On the early morning of Sept. 27, 2003, I had this dream that I was sitting on the front porch of a big house and he was teaching me the proper way to pray. He opened the Bible to Matthew 6 and told me as long as I say this prayer, he would personally watch over me because he found favor in me. So I started saying the prayer with him and I could hear the sound of my youngest son crying. When I became fully awake, I was actually reciting the prayer. In all my life, I had never remembered that prayer and could not quote it. While trying to attend to my youngest son, I became severely pained in the lower abdominal area to the point of almost passing out. Then after making a call to my mother and my hubby, I started having chest pains and then the pain hit my left shoulder, then to my elbow. I called 911 and sure enough ambulance came(gave me aspirin & nitrospray). While at the hospital, they realized that I had to have cardiac cath & angioplasty where they put in the surgical stent in my left circumflex artery. While in the hospital, the doctors were amazed that I stayed awake throughout my attack. They told my parents and I, that I should have been unconscious after getting my labs back with my enzyme levels and that I was a miracle. I had just turned 36 that August too. When I went back to have a follow up tests, they said my heart was perfectly fine and they can't find anything wrong anymore. So, now I am having strange dreams that seem too real. Some are horrible and some are making sense.