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Author Topic: Babylon's contradictions  (Read 7226 times)

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Babylon's contradictions
« on: December 21, 2012, 02:25:56 PM »

Hello family,

someone posted a very good list of contradictions taught in Babylon that I can't find anymore. I think it was an old post. If anyone still have that forum link, would mind sharing?



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Re: Babylon's contradictions
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2012, 04:36:31 PM »

Found it! :)

From the thread "Traditional Church Doctrines?",12802.msg112605.html#msg112605

What Traditional Christians Say… What They Really Mean…
“There’s nothing you must do to be saved……” “Here’s what you must do to be saved:”
“You are absolutely, totally helpless to save yourself.” “You must make a wise decision in order to be saved.”
“God controls all things.” “God doesn’t control man’s free will.”
“We can’t boast about going to heaven.” “If we go to hell, it’s our own fault.”
“Love never faileth!” “Love can’t overcome human stubbornness.”
“Men are in bondage to sin.” “Men are free to choose Christ.”
“Grace is unmerited favor…” “… given only to those who merit it with faith and obedience.”
“GOD IS THE SAVIOR OF ALL MANKIND (1 Tim. 4:10)…” “… except for about ninety percent of them.”
“GOD’S LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL…” “… as long as you meet certain conditions.”
“GOD’S WILL IS UNOPPOSABLE…” “… except by the sinner.”
“Salvation is not a thing of chance.” “There is no second chance to be saved.”
“WE HAVE GOOD NEWS FOR YOU!” “Most of mankind will perish forever.”
“GOD LOVES YOU!” “… as long as you love Him.”
“Christ died for all sin…” “… except the sin of not believing that He died for all sin.”
“The Good Shepherd seeks the lost sheep until he finds it!” “The Good Shepherd seeks until it’s too late.”
“God’s justice was satisfied in the cross of Christ.” “God’s justice demands eternal torment or annihilation.



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Re: Babylon's contradictions
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2012, 04:49:29 PM »

You put a smile on my face, my friend John. Thanks for this list, that's even better than the one I had found, perfect!



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Re: Babylon's contradictions
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2012, 05:20:20 PM »

Hello family,

someone posted a very good list of contradictions taught in Babylon that I can't find anymore. I think it was an old post. If anyone still have that forum link, would mind sharing?


Hey Levy,

Yes, Love  those Lists that you & JFK posted up there, it's a good refresher indeed, it's a blessing to have left the contradictions of Christendom's list as a past bad memory, but a good reminder of what not to return to. I'd like to add one of my favorite Emails of Ray to the Pot of Posts. It underscores the frailty and faultiness of their Exegesis, Context & Hermeneutics. They often use these three big sounding terms to support their interpretations & intellectually intimidate their followers. Read Below !

Hi Ray,

I see you set the challenge and then set the rules as well. Very haughty of you don't you think. But not to worry, I really don't have the time to be as long-winded as you. But as an old saying goes, a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. So even if I was to do a thorough exegesis you would probably simply tell me I was wrong anyway.

The problem I see with your position that Jesus is Savior of the whole world is that it simply doesn't line up with other Scriptures. A text without a context is simply a pretext as another old saying goes. And, that is exactly what you have done here. You have isolated some verses that say that Jesus is the savior of the world, taken them out of context, and failed to line them up with other Scripture that defines what salvation is and how is attained. So you're argument falls apart simply on the basis of sound exegesis principles and you're poor theology.

But to give you just two verses here that shows that not even all those who claim to be believers are actually true believers, and are saved for eternal life, we need look no further than Jesus words in Matthew 7:21 and Luke 13:24. These verses also happen to tell us that there is some unpleasantly awaiting those who aren't saved by Christ.

Short enough?

Please do point out my failures in reasoning here since I am always willing to learn. I do wish you were right since I personally know family and friends who have denied Christ and I worry about their eternal residence. I could stop praying for them if everyone will end up in the same place anyway. Boy what a relief that would be.

Yours In Christ,


[Ray Replies]

Dear Brian:

Your sarcasm doesn't mock me, but rather it mocks God and His Word.

I have had people write me thirty and forty pages of rebuttal on a subject. I have answered a few of them in the past before I started getting a thousand emails a month. And their reply was:  "Well, you didn't prove me wrong on all my points."   I would ask for just one point in PARTICULAR that I didn't answer, and yes, you guessed it, THEY WOULD NOT RESPOND.

Now then, to your two verses of Scripture that you believe CONTRADICT my OUT OF CONTEXT Scriptures.

    "Not every one that says unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that DOES the will of my Father which is in heaven."

    "Strive to enter in at the strait gate for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able."

It is YOU, Brian, who have taken these verses "out of context."  You take them out of the context of the immediate verses surrounding them and out of the context of the ENTIRE BIBLE, and put them in the "context" of the foreign "traditions of men" and teaching of "paganism!"

Jesus was speaking to THE JEWS in Matt. 7:21; and Jesus was speaking to THE JEWS in Luke 13:24 (He came only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel). The Jews were the FIRST to be offered salvation and a position in the Kingdom of God.

With your unscriptural and evil Christian seminary theory that truth lies only in "CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT," you leave out with these two verses THE REST OF THE WHOLE WORLD OF GENTILE NATIONS!  Put that in  your "context pipe" and smoke it.  TOO BAD that no one taught Jesus of this modern "exegesis principles of theology." 

Did Jesus really say:  "Sanctify them through Thy truth: Thy word is truth, but remember boys and girls, that God's word is truth, ONLY IN CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT."  Is THAT what Jesus said, Brian? (See John 17:17).

"God is LOVE" (John 4:16).  But remember, Brian, God is love ONLY in, context, context, context."

"God is SPIRIT..." (John 4:24).  But only in CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT. Take God out of His "context," and He is no longer spirit, or love, or truth.  Hogwash!

But okay, let's stick to your context, context, context, theory and see if you have proven with these two verses that God will not save all mankind.

I said that the "context" of these two verses is confined to THE JEWS ONLY, for "in context" he was speaking to the Jews only, okay.  Now then, were the Jews the FIRST to be offered this salvation?  Yes, of course they were -- "go NOT the way of the Samaritan" -- remember?  But what is the context of these verses?  Not all of the JEWS that call Jesus "Lord, Lord" will "enter" the narrow gate to the Kingdom, will they?  No they won't. (Matt. 7:21).  Even of those Jews who "seek to enter" will "NOT BE ABLE"   (Luke 13:24).  They are the FIRST TO BE CALLED, but they will not be the FIRST TO ENTER.

    "There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, when ye [Gk: 'all of you'] shall see Abraham [Abraham was not a Jew], and Isaac [Isaac was not a Jew], and Jacob [Jacob was not a Jew] and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, and you [JEWS] yourselves thrust out.  And they shall come from the east [Jews?  No, GENTILES], and from the west [Gentiles], and from the north [etc.], and from the south, and shall sit down IN THE KINGDOM of God" (Luke 13:28-29).

The Jews should have been FIRST, but the Patriarchs and the Gentiles will enter before them. The Jews will NOT ENTER FIRST!

But will they EVER enter?  Do the Scriptures state that "they will NEVER, EVER, enter?"  Is there such a Scripture in all the Bible, Brian?  NO, there is not. There are hundreds and hundreds of Scriptures [you gave me but two] that state that the evil, wicked, sinner, unregenerate, unrepentant, etc., etc., etc., WILL NOT be saved in this lifetime.  But is there ONE verse of Scripture that states they will "never EVER be saved?"  No, Brian there is not. There is a plan of God, a schedule, a time table, and "order" to who God saves and when.

Let's read I Cor. 15:22-24 in a more accurate translation than the KJV: 

    "For since, in fact, through a man came death, through a Man also, comes the resurrection of the dead.  For even as in Adam, ALL are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall ALL [it's the SAME 'all'] be vivified. Yet each in his own CLASS [or order]: [1] the Firstfruit, Christ; [2] thereupon those who are Christ's in His presence;  [3] thereafter the consummation [those at the end, the LAST]..."

Paul explains this perfectly and simply:  In Romans 11 Paul tells us that the natural branches [the JEWS] have been broken off and the wild branches of the Gentiles grafted in. But is this FOREVER? NO.  The natural branches can also be grafted back into the tree once again, and Paul says that they WILL BE (Rom. 11:24). Now what is the "context" of all this Jew/Gentile business?

    "For I would not, brethren, that ye should be IGNORANT [we don't want to be 'ignorant' of this context, context, context, Brian] of this mystery [a mystery that ALL OF CHRISTENDOM does not yet comprehend], lest ye should be wise in your own conceits [no danger of that ever happening, do you think?] that blindness in part is happened to Israel, UNTIL [if you don't know the meaning of the word 'until,' Brian, look it up] ... UNTIL the fullness of the Gentiles be come in" (Rom. 11:25).

Blindness to Israel was only to be UNTIL, UNTIL the fullness of the Gentiles be come in.  Has the "fullness of the Gentiles" as yet come in?   No.  Well what about all of these millions and millions of "Jesus" rejecting Jews down through the centuries. Can they "reject" Jesus as virtually all of Judaism has done and still be saved IN THIS LIFE TIME?  NO.  Well then, just when WILL they be grafted "back into the vine" if not in THIS life time?   Why in the next, of course. All of these DEAD Jews will be resurrected back to life in order to BE grafted back in, but they will have some mighty DEEP REPENTING TO DO FIRST!   (See Phil. 2:9-11 Vs. I Cor. 12:3

God used Israel for a time and then cast them away, but, as Paul asks:

    "Have they stumbled that they should fall?  God forbid, but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the GENTILES, for to provoke them [the Jews, Israel] to jealousy... For if the casting away of them [Israel -- Israel NOT entering the narrow gate, NOT entering the kingdom when it was offered] be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but LIFE FROM THE DEAD?   For if the firstfuit be holy, the lump is also holy: and if the root be holy, SO ARE THE BRANCHES... AND SO ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED... " (Rom. 11: 11, 15, & 26).

But you see, they are NOT SAVED FIRST, are they?  No, they are saved LAST!

If the Jews are cast out of the kingdom and not able to enter the strait gate, when will they be able?  When they are grafted BACK INTO THE VINE, in the next life, in the resurrection, in the judgment. For in JUDGMENT, they WILL learn righteousness:

    "When Thy JUDGMENTS are in the earth, the inhabitants of THE WORLD  WILL LEARN  RIGHTEOUSNESS" (Isa. 26:9)

And finally, back to your "context, context, context" verses.  Clearly we have seen that there are MANY who will not be saved in this life. In fact, MOST OF THE JEWS will now be saved in they life. They will not enter through the strait gate and they will not enter the kingdom. They will NOT be the first to be saved, but will they be saved at ALL?  Yes, of course they will, we just read it -- ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED!

When? Why AFTER the Gentiles come in -- those who come from the east and west and north and south (Luke 13:28).  These Gentiles will all come in FIRST, that's what Paul taught us if we are not "ignorant" of God's "mystery."  So if the the Jews are NOT FIRST, what are they according to the "context, context, context" of YOUR PROOF Sciprtures to me?  Let's read it, it's the NEXT VERSE IN CONTEXT -- Luke 13:30:

    "And, behold, there are LAST [the last-called Gentiles] which shall be FIRST [first IN the kingdom, first SAVED], and there are FIRST [the first-called Jews] which SHALL BE LAST."

Oh, yes, they "SHALL BE" in God's family. They "SHALL BE" saved, but they will be saved, LAST!

One final thought just to expand you thinking out of the theological hole of "context," let me show you where God likens His chosen people Israel to the God-jeweled city of Jerusalem, and where He likens the world of the Gentiles to the most wretched city of the Gentiles, SODOM. What is the fate of the evil city state of Sodom and the evil city state of Jerusalem? Right now, God is calling a people from among the Gentiles, but in the resurrection we saw that Israel will be brought back to life and grafted back into the Vine of Life once more. But what of the rest of the Gentiles that are not chosen now and the rest of Israel who was not chosen for the Kingdom?

Ezekieal 16 tells us.  Read the "context" for sure, Brian, but then see the conclusions OF THE CONTEXT!  God says that Jerusalem [Israel] sinned FAR WORSE than even SODOM (Ezek. 16:48).  Yet we see that God will, nonetheless, YET SAVE ALL ISRAEL. When?  And if Sodom is also to be saved in future judgment, when will they also be saved?  Read it in (Ezek. 16:55) which tells us WHEN this will happen.

Seriously, Brian, if you think you can FIGHT the Scriptures and TWIST the Scriptures I have presented above, and suggest that I have in the LEAST taken them out of your 'holy context,' then you are FIGHTING GOD, and not me or my writings.

May God be with you, and open you eyes to these marvelous pearls of God's Word which have been trampled under the feet of swine for centuries.


Love it where He says to stick that in your context, context pipe & smoke it,  ;);D.

Carry On, Samson.



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Re: Babylon's contradictions
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2012, 07:13:33 PM »

Thank you Brad,

that was one of Ray's home runs! Wonderful!

Was needing something to help me in exposing the god of context, context to a few friends of mine, and this is perfect :)



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Re: Babylon's contradictions
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2012, 07:31:07 PM »

Don't get your hopes up.



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Re: Babylon's contradictions
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2012, 08:12:47 PM »

Don't get your hopes up.


I hear you. There's a whole lot to study for me to be better prepared on these occasions.

By reading Ray's emails I realize that knowing the basics of the Truth will lead you up to a point, and then more advanced questions or debates will be hard to answer, or you will go in circles trying to answer.

Ray on the other hand, went straight to the core of the questions, to a point where the detractor either learns something or just flat out denies the Scriptures.


Dave in Tenn

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Re: Babylon's contradictions
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2012, 01:06:54 AM »

Now that the questions answered, maybe it won't be inappropriate for me to kick back a bit and share something. 

I went back to Memphis two or three weeks ago to visit Larry again.  He's my old friend I'd mentioned visiting a few months ago.  This time he told me he was 'almost a universalist'.  He talks in paragraphs kinda like I do (when people in my life allow me to finish a sentence) and was drawing all sorts of square circles like that from this author or that book, which he could quote better than I can quote scripture.  The book that had led him to this "position" was Love Wins.

Of course, it is still 'free-will' that is the hang up, so I'm not sure if it's "progress" being 'almost a universalist'.  But at least he believes 'many' will be saved...almost add to his belief that "Hell" is not an eternal torture pit.  I knew I wasn't going to 'move him' on the Sovereignty of God.  But I also knew he was planning to re-read the Bible next year.  So mostly what I wanted to share with him was that it was possible to be 'scripturally conservative' (whatever that means) and BELIEVE the Word of God as a child--the declarative statements that explain the parables--to come to see truths.  Also the need to shut up all those old theological voices ringing in our heads, an ability he may have that out-strips mine sometimes.

Of course, we talked about a lot more--serious and humorous.  I was there about 12 hours.   ;D  And it wasn't all one-sided.  He challenged me on many things as well.

Wasn't until the drive home that I got to thinking about that title--"Love Wins".  I already knew I was a little leery of it simply because it's not a statement from Scripture, which to my way of thinking makes it a theological assumption, no matter how uplifing or 'true' it might be.  As such, it demands 'testing'. 

One basketball team may score 78 and the other 77 in triple-overtime and 'win'.  But if points were people, 77 would loose.  So what does Scripture say?  "Love never fails".  In a basketball game, the other team may dribble, may cross the center-line, may make many beautiful passes and handle the ball very entertainingly, take many shots--even look good playing defense.  But if points are people, it never scores.  Never.  Not even a 110-3 record-breaking blow-out.

Anyway, in 12 hours I couldn't say everything even if I had been the only one talking.   :D  He needs a teacher just as I did.  All the navel contemplating in the world only gets you so far with the Gospel.  So he's got the link...even pulled it up on his I-phone or pad or notebook or whatever.  He seems so close...and not just on a chin-stroking intellectual level.  He really seems ready to believe.  A lot of his "crushing" on a personal level has already taken place, as mine had.  He mainly just needs to worship God and not that phantom 'free-will'.  It's the sovereignty of God that INSURES the salvation of all.  Larry's too.  So I'm calm about it.

That is all.  You may now return to the thread.   ;D     
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 01:18:20 AM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

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Re: Babylon's contradictions
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2012, 01:28:33 AM »

Excellent Dave. I enjoyed reading that and well sneaked in.



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Re: Babylon's contradictions
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2012, 10:15:42 AM »

Now that the questions answered, maybe it won't be inappropriate for me to kick back a bit and share something. 

I went back to Memphis two or three weeks ago to visit Larry again.  He's my old friend I'd mentioned visiting a few months ago.  This time he told me he was 'almost a universalist'.  He talks in paragraphs kinda like I do (when people in my life allow me to finish a sentence) and was drawing all sorts of square circles like that from this author or that book, which he could quote better than I can quote scripture.  The book that had led him to this "position" was Love Wins.

Of course, it is still 'free-will' that is the hang up, so I'm not sure if it's "progress" being 'almost a universalist'.  But at least he believes 'many' will be saved...almost add to his belief that "Hell" is not an eternal torture pit.  I knew I wasn't going to 'move him' on the Sovereignty of God.  But I also knew he was planning to re-read the Bible next year.  So mostly what I wanted to share with him was that it was possible to be 'scripturally conservative' (whatever that means) and BELIEVE the Word of God as a child--the declarative statements that explain the parables--to come to see truths.  Also the need to shut up all those old theological voices ringing in our heads, an ability he may have that out-strips mine sometimes.

Of course, we talked about a lot more--serious and humorous.  I was there about 12 hours.   ;D  And it wasn't all one-sided.  He challenged me on many things as well.

Wasn't until the drive home that I got to thinking about that title--"Love Wins".  I already knew I was a little leery of it simply because it's not a statement from Scripture, which to my way of thinking makes it a theological assumption, no matter how uplifing or 'true' it might be.  As such, it demands 'testing'. 

One basketball team may score 78 and the other 77 in triple-overtime and 'win'.  But if points were people, 77 would loose.  So what does Scripture say?  "Love never fails".  In a basketball game, the other team may dribble, may cross the center-line, may make many beautiful passes and handle the ball very entertainingly, take many shots--even look good playing defense.  But if points are people, it never scores.  Never.  Not even a 110-3 record-breaking blow-out.

Anyway, in 12 hours I couldn't say everything even if I had been the only one talking.   :D  He needs a teacher just as I did.  All the navel contemplating in the world only gets you so far with the Gospel.  So he's got the link...even pulled it up on his I-phone or pad or notebook or whatever.  He seems so close...and not just on a chin-stroking intellectual level.  He really seems ready to believe.  A lot of his "crushing" on a personal level has already taken place, as mine had.  He mainly just needs to worship God and not that phantom 'free-will'.  It's the sovereignty of God that INSURES the salvation of all.  Larry's too.  So I'm calm about it.

That is all.  You may now return to the thread.   ;D     

Thanks for sharing, Dave.

I still think this is progress. Any step away from Babylon or lies is a step into the light, even if we are not going straight to the truth, but rather in "diagonal"-type movement. Or like a sailing boat traveling in diagonal but that will eventually get there :)

Advancing this thought a bit further, maybe we all do the same type of movement. I know I did: after Babylon, started first in learning Apocalipse studies from a "primarily-literal" author (completely all over the place, I can see it now), then to another author this time a Universal Reconciliation believer that was "primarily-physical" interpreter of the Scriptures (had some truth, but misses so many things), and since February or so this year (2012) I've been studying here from Ray's papers. In every one of these steps I learned something good and better than in Babylon, greatly and specially from God through Ray.

God bless!

« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 10:18:05 AM by Levy »


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Re: Babylon's contradictions
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2012, 11:23:20 AM »

Thank you for this thread Levy, and all posters. This reminds me of the threads I used to read as an outsider, that caused me to join this forum.


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Re: Babylon's contradictions
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2012, 07:27:12 PM »

Thank you for this thread Levy, and all posters. This reminds me of the threads I used to read as an outsider, that caused me to join this forum.

That's great to know, God is good :)

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