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Author Topic: Anyone in Colorado (or visiting CO) who'd like to get together for coffee?  (Read 5957 times)

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Hi, All. My fiance and I discovered L. Ray Smith's teachings several month's ago, and we listen to his MP3s over and over again. We are wondering if there are any other like-minded believers in Colorado who'd like to get together for coffee. Maybe sometime we could all listen to one of Ray's MP3s, pray, and worship (I sing and play guitar). Let me know.



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Hi. I sympathize with your wanting fellowship with others who have found Ray's teaching enlightening to us who understand. Although I can't help you all I can say I would also desperately want to fellowship with people in my area. I live in Ottawa Ontario. I become concerned that if we do not fellowship with others, this web site will become less used. It sure would be great if some one was able to pick up the spiritual biblical ball from Ray. I know that if God wants that, it will happen.
Joe from Ottawa -  ;)


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You might want to consider asking this question on a couple of other forums who share some of the same universalist beliefs as here.

*sorry, but outside links are not allowed*

I hope you are both successful because a little of good personal fellowship is wonderful.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 12:56:15 AM by Dave in Tenn »

Dave in Tenn

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I wish I knew of someone to point you to in your area. 

Disciples of Jesus are the Salt of the earth, and as Ray said...the Lord has not chosen to put a lot of salt in any one place, but scatter it around.  That can be lonely for the grains, but it's good for the 'food'.   :D

Outside of a conference in 2008, and a brief visit to Ray's after his death, I've not sat face-to-face with any like-minded believers.  It is wonderful you have a wife who is also 'with you'...many of us don't have that much, and some are in situations where the people in their circle are antagonistic.

There is always the phone, and as you fellowship here on the forum, you well may meet somebody with whom you'd like to talk.  I've had a few, and they've been good...and I have a near PHOBIA about phone conversations.   ;D

Anyways, it's not idle religious talk to say that our true fellowship is with Christ as we live and walk with Him.  He understands us better than anybody.  Welcome to the forum.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

Rhys 🕊

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I'm in New Zealand so bit far away. I will have to have the coffee with you in Spirit. What type of coffee is it?  ;D

The only fellowship I get now is on the forum and communicating through other means to people I have met here.

I'm grateful for what I have and receive the love from others through our communication.

I wish I could be face to face with my friends here and one day we will be.

Praise God at this time I get closer to Christ and find my place in Him as every day passes in the knowledge that one day I will be home.

Rhys  ;)


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Thanks, you all, for replying to my note. On some level it is nice to know that there are others who share our beliefs, even if the chance of meeting face-to-face seems remote.

Which gave me the idea of using Skype to connect --- which greatly opens up the possibilities .... perhaps of even doing more, such as praying in real-time for one another, joining our voices and instruments together in musical worship, having an on-line Bible study that jives with Ray's teachings, and so forth .... 

I have taught several Bible studies, and miss doing so. I've also created a slightly amplified version of Ray's "7 Foundational Truths" that I call "The Ten Foundational Truths" and which is is in alignment with Ray's ... Mine just includes many more Scriptures that support each of Ray's noted "truths" and includes three other foundational truths that Ray refers to but doesn't explicitly include in his 7 Found'l Truths. I'm happy to share them with anyone who is interested.



Dave in Tenn

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Hi Jeff, that sounds like a nice idea.

My 'advice' still stands, however, for whatever it's worth.  I really recommend you 'fellowship' here on the forum for a while before undertaking something like that.  It's incorrect to say that 'we' are of the same mind.  The minimum you can reasonably expect is that we all agreed to the rules before we joined up.   :D  I still 'fellowship' with Ray, even though he is dead.

I don't mean to discourage you (or scare you), but I'm just sharing the realities of a web-forum.

Ran across this verse just this evening.

2Co 12:20 For I fear, lest somehow, on coming, I may not be finding you such as I want, and I may be found by you such as you do not want; lest somehow there be strife, jealousy, fury, factions, vilifications, whisperings, puffing up, turbulences.

That's pretty strong, coming from Paul who LOVED to visit.   :D   
« Last Edit: May 08, 2013, 05:59:23 AM by Dave in Tenn »
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.

Rhys 🕊

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Wow! I love that verse Dave, powerful stuff




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Cincinnati here.....I remember feeling and thinking similar when I first found Rays papers and ideas as well as this website. I instantly wanted fellowship! I like what Dave said.....he still fellowships with Ray.....meaning reading and following his work, and the fellowship that goes on here with each other.

I am a bit of a type of person that seeks as any other human would some social stimulation from time to time. Though I can count on one hand the friends in my life....though I used to have many acquaintances and other times I feel as if I am the Apostle John stranded on the isle of Patmos! Lol However, most of my interactions are by choice. I simply choose not to mingle around as much as I once did....although if asked I almost always help or go and interact.

Mostly I fellowship with people I once went to church with, whom no longer also attended but nevertheless do not seem like minded with me....there is my chance for persecution lol. I can not shut up about what is inside me and often times as the word says....out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. I am convinced that most of this 'foolish' preaching is for myself and perhaps some for those who hear me. The Samarian that was told that 'I tell you the truth a time is coming and has already come that you will neither worship or fellowship for that matter on this hill or in this or that temple....or this city or that building.....but in Spirit as our Father seeks true worshipers in our spirit' must also hold true for our fellowship.

I feel privileged to know you all here.....and still fellowship with believers even if my physical life is not surrounded by a 'church'. I am sure not in a hurry to go find rules or be entangled again into the web of the 'woman'....when after all we have been called out of her all over the world as prove by this humble forum.


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Spiritual coffee huh!  :)

The Samarian that was told that 'I tell you the truth a time is coming and has already come that you will neither worship or fellowship for that matter on this hill or in this or that temple....or this city or that building.....but in Spirit as our Father seeks true worshipers in our spirit' must also hold true for our fellowship.

Definitely true. Gotta be true.

Finally, the purpose of fellowship it to build each other up into the spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 

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