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Author Topic: THIS TEMPORARY LIFE  (Read 4245 times)

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« on: May 25, 2012, 12:13:25 PM »

This quote was shared with me this morning in my daily email goodines...i thought it was so beautiful and appropriate at this time:

All that we enjoy, and all that we suffer here, must soon vanish and disappear.

The most splendid palace will decay; the most costly pile will molder to dust; the most magnificent city will fall to ruins; the most exquisite earthly pleasures will soon come to an end; and the most extended possessions can be enjoyed but a little time.

So too the acutest pain will soon be over; the most lingering disease will soon cease; the evils of the deepest poverty, want, and suffering will soon be passed.

There is nothing on which the eye can fix, nothing that the heart can desire here, which will not soon fade away; or, if it survives, it is temporary in regard to us. We must soon leave it to others; and if enjoyed, it will be enjoyed while our bodies are slumbering in the grave.

How foolish, then, to make these our portion, and to fix our affections supremely on the things of this life! How foolish also to be very deeply affected by the trials of this life, which at the furthest CAN be endured but a little longer before we shall be for ever beyond their reach!

Albert Barnes (1798–1870)
Barnes’ Notes on the Bible
II Corinthians 4:18

hope you enjoyed as much as i did.
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