Hello Peoples! Not a fan of internet discussion boards but I love the truth. I love the truth more than anything. Ive come to a place in my life where I realize so much of what I have been told to believe is a lie. We are all born into a world of lies... well Ive had my eyes opened to the truth and believe that I have received a love for the truth no matter how much that truth may shatter my world. Even if 7 billion people believe something to be true, that doesnt make it true. Truth needs no one to defend it, it defends itself as soon as you try and come against it. Truth is truth no matter what man (parents, govt, teachers, pastors) says or believes.
Unfortunately the love for truth isnt super common. People are brought up in this world of lies and they have a nice cozy idea of how they think their life is playing out. Its familiar and comforatable and easy to keep believing that what ever they've been taught is true. Its also lonely when you realize that no one around you really see's or wants to see the truth. So like I said before, Im not a fan of internet discussion boards, but I dont want to feel so isolated in believing and loving the truth.
Anyways looking forward to fellowship... I wonder if Jesus knew fellowship would eventually consist of faceless, voiceless, computer screen comunication between saints, LOL!