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Author Topic: Thirty books in the Bible  (Read 5381 times)

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Thirty books in the Bible
« on: October 05, 2012, 05:52:53 AM »

Hi BT Family, :)
it's been a while that I've posted anything and since I do not feel ready for the weightier questions or participation of the Spiritual kind, I feel I can participate in the lighter side of this section when I have something interesting to send  :D :D :D
A relative of mine sent me this as an email. Well, here goes (I am aware that many of you will have read this and know the answers already, but to those who haven't), just be assured if it seems difficult, that it took me days to re-read this paragraph and I only could spot 22 books (my bad) without looking at the answers. I will post the answers presently.....if you need them(?).
Blessings to all.

There are 30 books of the Bible in this paragraph. This is a most remarkable puzzle. It was found by a gentleman in an airplane seat pocket on a flight from Los Angeles to Honolulu keeping him occupied for hours. He enjoyed it so much that he passed it on to some friends. One friend from Illinois worked on this while fishing from his john boat.  Another friend studied it while playing on the banjo. Elaine Taylor, a columnist friend was so intrigued by it she mentioned it in her weekly column. Another friend judges the job of solving the puzzle so involving, she brews a cup of tea to help her nerves. There will be some names that are real easy to spot. That’s a fact. Some people, however, will soon find themselves in a jam, especially since the book names are not necessarily capitalised. Truthfully, from answers we get, we are forced to admit it usually takes a minister or scholar to see some of them at the worst. Research has shown that something in our genes is responsible for the difficulty we have in seeing the books in this paragraph. During a recent fund raising event which featured this puzzle, the Alpha Delta Phi lemonade booth set a new sales record. The local paper, The Chronicle, surveyed over 200 patrons who reported that this puzzle was one of the most difficult they had ever seen. As Daniel Humana humbly puts it, the books are right there in plain view hidden from sight. Those able to find them all will hear great lamentations from those who have to be shown. One revelation that may help is that books like Timothy and Samuel may occur without their numbers. Also keep in mind that punctuation and spaces are normal. A chipper attitude will help compete really well against those who claim to have all the answers. Remember, there is no need for a mad exodus, there really are 30 books of the Bible lurking somewhere in this paragraph waiting to be found.

This was contributed to our monthly church magazine by our minister, James Patrick.
                                  CAN YOU FIND THEM ALL?

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Thirty books in the Bible
« Reply #1 on: October 05, 2012, 08:16:37 PM »

This ought to be fun.  I'll have to come back to it.  Don't post the answers too soon.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Thirty books in the Bible
« Reply #2 on: October 05, 2012, 08:18:54 PM »

Very fun.  I found all 30.  I did a similar one years ago in high school (went to a Christian HS).  The teacher said he gave out the puzzle for years and nobody could find the last book, not even he knew what it was.  Intrigued, I asked my dad that night and he found the last one and told me.  After searching on the internet, I believe I found that same puzzle.  It's similar to this one in many answers.


I once made some remarks about hidden books in the Bible.
It was a lulu; kept some people looking so hard for facts.
To others it was a revelation. Some were in a jam,
especially since the books were not capitalized. But the
truth finally struck home to numbers of readers. To others,
it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few
moments for you. No need to be formal; a child could have
fun doing this. Yes, there will be some really easy ones to
spot. Others might require judges to determine. It may
help if you format the words differently. We will quickly
admit it usually takes the preacher to find one, and there
will be loud lamentations when you see how simple it is.
You may not want to take too long reviewing this, however,
since it may become a chronic lesson in futility for you. A
little lady says that if she brews tea, she can concentrate
better. See how well you can compete. Relax now, there are
twenty in this paragraph.

I bet several people here can easily find the difficult one.


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Re: Thirty books in the Bible
« Reply #3 on: October 08, 2012, 07:21:20 AM »

Hi Loc,
Thanks this was fun too, just couldn't find the 20th name   ???
Will wait a while before posting the answers to the 30 books Dave ;D

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Thirty books in the Bible
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2012, 07:34:38 AM »

I wasn't really keeping track, but I only found about 6 or seven.  Then again, I am the world's worst bible scholar.  But I thought I might do better, because I was a pretty good 'bible-bee' player in sunday school.  It might have something to do with the way I read. 

Oh well.. It will still be fun trying to find them if I know the naswers.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Thirty books in the Bible
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2012, 06:42:47 PM »

Thanks for posting these puzzles. This was fun for the whole family. The 20 Book puzzle is definitely a little tricky.  :)


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Re: Thirty books in the Bible
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2012, 12:51:33 PM »

This looks like a fun brain exercise.  Upon scanning through this for the first time, I counted 14 that were obvious to me.  But, I'm not certain as to how to look for clues.  Are some of them metaphoric, or simply a matter of a word running into the next one to spell a book?


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Re: Thirty books in the Bible
« Reply #7 on: October 29, 2012, 08:57:12 AM »

If it's all right with you guys, I'll post the answers next week?
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