> Hey Ray!
> I found your website by accident I was doing some research on hate-groups while
> writing a paper on Christian Identity. what Serendipity to have fallen across
> your site!! certainly a lot more interesting than the white man are the true
> sons of Adam, yucko! I am an interfaith minister,born and raised a Methodist...
> Being a student of world religions has made me find Jesus and his message EVEN
> more compelling the more I know and that is sooo exciting to me.
> I am newly reunited with the Church and all her beauty and all her flaws. I
> have never been a biblical literalist, I have big issues with the trinity... and
> I try to understand Jesus like he is talking directly to me (lately I come to
> understand my ability as discernment but I would not have called it that when I
> was y ounger) At one point in my life I felt I had no place in Christendom
> because well.... I didn't believe everything that was taught to me on blind
> faith ~ I wanted to know for myself. And I didn't think other Christians wanted
> to think about these kinds of things. I spent quite a few years as what I would
> call a "closet Christian" But I have been out of the closet a few years now
> and it feels good! I preached this Sunday in the Methodist Church and I am
> surprised at the openness of mind people have about hearing scripture in new
> ways and to make new connections with it. I am on my way to full time ministry
> in the UMC and off to get my M.Div I hope I can keep my perspective.... Ok I do
> have one question for you, do you have a denomination affiliation?
> Anyway I have no clue who you are or WHY I wanted to write to you... I just
> wanted to say hello and tell you I find your site interesting and I intend to
> keep reading it.
> Love,
> Rev. Jenn
> P.S. the subject of my e-mail WAS a red-herring... but its relevant since its
> the question I think lies at the heart of the Christian Journey.
Dear Jenn:
Thank you for your email and comments. No, I certainly do not belong to, attend, or affiliate myself with any institutional denomination or church of men. Jesus said: "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE...." (Rev. 18:4). I'm OUT!
I hope that you will continue to read the material on our site. I guarantee you that you will learn more on our site than you would in five or ten years of seminary. And I say that humbly.
God be with you,