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Author Topic: satan's revolt  (Read 7160 times)

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satan's revolt
« on: July 26, 2012, 02:04:44 PM »

I am again studying Gen 1:1  In the beginning of God's preparing the heavens and the earth--
Gen 1:2  the earth hath existed waste and void, and darkness is on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God fluttering on the face of the waters,
And where ever I go I find that there is what is called the "gap theory," I find that there is a gap. But all places I have gone to, speak that within that "gap" there was a rebellion by the adversary, the devil, and that the enemy was jealous and thus the cause.
I will use Rev 13:8  And bow before it shall all who are dwelling upon the land, whose names have not been written in the scroll of the life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world;
and the word foundation in Strong's G2602 katabolē  a deposition, that is, founding; figuratively conception: - conceive, foundation. From G2598 kataballō to throw down: - cast down, lay. From G2596 and G906
It is said that it was this "kataballō" was where this rebellion of satan-adversary took place and the adversary was "cast down" to earth and then we are taken to Rev. 12.
Other than that I cannot find anything on that revolt. Any help? Thanks

Peace and Love Through Jesus


Dave in Tenn

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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2012, 03:14:52 PM »

Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2012, 03:50:52 PM »

Yes sir. I have read that many times and probably will again. My wondering is how the teaching got its information. I'm not seeking a truth to it but how did all this stuff come about. I know it is not real just how in the world the fabrication came about. I mean you pick up the Dake bible and there it is foot notes and all.Thanks Dave


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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2012, 03:59:06 PM »

Yes sir. I have read that many times and probably will again. My wondering is how the teaching got its information.

Here's how....

The DEPTHS of Satan—teaches that what God does mostly, is HATE! He is a God of eternal hatred and vengeance. He is pictured as the chief of hypocrites. He tells mankind to love their enemies, but shows His perverted love toward mankind by torturing most of our loved-ones in fire for all eternity. God’s weak wish of saving all humanity is thwarted by the sovereign power of man’s supposed free will, and thus most of the human race will eternally hate and despise and curse their Creator for ever making them. This teaching of Satan has absolutely no redeeming value to it. God will be remembered eternally for being the greatest failure in the history of the universe. This doctrine is both the most evil and the most stupid teaching ever conceived.

The DEPTHS of God—teaches that what God does and is, is LOVE! He is a God fully capable of bringing the whole human race to repentance through judgments that cause man to learn righteousness. The purpose for man’s creation is to teach him obedience and love, so that he can be molded into the very Image of God Himself and thus be manifested as the Eternal Sons and Daughters of God in the Family of God. God’s plan brings unspeakable happiness to and pleasure to every creature in heaven and earth. God’s plan will be totally successful down to God’s very last wish and desire. Possessing the very character of God and His love for all His creatures is the most marvelous plan ever conceived by our all-wise and Loving God.

Ironically, The Christian Church writes books about, teaches in her seminaries, and preaches from her pulpits, in a most vigorous manner, The DEPTHS of Satan. Contrariwise, she avoids teaching The DEPTHS of God, and accuses those who do, of being false prophets and of the devil.



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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2012, 04:08:14 PM »

I know it is not real just how in the world the fabrication came about. I mean you pick up the Dake bible and there it is foot notes and all.Thanks Dave

Probably the same way most lies begin...enough people state a lie over and over again to those who will listen, and over time it becomes 'truth'.

As you've stated to Dave, you know the truth of the matter, so that should answer your question as to why you cannot find further information on 'Satan's revolt'. It's hard to find background information on a subject that is based on a lie.


the truth

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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2012, 04:23:21 PM »


I see your response to Dave.Its that your looking for information about how Dake and other gathered this info together to draw their conclusion correct?I actually know the grand daughter of Dake and she still works for the the company.I will email her and ask if she could give me any idea about this issue.I have never studied it out before.Actually i have always seen Rev-12... as a future event more than a past event.Anyway I also Have the entire series from dake "God plan for man"that Kim sent me.Just maybe I will look through that to see if there is a teaching on it in the series.I haven't touched it since I found Ray sight many years ago.

Also i found a email that might help you confirm that it ....may.... just be as Ray says if the church teaches its a good chance its not right.Her is the email


« on: January 25, 2007, 03:39:28 PM »





Dear Brian:

I get asked to explain the entire book of Revelation all the time--one Scripture, one doctrine, one question, one email at a time. I can't do it. It would take all my time for years. It would be like composing my "Lake of Fire" series in thousands and thousands of emails. This is not the way to do it. Suffice it to say, that if the Church teaches it, it is most likely wrong. I assure you that there is not now, nor has there ever been A WAR IN THE THRONE ROOM OF ALMIGHTY GOD.  This kind of nonsense only happens on Star Trek and in the minds of Christian theologians.  One day I may write a commentary (verse by verse) through Revelation, but not today. I have more on my plate than I can handle, and I am still forced to find means of supporting my family even though I have retired from roofing. Revelation and Daniel are not subjects for thousands of emails.  I receive at least five to ten emails daily that would take one to two weeks to answer. And I receive tens of thousands of emails. Hope you understand.

Deb..Loved that post ..Love to see you posting again more frequently.You are a Dynamite sister !

And as per Marques:Why would we want to search into something that based on a lie!Well,..until its a lie to you!You want know its a lie.So is it a lie to you are or you not sure?Sound like you need to make sure?If you would like i will send any info to you I can gather.AS i believe its a lie myself as far as I have studied the subject .Which as I have shared has not been much.


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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2012, 04:37:08 PM »

I know it is not real just how in the world the fabrication came about. I mean you pick up the Dake bible and there it is foot notes and all.Thanks Dave

Probably the same way most lies begin...enough people state a lie over and over again to those who will listen, and over time it becomes 'truth'.

As you've stated to Dave, you know the truth of the matter, so that should answer your question as to why you cannot find further information on 'Satan's revolt'. It's hard to find background information on a subject that is based on a lie.


Yeah I know you are correct, I have just been watching to much religion TV. I always hope that maybe, just maybe some body hit on the truth. I need to take my own advice and quit digging a dry hole. Thanks.


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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #7 on: July 26, 2012, 04:44:01 PM »


I see your response to Dave.Its that your looking for information about how Dake and other gathered this info together to draw their conclusion correct?I actually know the grand daughter of Dake and she still works for the the company.I will email her and ask if she could give me any idea about this issue.I have never studied it out before.Actually i have always seen Rev-12... as a future event more than a past event.Anyway I also Have the entire series from dake "God plan for man"that Kim sent me.Just maybe I will look through that to see if there is a teaching on it in the series.I haven't touched it since I found Ray sight many years ago.

Also i found a email that might help you confirm that it ....may.... just be as Ray says if the church teaches its a good chance its not right.Her is the email


« on: January 25, 2007, 03:39:28 PM »





Dear Brian:

I get asked to explain the entire book of Revelation all the time--one Scripture, one doctrine, one question, one email at a time. I can't do it. It would take all my time for years. It would be like composing my "Lake of Fire" series in thousands and thousands of emails. This is not the way to do it. Suffice it to say, that if the Church teaches it, it is most likely wrong. I assure you that there is not now, nor has there ever been A WAR IN THE THRONE ROOM OF ALMIGHTY GOD.  This kind of nonsense only happens on Star Trek and in the minds of Christian theologians.  One day I may write a commentary (verse by verse) through Revelation, but not today. I have more on my plate than I can handle, and I am still forced to find means of supporting my family even though I have retired from roofing. Revelation and Daniel are not subjects for thousands of emails.  I receive at least five to ten emails daily that would take one to two weeks to answer. And I receive tens of thousands of emails. Hope you understand.

Deb..Loved that post ..Love to see you posting again more frequently.You are a Dynamite sister !

And as per Marques:Why would we want to search into something that based on a lie!Well,..until its a lie to you!You want know its a lie.So is it a lie to you are or you not sure?Sound like you need to make sure?If you would like i will send any info to you I can gather.AS i believe its a lie myself as far as I have studied the subject .Which as I have shared has not been much.

Thanks truth, I've read and re read Ray all time time. I just get so amazed that people really, I mean really believe stuff that's out there. They cannot possibly do there own work as to study. I bought the Dake, thought it would be a good study tool, but like ALL study bibles, the notes and affirmations are all their own ideas. I payed $55 bucks for it and I only take it out mainly to debate whether to toss it or give it to someone. Don't like tossing books and I could never give it to someone who would probably believe it.


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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #8 on: July 26, 2012, 04:46:28 PM »

I see that I have been kept in the dark, perhaps for a reason.
I have never heard of the Dake bible until today.
I know that I haven't missed much of value, but I'm curious why I hadn't stumbled upon it in my years of searching for Bible commentary. Hhmmmm?

Dave in Tenn

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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #9 on: July 26, 2012, 04:48:17 PM »

I feel the same way about my Scofield reference bible.

Don't know how it began, but it's not extremely 'new'.  I heard at least a version of it 30+ years ago.  Like every new thing, no doubt I believed it for a while.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #10 on: July 26, 2012, 05:26:36 PM »

Hi micah7:9,

Well it seems they have built their belief system one false concept upon another until you have the whole ridiculous mess that they believe is true. But what can you expect when they have no spiritual understand to go on.

Maybe the notion of Satan's revolt before the foundation of the world came about as they first totally misinterpreted Isa. 14. They believe that Satan was this archangel/cherub that fall from his glorious position. Well then when and where could that happened? It doesn't explain such a heretical thing in the Bible, but they had to come up with something to give the first falsehood credence. So of course it must have been in the 'gap' which the Bible states nothing about.

It takes a little twisting (actually a great deal of twisting) and a lot of loose ends to overlook and of course if the church teaches it is true, well it must be. But hey it seems to work for them.

mercy, peace and love



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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #11 on: July 26, 2012, 08:36:28 PM »

Hi micah7:9,

Well it seems they have built their belief system one false concept upon another until you have the whole ridiculous mess that they believe is true. But what can you expect when they have no spiritual understand to go on.

Maybe the notion of Satan's revolt before the foundation of the world came about as they first totally misinterpreted Isa. 14. They believe that Satan was this archangel/cherub that fall from his glorious position. Well then when and where could that happened? It doesn't explain such a heretical thing in the Bible, but they had to come up with something to give the first falsehood credence. So of course it must have been in the 'gap' which the Bible states nothing about.

It takes a little twisting (actually a great deal of twisting) and a lot of loose ends to overlook and of course if the church teaches it is true, well it must be. But hey it seems to work for them.

mercy, peace and love

Yeah I hear you. I will say it took and takes a lot of imagination G1271 [dianoia] and man's mind is just full of it.


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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #12 on: July 27, 2012, 02:55:14 AM »

Musing on how religion manifests its process of deception and temptations to unsatisfying mannerisms, is like saying you have a fetish for understanding nothing. lol ~ :)

What so ever things are honest, just, lovely, pure, and of good report, finally, we shall think only on these.... 8)


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Re: satan's revolt
« Reply #13 on: July 27, 2012, 11:45:21 AM »

Musing on how religion manifests its process of deception and temptations to unsatisfying mannerisms, is like saying you have a fetish for understanding nothing. lol ~ :)

What so ever things are honest, just, lovely, pure, and of good report, finally, we shall think only on these.... 8)

 ;D ;)
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