I agree Bob!
My motto for the year is "let go and let God" For some reason though God wanted me to have these conversations this past week with my mom and bro, who I'm sure was also reading the messages. For me it's actually healing and peaceful to be able to speak freely to her. I used to break down crying in fear. Not any longer!
As a child you can't speak to an adult that you physically, emotionally and spiritually fear. It's good to get some of this stuff out in the open without that fear. So really wasn't about them at all... but was about me healing.
Daughter (and son) are having a lovely day together in peace (hope you are as well!). Just finished playing some new games and now she's making her amazing homemade mac n cheese for our ham dinner. Started off the morning with my totally from scratch banana cream pie in a whole wheat brown rice crust topped with sweetened fresh whipping cream.
nam nam nam. Not one gift to give or open and we didn't put the tree up but we have all that we need and are blessed to have each other.
Few minutes ago she said, "Mom! You know... I really love you!"
Who needs anything else but that, Yeshua and banana cream pie?
We have been through so much but God has taught us amazing things about Himself, ourselves and others through it all. I don't think she wants to leave home. lol She wants me to live with her family and help with grandkids God willing. She said last week, "I think God put you in my life because it's going to be really weird teaching my kids the truth in this society! You teach them!"