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Author Topic: marriage woes "divorce"  (Read 20005 times)

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marriage woes "divorce"
« on: August 01, 2012, 11:24:27 PM »

My wife and I have been separated for over a year now. I know the bible says God hates divorce. But he divorced national Israel. Jesus said that the only way to divorce is by adultery. If we are all sinners and are guilty of all sins then all divorces are caused by adultery?  I have looked on this site for a while now and have found very little on marriage. The bible says not to divorce all over the place but it also says not to be unequally yoked also. I am a believer my wife is not, I do not want a divorce my wife does. Is there any scriptural help I am missing on this subject?  I know only God can change someones heart and mind just like he did to king Nebuchadnezzar and all things are in Gods time not mine. If God hates divorce, and it is forced upon you, how, what do you do about it.
lost and concerned


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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #1 on: August 01, 2012, 11:35:33 PM »

Email reply from Ray ():

Dear Max:  There are a hundred good reasons why I don't get involved in counseling people in divorce and remarriage situations and other legal matters.  One ends up in the same situation as Paul called "endless genealogies."  I assume you may be referring to your own marriage with this question?  Okay, so you marry a woman who was not legally divorced based on her husband committing adultery. They just divorced for whatever reasons. Now then, are you legally married to her and is she legally married to you?  Well........has her husband remarried?  Cause if he did, then he IS committing adultery, seeing that your divorce was apparently not legal in God's eyes.  So now that he is married (legal or not) to another and having sex (adultery) with another woman, she could not legally divorce him on grounds of adultery. But you are already divorced, he is now married, and she now married.  Okay, suppose her husband is not remarried and is not committing adultery, then what?  Should she legally divorce you according to the laws of the law, and remarry her old husband if he will have her?  What if he really does WANT HER?  And what if she really decides that she did love him and wants to divorce you now and remarry her old husband?  Can they do that?  (In "God's" eyes?)
    What if you die, and your present wife who is not legally divorced because there was no adultery in her first marriage, wants to remarry a third man, and the third man is legally divorced because his wife did commit adultery, can she marry him if her first husband will not take her back, even though he never did commit adultery on her when they were married?  But what if your wife really did commit adultery in her first marriage, but her first husband forgave her and didn't want to divorce her, but she wanted to divorce him, because she felt guilty for betraying him? Can she divorce him if it was her who committed the adultery, and then marry you?  I could go on like this for hours and hours.
    It's just more "endless genealogy," and I won't get involved in it. Furthermore, NO ONE will divorce their mate if they love them, no matter WHAT I would say, so this whole conversation is pretty close to pointless.  Furthermore, I don't believe that I have ever had anyone tell me the absolute truth when asking me to "settle" such convoluted marital situations.
    Listen:  You cannot UN-ring a bell.  Sometimes it is not possible to go back and straighten out all of the convoluted mistakes we made in life and such things as marriage and remarriage. Repent for what you have done and for what you are and GO ON with you life.  If a husband BEATS his wife, or ABUSES the children, or does NOT PROVIDE food and shelter for his family, or is totally IMMORAL, or DESERTS his wife, or DIES, then the wife is not expected to remained married to such a man if she does not desire, and the same is true she the wife commit these crimes.  Almost all other things are just excuses to have one's cake and eat it too. I hope this has been a little helpful to you.
    God be with you,

I only highlighted the portion relevant to your situation, as far as your wife deserting you through divorce. I know it's hard, but there's no need for you to carry around a guilty conscience. And really, neither should your both have to move on. Sorry about everything Gregory.



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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2012, 11:54:16 PM »

Hi Greg,

Here is a Biblestudy on the subject of marriage, maybe you can find some help in it.



mercy, peace and love



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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2012, 12:39:39 AM »

I will pray for you, Gregory.  I'll pray for your wife and kids (if you have any) too. I don't know what else to say other than what Marques and Kat say -- I'm sorry too. 


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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2012, 05:55:44 PM »

Thank God for the three of you for your kind words from your heart and for your prayers, something we all could use every now and then.  I believe I. Made a bad choice when I asked my wife to marry me not looking at her through spiritual eyes and thinking I could help her not knowing that God was the only help for her.  I truly do love her still and both of my children. I still feel guilty for this disaster because of my bad decision it has effects on multiple lives especially my children, but I know searching for the truth in God and much praying is what brought me here and I am very thankful for that.  I still believe that divorce is wrong for forgiveness through love solves all problems. Starting to wander here thank you for the positive notes. One thing I don't quite get yet is this …  if divorce is caused ultimately by God but he only condones adulteress divorce stated by Jesus how is it that so many of Gods children still seem ti divorce or put away for no reason at all,  and seemingly with no remorse or regret?
still curious

Ian 155

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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2012, 06:35:58 PM »


Hav'nt met you and am not in your situation now,although reading what you wrote I certainly can share in your "woes",

In My Own case a while back in this life I was told,"your courting was not an accident,your marriage was not an accident,your fighting was not an accident,Your children did not arrive by accident,neither are you in this place by 1 Cor 13"

I will be praying for you "Boet"  [South African for brother] -

meantime check out 1 Cor 13 in fact,ask the Father to read it with you ... once you get that inside you, you stop looking at your self and you will put others before your present trial/circumstance,who knows ... with God anything/all is possible ... even un-divorces.


Marky Mark

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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2012, 06:50:18 PM »

I am a believer my wife is not, I do not want a divorce my wife does. Is there any scriptural help I am missing on this subject?

Hi Greg.

Everything that happens in your life, from your birth to your death [meaning 'everything' in between], was ordained for you.God is not surprised by His own works.

Psa 139:16 Thine eyes did see mine unformed substance; And in thy book they were all written, Even the days that were ordained for me, When as yet there was none of them.

The Lord is the one who will judge a believer in a marriage and free that believer from bondage, so that the believer, can be called to peace.

1Co 7:10  And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:
1Co 7:11  But and if she depart, let her remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband: and let not the husband put away his wife.
1Co 7:12  But to the rest speak I, not the Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.
1Co 7:13  And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.
1Co 7:14  For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
1Co 7:15  But if the unbelieving depart, let him depart. A brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases: but God hath called us to peace.

Our pursuit is for peace and edification in one another,that being His church of believers, not the non-believers.

Rom 14:19 Consequently, then, we are pursuing that which makes for peace and that which is for edification of one another."

Our hope is in the Lord according to His own purpose and grace knowing that all things work together for good,written aforetime.

2Ti 1:9 Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began,

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to [his] purpose.

Rom 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

As much as a failed marriage hurts,[been there]it is none the less, all of God.

Eph 1:11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will:

Amo 3:6 Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?

Pro 16:1 The preparations of the heart in man, and the answer of the tongue, is from the LORD.

Pro 20:24 Man's goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way?

Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

Hope this is of some comfort for you Greg.

« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 07:05:34 PM by Marky Mark »


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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2012, 01:47:39 AM »

Thank God for the three of you for your kind words from your heart and for your prayers, something we all could use every now and then.  I believe I. Made a bad choice when I asked my wife to marry me not looking at her through spiritual eyes and thinking I could help her not knowing that God was the only help for her.  I truly do love her still and both of my children. I still feel guilty for this disaster because of my bad decision it has effects on multiple lives especially my children, but I know searching for the truth in God and much praying is what brought me here and I am very thankful for that.  I still believe that divorce is wrong for forgiveness through love solves all problems. Starting to wander here thank you for the positive notes. One thing I don't quite get yet is this … if divorce is caused ultimately by God but he only condones adulteress divorce stated by Jesus how is it that so many of Gods children still seem ti divorce or put away for no reason at all,  and seemingly with no remorse or regret?
still curious


You're welcome, Gregory.

In answer to the highlighted question, that is because God makes vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor.   Given time, I guarantee you even the hardest, most calloused hearts do regret their decision to divorce.  We have this thing in us that makes us continually think that the grass is greener on the other side; and it might be for a time but when the novelty/newness of that wears off, it's back to square one.

You feel guilty for marrying your wife and thinking you could help her [help her ... meaning? - sorry-not trying to be nosey...] without first looking at her through spiritual eyes.  She left you, Gregory.  That's not what you ultimately wanted.  You had no way of knowing this would happen; that was not your intention at all.   But now you have all this fallout with your kids and with her.  I pray you and your wife will be reunited since you still love her.  But if she has made the decision to leave, you might have to just accept it for a while and maybe one day you two can be better friends apart than when you were married?  I've seen that happen too.  :) 



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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2012, 02:26:44 PM »

Hi Gregory,
This is from an old man who has the extensive experience of mountains of mistakes....

I don't know if you mentioned it in previous messages so if you did then please ignore my comments.

If you are a true believer and if your wife is not, that is not your responsibility to correct.  :)

Your responsibility is to be a living example and to inspire her to live her life as best she can under the circumstances. One thing that believers on this forum can do is stop preaching to their relatives and spouses. AND if you are called upon to give an answer for the hope that lies within you; make it as brief as possible and shut up about it. Focus on being a loving friend.

Yes it is very tempting to continually try to steer the conversation around to your "God given" personal beliefs, but it is not necessary to do that in order to stay married. (if that applies)

So what I am asking you to think about, no reply is needed, is whether your obvious beliefs are causing division, BECAUSE you keep bringing it up to her (or to others in her presence)

You can live with a woman, in marriage, without demanding your proper marriage privileges from her. You can live as a Eunuch and be happy, IF YOU DECIDE to be happy. Consider what the apostle Paul had to suffer all the years he served Lord Jesus in his ministry.

You have heard it said that the husband is the "proper" head of the wife and that the wife should submit herself to her own husband. True!! BUT.... The choice is hers not the husband's choice.

Consider that Christ is our absolute master and yet he does not even mention it to us unless we ask for correction. We need then to be like Christ in being "long suffering" in our relationships with other people and especially with our spouses.

Finally, please be aware that my comments were not asked for and may not apply to your situation so please take them with a spoonful of sugar to sweeten them where needed.

Kindly, Indianabob


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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2012, 09:42:54 PM »

 To Gina I thought I could help her because , well I really don't know, just call it a damsel in distress , and I thought I was her knight.? 

To indianabob I wish I would have found this site a year ago and gotten your advice then. Ignorance has been killing me for quite some time. Lol I thank you very much for your advice and truly I say thank you. But I am pretty sure I have shattered and bashed and clubbed and stomped that all over the ground. I did nicely at putting my,what I thought was biblical knowledge, it out there and severely beat my wife with it. I wielded the hammer of God quite dangerously against her. Probably too late to fix that one. Again thank you. From a babe in Christ,


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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2012, 03:31:16 AM »

Yep, from one recovering control freak to another, I have to say I'm looking forward to becoming none at all.  And statistics show I'm much more likable now.  ;) 
We live, we learn.



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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #11 on: August 18, 2015, 12:20:29 AM »

"This is from an old man who has the extensive experience of mountains of mistakes...."

That is certainly true....there is no teacher like experience....

"Your responsibility is to be a living example and to inspire her to live her life as best she can under the circumstances. One thing that believers on this forum can do is stop preaching to their relatives and spouses. AND if you are called upon to give an answer for the hope that lies within you; make it as brief as possible and shut up about it. Focus on being a loving friend..."

Such great advice filled with wisdom, yet sooooo hard to do!

"If a husband BEATS his wife, or ABUSES the children, or does NOT PROVIDE food and shelter for his family, or is totally IMMORAL, or DESERTS his wife, or DIES, then the wife is not expected to remained married to such a man if she does not desire, and the same is true she the wife commit these crimes.  Almost all other things are just excuses to have one's cake and eat it too."

Marriage is hard under the best of circumstances. Sometimes it seems impossible.

,"your courting was not an accident, your marriage was not an accident, your fighting was not an accident, Your children did not arrive by accident, neither are you in this place by 1 Cor 13"

Sometimes at the end of an especially hard day, it's hard to understand what God is doing. It's hard to imagine that He has ordained so much pain and difficulty for some people.

I read someone post that "I have thought more about running away as an adult than I ever did as a child." ...

Jer 23:24  Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.



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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #12 on: August 18, 2015, 08:56:34 AM »

gregorydc -

I pray that my thoughts may help you and your beloved to reconcile in Love and Truth:

What is it about your wife that you like.

Tell her what it is about her that you love.

Tell her why you love her and that you do not want to be without her.

Ask her what it is that is stopping you from being together as husband and wife.

The union of a husband and his wife is just that - oneness.

The hardest thing in life is to be a good husband or wife and and a caring parent.

You should be a Living Letter to your wife - leading by example - and showing her you love her in how you interact with her.

Remember you must love your wife as yourself - and take care of her as you do yourself.

There is no hiding place within families - and you are seen for what you truly are - and a child of God should be living a loving life - with no hatred or resentment, full of forgiveness and a lot of patience.

Tell The Lord how you feel and ask Him to confirm to your wife how your feel.

Wives tend to take out their frustrations on their husbands, as do the husbands also. This is a time to listen carefully to what your wife is telling you.

The scriptures state that a believer should stay with their unbelieving spouse if their spouse wants to stay with them.

In my experience, not many people open up their hearts to others. Love motives us to open our hearts and minds to those we care about.

When my fiance was thinking of leaving me, I begged her not to and opened up my heart to her in a crowded major train station - as I was only concerned about us and nothing else.


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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #13 on: August 18, 2015, 12:30:12 PM »

I will pray for God to bring about some type of resolution to what must be such a painful, difficult situation, Greg.
Your brother in Christ,


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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2015, 03:27:23 PM »

"This is from an old man who has the extensive experience of mountains of mistakes...."

That is certainly true....there is no teacher like experience....

"Your responsibility is to be a living example and to inspire her to live her life as best she can under the circumstances. One thing that believers on this forum can do is stop preaching to their relatives and spouses. AND if you are called upon to give an answer for the hope that lies within you; make it as brief as possible and shut up about it. Focus on being a loving friend..."

Such great advice filled with wisdom, yet sooooo hard to do!

"If a husband BEATS his wife, or ABUSES the children, or does NOT PROVIDE food and shelter for his family, or is totally IMMORAL, or DESERTS his wife, or DIES, then the wife is not expected to remained married to such a man if she does not desire, and the same is true she the wife commit these crimes.  Almost all other things are just excuses to have one's cake and eat it too."

Marriage is hard under the best of circumstances. Sometimes it seems impossible.

,"your courting was not an accident, your marriage was not an accident, your fighting was not an accident, Your children did not arrive by accident, neither are you in this place by 1 Cor 13"

Sometimes at the end of an especially hard day, it's hard to understand what God is doing. It's hard to imagine that He has ordained so much pain and difficulty for some people.

I read someone post that "I have thought more about running away as an adult than I ever did as a child." ...

Jer 23:24  Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.

Hi Lauriellen,

Maybe you should evaluate how you are interacting with your family... you do not want to antagonize people with your knowledge of the truth. I certainly do not know how you may have been demonstrating what you believe to anybody, but this is what I'm getting at, there is a difference in letting your light shine and telling/preaching to a blind person (that cannot possibly understand truth) that what they are doing/saying is wrong. A person that does not understand as you do may think of your attempt of helping them see the truth more as an attack and become defensive and you may drive them further away from listening to you. Again I do not know that you are doing any of this, just wanted give some examples that may help.

Col 4:5  Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time.
V. 6  Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. (NKJV)

Here is the Easy to Read version.

Col 4:5  Be wise in the way you act with those who are not believers. Use your time in the best way you can.
v. 6  When you talk, you should always be kind and wise. Then you will be able to answer everyone in the way you should. (ERV)

If you can see what Paul is saying here it is that we should be careful how we speak with "those who are outside" - unbelievers. When we talk to them we should take care that it is "seasoned with salt" - prudent, tactful. While one answer is proper for one person, yet another kind of answer may be better for another person, as we see in Proverbs.

Pro 26:4  Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you also be like him.
v. 5  Answer a fool according to his folly, Lest he be wise in his own eyes.

Sometimes we do need to give an answer when there is a discussion, to show we are not in agreement, while other times we should remain silent. We need to learn how to judge the situation and how to respond to it, sometimes a person simple can't bear/endure/comprehend what we think we are sharing a simple understanding. Even Jesus had to refrain from teaching his disciples too much.

John 16:12  "I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.

Think about how Paul spoke of being "all things to all people," he was never condescending, he would make himself as anybody's equal in whom he was conversing, in order to gain a good rapport with them.

1Co 9:19  For though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them.

Paul was a free man, not a slave and not owing anybody, so self-sufficient, but yet he was willing to make himself totally available for service/work, whenever needed.

v. 22  To the weak I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some.
v. 23  I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.

So my point in saying all this is that we have to use much discretion when talking about these truths to others, which requires knowing what to say, how much and when, so as not to bring trouble onto ourselves.

Pro 9:6  Leave your old, foolish ways and live! Advance along the path of understanding."
v. 7  Criticize a person who is rude and shows no respect, and you will only get insults. Correct the wicked, and you will only get hurt.
v. 8  Don't correct such people, or they will hate you. But correct those who are wise, and they will love you. (ERV)

mercy, peace and love


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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2015, 05:39:29 PM »

Thank you Kat. Wisdom indeed. I am blessed by your post as you know where I find myself, this is a big struggle for me lately.

I showed a classmate how the lake of fire wasnt eternal, that it would end, and she finally saw it, but only to arrive to the conclusion that God's plan was then to annihilate all that went into it. My heart was absolutely broken and I felt a deep sadness for her, that she completely misjudges Jesus and His great love.

I knew then I had to be very careful about how I discuss such basic truths as the reconciliation of all things--The milk of the word.

I am  a huge work in progress, in all things, it seems like ill never finish the race, endure to the end.

God bless,
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #16 on: August 18, 2015, 09:43:17 PM »

Hi Alex,

Just a comment or two. Tongue in cheek....

The annihilation idea seems to many to work to lead to a better idea (total change) after a few years or so.

Yes I know it is not correct, but as an amateur bible student searching for something that makes sense it did seem to make sense to me 30 years ago!  Because at least God wasn't a cruel torturer getting pleasure from inflicting pain for no useful reason other than revenge which thing we humans are forbidden to desire.

These truths are usually learned in steps, many baby steps it seems, and we who have been dragged along faster and further than the others have to be very patient with ourselves and with those others.

Since we are going to "die to self" all of us eventually, then the "new man" the spiritually strong man that we will become when we are changed will be a similar but really brand new personality, will it not?
It is not I that live, rather it is Christ that lives in me. The old self is dying and the sooner the better.

I expect to have many of my good memories, for a while at least, until the last person is changed to spirit and we all have the future to look forward to and have those positive thoughts to dwell on.

Eventually, how long I can't know, we all will forget the suffering we experienced on the road to immortality and a place of honor in God's wonderful Kingdom.

Forgetting pain and forgiving offenses is possible even in this life, so I am confident that in the life to come forgiving and forgetting and putting offenses as far from each of us as the East is from the West will occur.

It is hard to watch another person suffer when you know something that could help if ONLY they could understand. But that is not for us to control. Our task is to just love them the way they are...and keep the secret within our own heart just the way Father God did for centuries leading up to the advent of HIS only begotten son. Even the angels at his throne desired to know the hidden things which we puny humans have in this age been freely given!

Hope that I didn't confuse anyone with my poor explanation.
Indiana Bob


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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2015, 08:06:44 AM »

Col 4:5  Be wise in the way you act with those who are not believers. Use your time in the best way you can.

Psa 90:12  Teach us how short our lives are so that we can become wise.

Col 3:16  Let the teaching of Christ live inside you richly. Use all wisdom to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.

Mat 10:16  "Listen! I am sending you, and you will be like sheep among wolves. So be smart like snakes. But also be like doves and don't hurt anyone.

Rom 16:19  Everyone has heard that you do what you were taught, and I am very happy about that. But I want you to be wise about what is good and to know nothing about what is evil.

1Co 14:19  But in the church meetings I would rather speak five words that I understand than thousands of words in a different language. I would rather speak with my understanding, so that I can teach others.
1Co 14:20  Brothers and sisters, don't think like children. In evil things be like minors, but in your thinking you should be like full-grown adults.
1Co 14:21  As the Scriptures say, "Using those who speak a different language and using the lips of foreigners, I will speak to these people. But even then, they will not obey me." This is what the Lord says. 1Co 14:22  And from this we see that the use of different languages shows how God deals with those who don't believe, not with those who believe. And prophecy shows how God works through those who believe, not through unbelievers.
1Co 14:23  Suppose the whole church meets together and you all speak in different languages. If some people come in who are without understanding or don't believe, they will say you are crazy.
1Co 14:24  But suppose you are all prophesying and someone comes in who does not believe or who is without understanding. Their sin will be shown to them, and they will be judged by everything you say. languages. If some people come in who are without understanding or don't believe, they will say you are crazy.
 1Co 14:25  The secret things in their heart will be made known. So they will bow down and worship God. They will say, "Without a doubt, God is here with you."

Eph 5:15  So be very careful how you live. Live wisely, not like fools.
Eph 5:16  I mean that you should use every opportunity you have for doing good, because these are evil times.
Eph 5:17  So don't be foolish with your lives, but learn what the Lord wants you to do.

Jas 1:5  Do any of you need wisdom? Ask God for it. He is generous and enjoys giving to everyone. So he will give you wisdom.

Jas 3:13  Are there any among you who are really wise and understanding? Then you should show your wisdom by living right. You should do what is good with humility. A wise person does not boast.

Jas 3:17  But the wisdom that comes from God is like this: First, it is pure. It is also peaceful, gentle, and easy to please. This wisdom is always ready to help people who have trouble and to do good for others. This wisdom is always fair and honest.

1Th 4:12  If you do these things, then those who are not believers will respect the way you live. And you will not have to depend on others for what you need.

1Pe 3:1  In the same way, you wives should be willing to serve your husbands. Then, even those who have refused to accept God's teaching will be persuaded to believe because of the way you live. You will not need to say anything.
1Pe 3:2  Your husbands will see the pure lives that you live with respect for God.
1Pe 3:3  It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry, or fine clothes that should make you beautiful.
1Pe 3:4  No, your beauty should come from inside you--the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. That beauty will never disappear. It is worth very much to God.
1Pe 3:5  It was the same with the holy women who lived long ago and followed God. They made themselves beautiful in that same way. They were willing to serve their husbands.
1Pe 3:6  I am talking about women like Sarah. She obeyed Abraham, her husband, and called him her master. And you women are true children of Sarah if you always do what is right and are not afraid.
1Pe 3:7  In the same way, you husbands should live with your wives in an understanding way, since they are weaker than you. You should show them respect, because God gives them the same blessing he gives you--the grace of true life. Do this so that nothing will stop your prayers from being heard.

Eph 5:16  I mean that you should use every opportunity you have for doing good, because these are evil times.





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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2015, 08:15:45 PM »

@ mharrell08 could you please send me a link to the question that elicited that response from Ray, I have searched but couldn't locate it. Thanks

Rhys 🕊

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Re: marriage woes "divorce"
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2015, 08:43:37 PM »

mharrell08 is no longer a member.

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