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Author Topic: Let us reason together !  (Read 11542 times)

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Re: Let us reason together !
« Reply #20 on: January 16, 2014, 03:49:42 AM »

In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will: Eph 1:11


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Re: Let us reason together !
« Reply #21 on: January 16, 2014, 05:21:44 AM »

In deed is kind of scary to pray that way, because sometimes we want our will so bad.

Nice post Moises. :)

I was reading the children's bible to my six year old last night.  A bride for Isaac. Genesis 24.  The children's bibles reads as though Rebekah was an answer to the prayer of Abraham's servant.  And indeed it was, yet according to the predetermined will of God. 

 “ Now let it be that the young woman to whom I say, ‘Please let down your pitcher that I may drink,’ and she says, ‘Drink, and I will also give your camels a drink’—let her be the one You have appointed for Your servant Isaac. "

We all know that Rebekah did exactly that, but we also know that it was Abraham who had absolute trust and confidence in the sovereignty of God (wasn't it tested at Mount Moriah?).  Before he left, Abraham made his servant take an oath that he would bring back a bride for Isaac from his country. Yet, if no wife was to be found for Isaac from his country, the servant would be released from his oath. Abraham trusted God and his prayers and his deeds reflected this confidence.

Problem is my little girl is going to grow up thinking that God answer our prayers.  Its going to take a long while before she learns the truth!  ;)


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Re: Let us reason together !
« Reply #22 on: January 16, 2014, 11:47:05 AM »

                                                       Hi Loretta ,

I’m thinking how blessed your little six year old girl is, having a mother like you Loretta !
There is so much truth you be able to teach her as she grows into adulthood.

All the deceptions we all have gone through concerning God , and life , she shall be spared , because of you Loretta, she will understand the difference between Christendom and the true church of Christ.

The way we raise up a child is how they will walk in this life as an adult. So my friend, you’ll be giving her a great foundation to build upon and in to days world, its sad to say but not many have that blessing that you’ll be bring your daughter through the spirit of God.  :)  :)  :)

Peace and love to all.  :)


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Re: Let us reason together !
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2014, 10:16:46 AM »

I’m thinking how blessed your little six year old girl is, having a mother like you Loretta !
There is so much truth you be able to teach her as she grows into adulthood.

Thank you Rick, for those lovely words of encouragement.  You will never know how much they mean to me at this point in my life. God bless you ever so much. :)

Recently, I attended a wedding of a Christian couple (believers from a city mega church).  The reception was like any other, replete with fire-works, champagne and roses.  Replying to the toast the groom thanked his parents profusely for the godly heritage and promised to continue in the tradition.  For a fleeting moment I felt depressed, having always desired to leave a christian legacy for my children.  But here I was alone, a single parent as it were, barely managing to cope with the quirks of a dysfunctional family.  Then I was reminded of the truths that I'd learned at BT and how at odds they were with what we're taught in Christendom.  Christian legacy is left, not by trying to get it right, doing it right or even being right in God’s eyes, but about acknowledging God’s sovereignty in every aspect of our lives, however hard or incomprehensible it is.  Maybe Christian legacy is an oxymoron in itself, considering that we have no free will to bequeath anything!


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Re: Let us reason together !
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2014, 09:56:43 PM »

Your welcome Loretta,  I want you to know my heart goes out to you. I have two sons and one daughter and although my wife Donna had died July 28.2009 our offspring were already in their twenty at the time of their moms death.

Donna was a stay at home mom which was something I always was thankful for, she was a very smart women and did everything as far as I’m concerned beautifully well and God blessed me the day I met Donna.

I know how time consuming it is raising children and all the difficulty involved, I remember many times coming home from work and looking at my wife and I could see in her face that sometimes she could of pulled her hair out.

But now, I was home and Donna could relax from the trying day she had, and so I took over. I said to you my heart goes out to you Loretta because you’re a single mom and so your load is much greater because you don’t have someone to say hey honey I’ll take it from here.

I hope you don’t mind me saying to you Loretta but I think your special to me because when I had rejoined B. T. I had gotten the impression you were just beginning to learn the wonderful truths as I was too and so I could relate to you. 

I read all your post and you started to blow me away with the knowledge you displayed and that’s why I had said to you Loretta ,I think your little girl is so blessed to have a wonderful mom like you.

Anyways I wish you well and God bless you Loretta.

Peace and love to all and especially to you Loretta.   :)  :)  :)


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Re: Let us reason together !
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2014, 11:19:47 PM »

But now, I was home and Donna could relax from the trying day she had, and so I took over. I said to you my heart goes out to you Loretta because you’re a single mom and so your load is much greater because you don’t have someone to say hey honey I’ll take it from here.

No, Rick, I'm not a single mom, but a single parent, which makes it harder I think. :(

I'm relatively new to BT, but I've been in the lof long enough to appreciate the truths of God.  But knowing the truth and living it out graciously are two different things. I'm yet to learn the latter. Guess, God knows our temperaments best and does get the timing right in the end. :)

Tks for caring, Rick. God bless you too.
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