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Author Topic: Less active  (Read 17924 times)

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Re: Less active
« Reply #20 on: July 29, 2006, 12:48:07 PM »

Hello Layla,

Faith without works is dead.  I agree with you, there are things we do, say, and think that helps bring about righteousness.  I am just very careful not to take too much credit, or to boast of the good changes.

It looks like we agree with each other, it is through this type of communication over the internet, where we dont see each others faces, mannerisms, body language, and tone of voice that makes it hard at times to properly convey a message.

I guess, what I really mean, is looking at the difference from where I was (serving self), and now (hopefully serving others).  This makes me think of His two commandments, to love God and neighbors with all our hearts.  This love being put outwards towards God and others, has brought a greater sense of peace, than I ever could of achieved before.  And that love is of God, for God is love.

God bless,



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Re: Less active
« Reply #21 on: July 29, 2006, 01:02:01 PM »

Gary and Layla

"Delight yourself in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart. Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." Psalm37:4-5



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Re: Less active
« Reply #22 on: July 29, 2006, 06:03:33 PM »

Zander, thank you for letting us all know. I did miss you and figured it was about your break up. You and Sorin for some reason are on my heart alot! Guys, don't give up on God, ever,  Remember......even if He slay me, yet will I worship Him.  For me, getting back to Ray's papers puts things back into perspective then I can get into the Bible believing He does really care for me.

Life is so short and fleeting....

Love to you all. Prayers are still going up for you.


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Re: Less active
« Reply #23 on: July 31, 2006, 03:30:46 AM »

Zander and Sorin,   I really do identify.   Life has been so hard that it almost seems like a joke that so much can go wrong for
so long.   I  have many times recently felt like God must hate me because He seemed to be unwilling to give any relief. 
Very weary and worn--life seems like a prison... no visible hope for so long.   We each have our limits and circumstances,
losses and heartaches. 

For me, it hits the bottom line very quickly because of what God has taught thru BT.  God is soveriegn. (PERIOD!)  So I am
SURE that He is able to  help, and when He doesn't, then I KNOW that He has a reason.  Does that mean He hates me?  I have wondered when I was buried by life.   But I know the verses in Hebrew that says He chastens ALL that He loves.  It doesn't  feel like love at the moment, does it? 

What about the verses saying we should give thanks in EVERYthing, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus....   After I had hit the bottom of the bottom for the umteenths time, the thought came to me that I was not being obedient-- forgot to be thankful..... and in all my misery, I had failed to focus and grasp and appreciate the wonder of our awesome God!  I was NOT worshipping as I was putting out fires.  I was hurting, struggling, and whining
and complaining about my "misfortune"  but  had forgotten to worship -- had God become less of a God, less awesome?

I guess that is what I was thinking-  God sure isn't very nice...... boo-hoo :-(   mumble, grumble...............

That moment hit me!  I was just wanting my way, my comfort, and to be in control (god) of my own life!   YUK!
I could see (once again!) that I was so unworthy and  that I was not able or willing to see the big picture-- God's plan that my human mind can not grasp and I was unwilling to trust Him.    I had a perfect  point in my history to remember the fool I am and WHY I need God!

And then God let me see what I had forgotten:  Christ was humiliated, falsely accused and abused and suffered rejection,
betrayal, injustice and terrible pain - physical and mental and DEATH!  and He was God!!!   He said that we must lose our
life to find LIFE.  So who  do I think I am that I do NOT have to suffer the same?!!!!  How would I learn obedience any other
way, if it was by suffering that Christ learned obedience?!

We learn with repetative lessons.   We die by layers, as the flesh is removed from us.  We would not willingly submit, for it
is way too painful!   When we are young or first come to Christ, we surrender all.  We simply do not know what ALL means!
It is by degrees that we learn.  I have a love/hate attitude about this process.  It hurts so bad to die to the flesh, it cuts SO
DEEP.   But even in the suffering and loss and struggle for daiily survival, I see two things:  1)  how God makes beautiful
flower gardens from the composted rubbish.  In the midst of troubles, He makes "things" happen that could not happen
with my own trying-- like relationship growth-- personal growth as well.  2) how there is NOTHING this world has to offer
-- not mates, children, money, comfort or pleasure that tops knowing the ONE, TRUE, LIVING GOD of creation!!!   And for
that desire (that He has placed in my being) I have the courage to say, "Not my will, by thine be done-- no matter what the
cost."   I simply understand that there is more to our existience than this puny body and this short earth-life and I want HIM!
so badly!    I say this with tears in my eyes because I am so weary and I understand the cost. 

 But there is a glimmer of hope and even joy somewhere deep inside that pleads with God to give  me the strength to endure with patience to the end of my life.  He won't let me go and so I have hope that He will continue to work this nasty lump of clay-- pounding out the air bubbles, spinning me dizzy, baking me in fierce heat........  that one day, I may be a vessel of honor for His purposes-- to glorify Him.

I could say more, but I have already said TOO much!  Sorry so long!   You guys at BT are the only ones I know that understandthese things......  JJ



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Re: Less active
« Reply #24 on: July 31, 2006, 04:14:01 AM »

You brought tears to my eyes JJ.

Thank you!


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Re: Less active
« Reply #25 on: July 31, 2006, 11:51:18 AM »

Zander, thank you for letting us all know. I did miss you and figured it was about your break up. You and Sorin for some reason are on my heart alot! Guys, don't give up on God, ever,  Remember......even if He slay me, yet will I worship Him.  For me, getting back to Ray's papers puts things back into perspective then I can get into the Bible believing He does really care for me.

Life is so short and fleeting....

Love to you all. Prayers are still going up for you.

Thank you Gena.


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Re: Less active
« Reply #26 on: July 31, 2006, 12:02:03 PM »


That was a wonderful post and I know it was from the heart. I hope Zander will see it too. I can only speak for myself, but I agree with what you are saying. And believe you me I am going through some (much deserved) chastening right now. I really need to repent. I also need to let go of my idols of the heart (i.e. having a wife/, my own place, being successful in life etc...). Also all the sin that's in my life. Well I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hi-jack Zander's thread. So I won't say anymore about myself in here.

Zander I wish you well. And I hope you will come by from time to time.

Take care,


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Re: Less active
« Reply #27 on: July 31, 2006, 08:26:49 PM »

Wow JJ!  May God bless you for spilling those words alone!
Your testimony will help many (if not just ME) see into God's deep chastening, and encourage us to HAVE HOPE.
I am going to print your words so when I'm going through it, I will remember a brother who has gone through the same and will hopefully not forget that God still loves me even when I don't feel it or feel I don't deserve it.
Thank you very much.


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Re: Less active
« Reply #28 on: July 31, 2006, 09:04:14 PM »

Marie, I wanted toprint JJ's words and I got 20 pages of the whole thread.  Do you know something I don't know" ???

I don't mind having the entire thread on paper as it is such a good one, but it is my old printer spitting out 20 pages and ink and all.  Oh well.


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Re: Less active
« Reply #29 on: July 31, 2006, 10:36:35 PM »

So glad that anything I shared was in any way helpful (like using all your ink!)  Am feeling the need to have some like-minded fellowship so I'll just say now that I am Jayle and female and "Hi!" to all.   

Sorin, so glad you are still with us!  Me too, the chastening just isn't fun, but it is deserved for me as well.  And ya know, I have no vices and people think I am so clean cut but I know myself and even for those of us that don't break any of the do and don'ts, there is still so much flesh-selfishness and the desire to put our own comfort #1.....just turn up the heat and see it all spill out!..... sin is sin-- God sees us from the inside out and my inner being needs purged!

My heart goes out to Zander and Sorin!  Just praying that you both hang on Christ until He brings the gals for each of you that He knows will make a lasting match.  Praying for you both!  Don't leave us guys!

And thanks, Bobby, for always pointing us to scripture and giving encouragement!    This is a great group of  folks!
Jayle (JJ)



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Re: Less active
« Reply #30 on: July 31, 2006, 10:41:27 PM »

Thank you Jayle. It's much appreciated.

God bless,


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Re: Less active
« Reply #31 on: July 31, 2006, 11:36:58 PM »

Marie, I wanted toprint JJ's words and I got 20 pages of the whole thread. Do you know something I don't know" ???

I don't mind having the entire thread on paper as it is such a good one, but it is my old printer spitting out 20 pages and ink and all. Oh well.

Hi Gena,
I just copied and pasted JJ's type into a word document, only 2 pages.


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Re: Less active
« Reply #32 on: August 01, 2006, 12:45:13 AM »

Your welcome Bobby!
I'll counteract and throw that praise up to God> He gave me everything I've got!  ;)




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Re: Less active
« Reply #33 on: August 01, 2006, 12:46:58 PM »

Hi folks

I felt i should let you know, in case anyone was wondering (yeah gosh i think i must be v.popular  ;D ), that i am merely an observer on this site from time to time now and dont come here as often or place as much input.  I am having some trouble at the moment regarding relationship with God etc.  I understand it all, but feel very let down by him.

Well i wish you all welll


I thought this e-mail to Ray & his response would be appropriate in this thread;

« on: Today at 06:51:09 AM »     

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- what?

        I have bipolar disorder.  I am destroying my marriage with rage.  My husband
        smokes more pot than you can even imagine and we are both “saved” and go to
        “church” – imagine that.

        Ray, I grew up in WWCG.  I am more than clear on those doctrinal errors.  So, for about
        20 years, I decided that I really couldn’t care less about what happens to this body
        after I die.   I can’t see that far.

        I just want this pain to stop.  I don’t know how to make my life work.  I don’t know how.

        I don’t know how to control this beast within before I lose my marriage.

        Oh yeah, its hard for me to really call out to God because when I get sick, “he” talks
        to me.  And we know that God doesn’t talk to people like that.  Besides, even if he did
        everything that is said contradicts itself.  In 1997, when I first got sick, before I was
        hospitalized, I was horrified because the 2 weeks of voices made it seem like Satan and God
        were the same person.  It is kinda like what you say about god creating evil, but far more

        And when I increase my time in bible study, or meditating or even praying too much, I start
        to hear the noise in my head again.

        Bipolar is well handled with medication, but I have so many issues from growing up in a cult,
        and the dysfunctional family that brought me there – I look like I have it all together.  The
        doctors call me “high functioning”  When all I want to do is just die.

        I can’t live with this shame.  I feel like such a failure.

        So the beast is within, it’s confirmed.  Now what do I do?  How do I make it through
        this life on the way to the next one?  How do I stop being sick?  How do I stop hurting
        people with my own pain?  And how do I stop the tears?

        I can’t see anything.

        Dear Janice:

        I get lots of emails like yours (or at least similar). I can't save you, Janice. Only God can save you. God brought you to my site for a reason. Have you read everything?

        When one is in your condition, they are perfect candidates for salvation.  There is no use in saving those who have nothing they need saving from, right?  That's why Jesus said He came to save sinners, not the righteous (as thought there are any righteous, but there are those who think that they are righteous).

        You need to cry out to God, Janice. There is no easy fix. There is no easy formula.  There are no magic words.  Salvation is between you and God.  I can encourage you and teach you, but right now you need Jesus, not me. You need to repent of everything that is destroying your life. This will require the Spirit of God.  You can only get the Spirit of God from God, not from me. I tell people to PRAY AND OBEY unto God reveals Himself to you. God does not want to frustrate you, but He wants you to come to Him in complete surrender and humility, and judging from your condition, that should not be to very hard. We will be praying for you.

        God be with you,

« Last Edit: August 01, 2006, 01:54:23 PM by parsonssc »


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Re: Less active
« Reply #34 on: August 02, 2006, 12:49:29 AM »

Joe- Wow! It hurts to hear about so many hurting people. We need to pray for Janice. Hopefully she will follow Rays suggestions and find our forum.

Marie-Thanks for the tip. I will try that next time!

Jayle-Thank you for the kind words(pm). I am so glad God led you to us.

To all-  I don't say it enough, but I can't wait to get on the forum each day to fellowship with all of you.  You are so precious to me.  You don't know how you have helped me in my walk, given me things to laugh about, pray about, think about. Thanks and God Bless All of You!
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