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Author Topic: Family  (Read 10162 times)

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« on: January 10, 2013, 11:43:53 PM »

Hello Family!

You are my family, and I need you! Immediate need is a question or two (will post them separately), but the real long term need is family love and guidance as I explore further Bible Truths.

I (Wonone: stands for One Won!) have been a member of the forum before, but not very active. Some people, more than others, simply need time to learn new things. I am one of those. Much of that time is actually taken in unlearning the old things. Another issue is the healing process, and again, some of us need more of it. Insecurities and fears can take us on tours and detours. Recently I discovered that much of my search for the 'Truth' was really search for Love and Acceptance. 'Rejection' is a big item in my life. For a long time I felt need to belong to a 'church' or a 'group', but, praise Yahweh, no more!

Just a brief intro here to kick-start the getting to know process. My happy abode is on Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia, where I am semiretired (after second divorce and second bankruptcy) and caring for my Dad who is 92. Most recently, to earn living, I have been coaching chess, privately and in schools. Table tennis keeps me 63 years 'young'! My other interests, beside theology, is philosophy and writing. Hope to publish an 'article' or two, but, first things first. 

I was trained at Avondale College and worked as a Minister in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. After three and a half years, in 1982, I resigned on conscientious grounds. Many other ministers resigned or were dismissed at that time, including Dr Desmond Ford, who introduced me to righteousness by faith. (Wiki: 'He was dismissed from ministry in the Adventist church in 1980 following his critique of the church's investigative judgment teaching.')

Someone, with the Worldwide Church of God background, described a footwashing experience, once a year, and, oh boy, did I relate to that! But, we were 'more holy', we did it four times a year!

Since then, I had a business or two of my own, attended a church or two in the Evangelical-Pentecostal Circuit, for some ten years focused on Romans and Galatians, and learned that the Lord is serious about crushing all forms of human pride. Now all I want is to dig deeper into what L Ray Smith, clearly an outstanding man of our time, wrote. To do that I hope to make friends with all of you and gain from your experience and knowledge and be a blessing to you in return.

Levy, thank you for the 'Keeping Sabbath' (Biblestudy Dec 2007) pointer. Was truly blessed reading it. A breath of fresh air!

Sincerely, blessings to all,



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Re: Family
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2013, 12:21:35 AM »

Hi Lazar,

Glad you have joined us again  :)
God works with us all at the pace that He chooses, He brings us through the things that we need to experience to gain what He wants us to know. Digging into the teachings that Ray will be a huge benefit as he did a great deal of research to provide these articles for us. I'm sure you know that study, meditate and prayer is how the Spirit teaches us, what a blessing it is too.

I hope that you will enjoy the fellowship here i have been helped many times with the discussions here and it has given me a sense of not being alone in this.

mercy, peace and love


Rhys 🕊

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Re: Family
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2013, 01:25:57 AM »

Gidday Aussie I'm a kiwi from over the ditch. I'm from the north island and as you would know you are of course west island.  ;)

Not sure how many other aussie's are on here but I know a few kiwis.

My brother lives in Brisbane so would imagine not too far away from you. Sounds a bit hot your way at the moment with all the fires, hopefully cooler times coming soon. :P

It's great to meet you where practically related as kiwis and aussies except when it comes too sport then of course your the enemy that must be defeated at all cost.

Look forward to your questions and being part of the discussions here. It's a good place to be. Have been a member myself for a few months and don't think I've done too much damage.  ;D

The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.



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Re: Family
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2013, 10:46:23 AM »

the Lord is serious about crushing all forms of human pride.


Welcome back, Lazar.:) 

Yes, being HUMBLED is a major part of our spiritual journey. It is a good thing! 8)



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Re: Family
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2013, 12:43:33 PM »

Welcome Lazar,
Great to hear from you.
It is always good to focus on Paul's writings to the gentiles since Lord Jesus gave Paul understanding of spiritual mysteries or secrets that had not been expounded by the apostles, but then there is so much more that we can learn from the whole of scripture.
Mr. Smith's work is then of great value in bringing the willing mind to see what cannot be seen apart from God's gift. We who have this resource are most blessed.

Friend, Indiana bob, retired


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Re: Family
« Reply #5 on: January 12, 2013, 04:31:49 AM »

Welcome Lazar. :)


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Re: Family
« Reply #6 on: January 12, 2013, 06:54:57 AM »

Welcome back Lazar.  :)


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Re: Family
« Reply #7 on: January 12, 2013, 08:52:15 AM »

Thank you to all for words of welcome, especially my NZ
Gidday Mate!

It is a pleasure getting to know you better by reading your various posts.

Initial impressions: two things are different now.
1/ I know that I know that I want to get to know you, people of the BT!
I know of no greater treasure on earth to explore, and consider this site's knowledge worth more than ten PhD's! At my age one gets kind of selective where one invests time into.
2/ May be this is purely subjective or the result of changes in me, yet, there appears to have been a certain maturing, reflected in deeper peace and rest, in this forum. As if navigating more steady waters? Or, is it a lull before another storm!?

Presently, I feel like hugging you all and telling you: You are precious to God! -- Time to read, listen and watch more and learn how to operate various 'gadgets' here; and a warning, this dude can be very slow!

PS Indiana Bob touched a topic that is a priority with me at the moment:
It is always good to focus on Paul's writings to the gentiles ...
Last few months read quite a bit of A E Knoch material and was blessed in many ways, but, when it came to the NT Scriptures being divided into target audiences, like Circumcision and Uncircumcision, was left gasping for air. Clearly, potentially, it is a big factor. Any suggestions where to start?


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Re: Family
« Reply #8 on: January 12, 2013, 10:36:01 AM »

I know exactly how you feel.  I feel the same way.  I give these people the hardest time and they are so mature about everything.  I just want to hug them too.  There is a great peace here.  We feel safe here because we are.

Re Gentiles and AE Knoch, a good place to start is "Do James and Paul Contradict?",9742.0.html

Here's a small excerpt from that transcript:


What about Peter?  Peter is the one that teaches a different gospel? We already saw what Paul had to say about good works. What about Peter, did Peter have anything to say about good works? 

1Peter 2:12  Having your conversation (conduct) honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works, which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.
Peter also… “good works.” Yes they talked about faith and grace, but good works, it’s there, it’s every where.

Ray was very familiar with the writings and beliefs of AE Knoch (and also those of Martin Zender a/k/a Jeff Priddy, as he and Ray were friends).

I prayed that God stabilize me so that I wasn't constantly "tossed to and fro" by every changing wind of doctrine.  Now I'm of the same belief as you: I won't find any other place like this on the net.

Kat is very familiar with Ray's writings and I can always depend on her to pinpoint pertinent excerpts and studies by Ray when people have questions.  She's gifted that way and she loves to do it.  I imagine she will bring something good to the table for your to sink your teeth into re the Gentiles/Peter and Paul, too.



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Re: Family
« Reply #9 on: January 12, 2013, 10:47:44 AM »

Nice to meet you wonone.  I hope your journey here brings knowledge and wisdom to you and us.  God bless.

Rhys 🕊

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Re: Family
« Reply #10 on: January 12, 2013, 05:57:03 PM »

Thank you to all for words of welcome, especially my NZ
Gidday Mate!

It is a pleasure getting to know you better by reading your various posts.

Hi Lazar

Getting to know me by my posts seems a dangerous thing to do. I come across a bit strange and odd. Wait a minute that's true  ;)

I'm 100% with your initial impressions as that's how I feel to. Storms will keep coming but this is a good place to take shelter from them.

I know exactly how you feel.  I feel the same way.  I give these people the hardest time and they are so mature about everything.

Surely not true Gina with the hardest time stuff. Try a bit harder will you  :o



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Re: Family
« Reply #11 on: January 13, 2013, 09:54:55 AM »

Already blessed! Thank you Family!!
Wow, that was much less painful than it threatened to be.

Rhys! No fear buddy! You are a Champion and a Winner, just like All Blacks!
Somewhere you have written more complete story about your life. I will get to it!

Gina, you a gem! Thank you for your warm, unique words that come from a pure, loving heart!
Oil in life. (The other day I discovered so many uses of oil.) You are the oil ... falling down Aaron's beard.
I read your reference and it was timely. One of the toughest nuts to crack (James v Paul), yet Ray makes it so simple.
He has a rare gift from God: to zero in on what is essential.

Blessings Greg!

But it was your post, John from Kentucky, that I read first and praised the Lord for getting me back to BT Forum!
As I read, I kept wondering how easily the Lord answers, when He chooses to do so. I mean, I expected at least weeks if not months of reading before light appeared on a distant horizon. It just did not sit well with me despite willingness to impute the best.

OK. So that one is out of the way. Here is my second question ... On second thought, I better get to bed (the Lord is speaking to me about late nights) and when I am fresh will frame it better.

God is good!

Ian 155

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Re: Family
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2013, 04:52:06 AM »

Rhys! No fear buddy! You are a Champion and a Winner, just like All Blacks!

Hi and welcome, I agree different bunch of folks here, It is an unexplained thing that takes place, one minute you are studying and switched on to the teachings of Ray next minute you get confronted with a truth and you're in a "free fall" place,one always seems to come back to truth when you study the scriptures laid out by Ray and you set aside the teachings of our for fathers or the way we were taught as kids.

Go Springboks



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Re: Family
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2013, 05:13:16 AM »

The springboks are no match for the mighty All Blacks. Blasphemy Sir!  :P


Ian 155

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Re: Family
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2013, 08:26:18 AM »

The springboks are no match for the mighty All Blacks. Blasphemy Sir!  :P


False teaching on rugby is worse


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Re: Family
« Reply #15 on: January 24, 2013, 09:33:57 AM »

for behold the evil boks shall be brought low and consumed in the lake of eden park....yea and amen...forever no returns


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Re: Family
« Reply #16 on: January 24, 2013, 11:58:42 AM »

Hey Wonone
Glad to have you back in the family. Your sharing has already blessed me and has gotten responses that are a timely reminder to me.
I'm not too much a rugby fan, but I love cricket. Rhys will be very silent on this since the kiwis have been having a really tough time (even us West Indies have been able to beat up on them).
Now we're about to get schooled by a powerful Aussie team. Are you a cricket fan? I'm not sure if there are any on this forum.
Looking forward to sharing with you.


Rhys 🕊

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Re: Family
« Reply #17 on: January 24, 2013, 06:55:46 PM »

Rhys can't be silenced. Our cricket team is useless they need my prayers but I have more important things to pray about.

All this talk about rugby and cricket will have the Americans on here wondering what this is all about.

Rugby - An improved version of your American Football

Cricket - A silly game with a piece of wood but still better than baseball

Rhys  :D


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Re: Family
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2013, 05:48:47 AM »

Blessings to all Winners in Christ @BT!
There is nothing like BT in the whole wide world (www)!
Pure, distilled truth, yet welcoming sinners: What news! What truth!

Have been busy last six months caring for my 92 yo Dad and have no TV. So have been missing on sport news, even Djokovic Aussie Open (approaching sacrilege), and cricket (oh no), and rugby (no way), and soccer (the end of the world) ...

Thanks for your welcome JohnChris. Look forward to mutual edification as we share with each other more!

'It is an unexplained thing that takes place', alright, Ian, in so many ways on this planet! I longed to understand and BT came along, PTL. Look forward to get to know you better!


Rhys 🕊

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Re: Family
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2013, 05:11:05 PM »

Excellent stuff there Lazar. I liked your line:

Pure, distilled truth, yet welcoming sinners: What news! What truth!

I've grown a lot too since being here. It's a strange journey the Lord takes us on but He is taking as along.

As for soccer I thought that was the end of the world. Keep chasing after the silly ball guys.  ;D

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