs.  I do not know if they are "chosen" or not, but I have given them up (spiritually) to the Lord last year. I don't know if I can teach them the same way they would get lessons at "Sunday school".  I'm their mother, not a Sunday School teacher. I feel they would listen better in a different environment, not in our living room. Do any other believers have a "schedule" in place for teaching their children that they could share with me?  I have  prayed to God about this issue and I am reminded of

Deut 6:6-9 "These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home, and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates."

Could it be as easy as this? Just generally speaking about the Lord with no set schedule?  That is what I do now, and actually haven't realized it until this very moment that I'm typing that they could just be getting much better "education" by me following this commandment then many years in a Sunday School class.

Your thoughts are appreciated nonetheless. 


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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #1 on: July 12, 2006, 03:05:20 PM »


Since the Sabbath was done away with at the cross, we entered into his Peace, rest and a continual Sabbath with Him 24/7, we don't wait for Saturday or Sunday to contemplate His plan and purpose and love for His creation. It is my belief that you are pleasing Him with the way you are instructing your children.



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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #2 on: July 12, 2006, 05:47:20 PM »

Thanks for your answers Bobby and Joe. I appreciate them, and I realize now God will lead me in the way that is right for me and my children. I think I was a little concerned with what my "church-going" friends would think - pulling my kids out of church and all, but what Jesus thinks is definitely more important to me...sometimes my carnal self takes over! Ugh.
Thank goodness for the gift of knowing Him.


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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2006, 09:53:18 PM »

Marie, all 3 of my kids were raised in church and attended a christian school K-12. Two attended a christian college even.  All three serve the Lord- ie  they love Him and go to church! My youngest son led me to BT so he no longer goes to church.

To get to the point,  Grandchildren!!! What to do?? My oldchurch that the other 2 still go to have an awesome Childrens church. My granddaughter loves it.  Since my daughter is no way interested in learning about Bible Truths, there isn't much I can say about it.  But it does bother me. She also has no plan on sending her kids to christian school the way she was.

Anyway, love is an action and "going to church" is a cultural and social event. Sundays used to seem fairly empty after I left, but I am over that now.   You can teach her bible stories anytime, praying before bed, and showing by example. Showing our kids how we deal with anger, disappointment, happiness, temptation etc are good teaching tools.

Pray, and Trust God.  It is all in His hands anyway.



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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2006, 10:53:25 PM »

Hi Gena. It is all in His hands.  I will remember that my kids will learn most by example, so my prayers will be that I will be a good example for them.  It's interesting to know how other BT believers lead their children in the Lord. Thank you for your advice.


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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2006, 04:18:30 AM »

Hi Marie, I have wondered about my children and what am I to teach them, too.  I have to agree with bobby, I just want to live an example for them and train them up in the way they should go......They are 6,8,9,10 and 12 yrs.  So at this time I'm telling them the basics----like there is NO hell and God created everything--good and evil.  We also have read Proverbs quite a bit.  About my "living example" they are learning that we all fail (fall) because it's usually real obvious when I do , but then they see me cry, repent(pray), and go on trying. Anyhow, it sounds like you've got the idea while you where typing your post.  It helped me to read what you had to say, I am constantly needing reassurance, especially with my children. God know's I'm always doubting my mothering skills and it sure doesn't help when people ask you "what about your children, how will they learn about God, since you've stopped going to church??"ugh!! God Bless you and your children, LOVE DANA  :)


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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2006, 02:27:44 PM »

Excellent point Bobby,


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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2006, 02:29:56 PM »

I would like to add a bit to this if I may.  I don't have children so I feel a bit uncomfortable about this....but I think it is important to always keep in mind that God has it all worked out for them too.  Whether you didn't believe yourself or whether they are taught constantly, it shall be with them according to His will.  In the end, He is the only teacher we have or ever need.  And He will lead them to Himself in His time.  Sunday school or formal time to learn is so small compared to what your kids will learn from you every day just by being around them as an example.  Be at peace.  All is of God and He will take good care of your kids.



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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2006, 02:36:43 PM »

You're right Bobby.  It is sometimes easier to leave education for your children up to is such a busy life we don't always take the time to show them what's important.

I thank God I have Him in my life and can only pray my actions will be pleasing to Him, and therefore beneficial to my children.


Dana, as we are both going through raising young children right now, and potential criticism from others, let's keep each other in mind; re: PM'ing for moral support.  ;)  Thanks.


Mongoose, we can easily see how the Body of Christ working together fits God's will so perfectly.  Every little tidbit of information added is so for the edification of others.   Thank you!



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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2006, 05:52:02 PM »

Good posts.  I took my daughter out of sunday school.  We discussed why.  I let her draw her own conclusions of why we no longer 'go there' based on who SHE thinks God is.  (God is love, Love your enemies, <does not equal> God will punish many for all eternity.)  She understood in 5 minutes what took me 30 years to get.

For study time, my daughter and I love to come up with questions about God and find the answers in scripture.  For example: Why can't we see God?  1 Tim. 1:17 "God is invisible" Does God know who I am? matt 10:30 "knows the number of hairs on your head" Does God care about lions (she loves lions)?  job 38:39.  This can fill up a lifetime of study sessions.

Also, we go for walks and just talk.  About anything and everything (including boys, sex, the human body - oy vay).  It's a blessing to see how much the Spirit has released my need to control others' beliefs and actions based on the very simple truth that God WILL save all (1tim 2:4, isaiah 46:10).   My judgemental attitude has been irradicated and His truth has caused me to repent (sometimes daily).  It's a blessing to know I'm not responsible for my childrens' salvation but accountable for my actions around them (how i love and forgive and serve).   This frees me up to REALLY listen to them and not judge or condemn.  The truth really does set me free!! I didn't understand that concept before.  ;D


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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2006, 07:39:14 PM »

I like how you study with your daughter, Jennifer. Thanks.


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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2006, 12:13:59 AM »

Hi Everyone,
This is my first post here, but it's right up my alley and something I'm passionate about, so I  thought I'd join in. 

Part of my story is that after 15 years in sales at the same company, and 8 years of giving my child up for others to rear, I had finally had enough.  I NEEDED to raise my own child.  This desire was instilled in me when he was born, but his dad wouldn't have it.  By the time my son was 2, I was a single mom (his dad was physically abusive towards me) and I really didn't know how I was going to manage if I quit my job.  I made good money and although we didn't live beyond my means, we lived well.  I explained to my 8 year old that quitting my job meant that we could no longer go to the store and buy whatever it was that he wanted. (Yes, I fell into that trap - buying him things believing it would make up for lost time).  At the time I had been led by God into some cult-like teaching and my reasons for leaving work were to raise my own son and to study the Bible.  I reasoned that God has always provided for me before, why would He stop now?  So, I walked.  Since we didn't have any income (except child-support), I cashed in EVERYTHING that I had in IRA's, 401K's and investments.  Since stocks were slowly declining, I was losing money anyway and probably broke even.  I recieved my cash 2 weeks BEFORE 9-11. People told me I was crazy to be cashing in on all my investments before 9-11 happened, they didn't think I was too crazy afterward  ;)

I quit during the summer and we lived off of what I cashed in.  I applied for a job in the cafeteria at the local public school which my son attended for 2 hours per day $6.25 per hour.  I hadn't made that kind of money since I was 15!  Shortly thereafter, the school started to ask me to put in more hours doing a variety of duties.  I worked in the front office, the principals office, aiding teachers, and was then "promoted" to are you ready?  "Copy Technician"  LOL.  I made copies of worksheets for the teachers.  I copied millions of worksheets!  After spending a week with a child who was supposedly ADD (I think he was just bored), attending his classes, taking his notes, doing most of his work (can you imagine how the other kids wished they were ADD?), I thought to myself, I can't even stand to sit in these classrooms for 45 minutes, how can I require that my own child do it all day long?  After 1 year at the school, my son and I did a trial home-school during the summer before he entered 4th grade.  It worked for him and he decided he'd like to give it a try.  So, I started home-schooling him.  I worked at the school for 1 more year and then got a part-time job for an answering service in December 2003.  I still work there, and also work for them from home when needed.  As far as provisions - NOTHING has changed.  It's incredible!  The bills are paid, the roof over our heads doesn't leak, we have clothing and food.  I was even able to cash in some silver I had saved for a few years and get my son his own computer!  God has continued to provide! 

About a year before all this had taken place, a Catholic someone had mentioned to me that my 7 year old son was far behind in his spiritual growth - why he didn't even know how to make the sign of the cross! Well, I got to thinking about that.  I was raised Catholic and the day I was confirmed was the day I tossed out most that I had learned, stayed away from any sort of church, and quietly depended on God to control the things in my life.  But, this person was right, I knew it was my responsibility to raise up my son in the way of God.  So, we tried church.  He hated it, I was sucked in to LOTS of time away from him doing volunteer work with the youth group.  This wasn't going quite as I had planned. I had quit my job to BE WITH my son, and now I was being taken from him again by the church.  That lasted 4 months and since we have not attended church.  (We ARE the Church!)

My son is now 13.  God has brought me through and taught me a lot in these past 5 years.  As I stated, I was with a cult-like church, teaching a doctrine of serpent seed, literal sons of Cain, geneologies, perishing in a Lake of Fire and 1st earth age. I taught this doctrine to my son.  I became negative, hateful and self-exhalted, walking FLESH.  My son became my reflection - thank God!  And then thank God again for allowing me to see myself through my son and how absolutely ugly and even more carnal I had become!   After being led to and through these teachings, He then showed me the contrast by leading me to spirit-filled teachers who taught of a loving and merciful God Who will save and restore His entire creation.   

Here is what I've learned.  LEAD BY EXAMPLE and be HONEST with your children ALWAYS. Talk with them often about EVERYTHING (as Jennifer statedl).  My son and I do the same.  We take walks and talk, we lie on the couch and talk, we float in the pool and talk, we pass in the hallway and talk.  I recently asked him if my "journey" has confused him about the things of God - his answer was an astounding 'NO!' (which surprised me because my journey has oftentimes confused ME!).  Remind your children often about how much God loves them and their need for Jesus Christ as their Savior.  Teach them of the love of God not only by loving them (that's easy), but by loving those who are much harder for you yourself to love.  Teach them about mercy by forgiving those who have wronged you UNGRUDGINGLY and with JOY!  It truly is a joy to forgive! Teach them to read their Bibles with Christ as their Teacher.  Most importantly, teach them that the changes in them as they grow in Christ is not anything that they have done of themselves, but the working of His spirit in their hearts.
Thanks for allowing me this time to share and God bless you all.  Laura


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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2006, 04:02:22 PM »

Thank you for the welcome Bobby (bob).  I think I have found a place where I will feel most comfortable in sharing my love for God.  It's nice to be here making new friends.
Blessings, Laura


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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2006, 09:15:47 PM »

It's funny Bobby, that was only PART of my story!  Most of us all have testimonies, but I truly believe my walk has been life-long.  It actually started when I was around 2 and getting my diaper changed - I REMEMBER and I was SCARED!  Anyway, maybe sometime if you're all up to it, I'll share some more.  I've had some pretty crazy things happen in my life (haven't we all?).
Love to you as well Bobby, Laura


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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2006, 10:06:25 PM »

Hi Laura,
Thank you for sharing with us. It's funny how we sometimes know certain things, but it takes someone else to tell us (again) for the information to actually hit home. 
Since I've posted this thread, I don't feel guilty about pulling my kids out of church and realize that God does want them to have the truth as well...he gave my ch ildren to I plan on doing what HE would have me do with them.
I'm not always the most patient person (especially when my kids fight) and I am working through that right now and I often pray to Jesus that he would work HIS patience and LOVE in me towards my kids...yes I want them to learn spiritually, not by MY example, but by HIS only.


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Re: Children not in church
« Reply #15 on: July 19, 2006, 05:25:30 PM »


I home school my kids; one is heading to Texas A & M this fall and the other is entering high school. I have NEVER used the Bible curriculum that goes with the curriculum I use (A Beka) because I could tell it was Baptist, ie. full of falsehoods, and glad I never did. I am also glad my kids will never go to one of those "Christian" colleges. I'd rather they figured out the Bible themselves than get their head filled with "Hell for eternity", the rapture and the rest of the bull. The way I feel is this: continue to do what you can and leave the rest up to God, Who will determine if they are called, chosen...or not. But as far as I can tell, they are on the right track. The important thing is lead them into the notion of discovering the truth instead of really on man to "interpret" it.

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