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Author Topic: Charlotte's Web - Medical Marijuana  (Read 19466 times)

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Re: Charlotte's Web - Medical Marijuana
« Reply #40 on: March 20, 2014, 11:54:50 PM »

Alex, I do not see you as being wrong, I don't think I ever said that. I know full well that God is sovereign, totally in control and it is by Him that all things consist and operate. Yes I know He created evil and Satan and I believe He is responsible for all things and will make everything more than just right, but blessed beyond our imagination.

Yes He is in charge and ultimately the cause of all things, and you seem to have a good grasp on that, but not everybody does, so I wanted to bring out both sides to our God. Now you have presented much more for everyone to consider, that's what this forum is all about.

mercy, peace and love

Apologies sister if I came off a bit aggressive. It was not my intention. I only repeated that I was open to being wrong so as not to sound as if i was speaking down to you but rather as an equal.

I'm glad I had a positive impact on the conversation and was able to add something to it!

God bless and with love,
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."

John from Kentucky

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Re: Charlotte's Web - Medical Marijuana
« Reply #41 on: March 21, 2014, 03:43:19 PM »

I need to remember the times we live in.  My grandparents used to sit on the pot.  Now people smoke pot.

People smoke dope, ingest dope, and inject dope.

If people get caught selling dope, and a mean old judge puts them in jail; well now, we're supposed to pray to God for the jailbirds.

If you are against the drug culture, then you are judgmental and unloving.

And in the 21st Century, there are no greater sins than being judgmental and unloving (ie. opposed to sin).


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Re: Charlotte's Web - Medical Marijuana
« Reply #42 on: March 21, 2014, 08:26:36 PM »

Hi Largeli,

I think cannabis is also referred to as devil’s weed also......but to each their own. I believe whatever one does is between God and that one. We either stand or fall to our Master.

I think we know that the heart is exceedingly wicked and deceitful above all things. I can’t say if pot is bad or good but I would say any mind altering drug is a deception.

Its and artificial feeling that can lead one down the slippery road, it’s a gateway drug that can lead to other drugs. True God made the poppy plant but does God want us shooting heroin in our body ?

When I was younger I smoke pot all the time, you know, before marriage and children and to be honest with you I never felt there was anything wrong with pot, some of my best times in life was smoking weed.......LOl

Lets not forget about the human heart and how deceitful it can be. Is smoking pot a sin ? I say anything outside of faith is a sin but Christ paid the price for everyone.  One’s conscience   
 either excuse or condemn.

If smoking pot is wrong, God forgives, if its right then no forgiveness is needed but either way God will make all things right and that is awesome.  :)

Rick I'd like to respond to your post but would like to first make clear that I am in no way trying to change your convictions on the matter. I also would like to make clear that I am in no way offended by anyone's convictions on the matter or judgements toward myself. It's important to me that I don't come off as seeming defensive for I have nothing to defend. The truth is the truth. Truth cares not of the opinions of men and truth needs no man to defend it for it defends itself.

First let me say that God created all the Earth and all the plants of the Earth and when He was done, what did He say? He looked at ALL He had created and said.. "It is GOOD". Was Cannabis included in the word "ALL"? Of course. All plants were created by God, so when someone bestows a name upon one of these plants such as "devils weed", is that in any way honoring God? Did the devil create plants? No. So to be not only fair to God but also to be accurate and speak truth, let's acknowledge that cannabis is Gods cannabis or "Gods weed" if you like.  Gods creation. And while we may have differing opinions on whether or not it is good or bad, let's acknowledge that God said "it is good".

Now cannabis is a tool that God has used in my life to bring about positive change. Like any tool, however, it can be used for good and also for bad. Take a hammer for instance. One can build a house with a hammer and one can tear a house down with a hammer. I fully acknowledge that God can use the same tool which He blessed me with, to cause negative change in ones life. All to bring about His desired result.

Cannabis as a gateway drug. This is no more true than claiming that riding a bicycle is a gateway to joining a motorcycle gang. I'm quite certain that every member of the Hells Angels began their journey to being an outlaw biker by first riding a bicycle. Likewise many heroine addicts undoubtedly used cannabis before using heroine. The gateway claim could be applied to a great many things but in the end it is drug war propaganda and fear mongering with no scientific or medical fact. Just because man says something is true doesn't make it true. Just because man makes a law claiming something is bad doesn't make it so.

Here are some quotes from the 1930's propaganda which shaped public opinion ,then and also now, and ultimately lead to the prohibition of cannabis..

"Marijuana makes darky think he is as good as a white man" "makes white women sleep with negroes" "will make you kill your entire family" "is the most violence causing drug in the history of man kind".

These quotes are laughed at today as being rediculous but were accepted as truth back then. Truth according to man, will change with each generation. But truth according to God will not change. The truth about cannabis hasn't changed since God created it and said "it is good."

In the case of cannabis I believe It's not the substance going into your body that deceives the heart of man, but the opinions of other men taken as truth.. That's what deceives man.

I’m just what you made God.. ~Kid Cudi


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Re: Charlotte's Web - Medical Marijuana
« Reply #43 on: March 21, 2014, 09:02:36 PM »

Second hand smoke is offensive to me. 


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Re: Charlotte's Web - Medical Marijuana
« Reply #44 on: March 21, 2014, 10:35:09 PM »

Hi Largeli,

Ray taught us that when God said ( and God saw that is was good ) He was saying it was good for what He intended .

Now God made man and said that was good too, but we know man is not good yet. How does one square away with the scripture that says ( be not filled with wine but with the holy spirit and again scripture says ( do you not know your body is the temple of God )

My point is this, regardless of the name of any drug be it pot or cocain or what ever, it produces an artificial feeling, if one wants to be under an artificial feeling one should ask why.

You know, maybe one is not happy with how they feel so one gets high or looking to escape some problem they are going through or just plain bored.  I’m sure there are at least a thousand reasons to get high.

But one should never forget also when they buy any drug, some of that money goes to buying guns that dealers use on people, look at the drug cartel in Mexico, what do they buy with some of the profits, I hear in Mexico many people are being murdered with guns purchase with drug money.

And God said that it was good.   ???

Dave in Tenn

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Re: Charlotte's Web - Medical Marijuana
« Reply #45 on: March 22, 2014, 01:08:45 AM »

God used Balaam's a@@ to prophecy.  Don't go looking for an a@@ to do it again.  Scripture says He could make the rocks and stones praise Him.  Don't spend your life in a quarry.  Comes a time to grow up and live soberly.  ALL the rest is just religion.
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Charlotte's Web - Medical Marijuana
« Reply #46 on: March 22, 2014, 01:58:04 AM »

From a medical perspective I do not endorse alcohol, marijuana or smoking as recreational activities. They all have deleterious affects on individuals who partake in them.

I suppose everything in moderation is perhaps the important thing to remember. Marijuana can and does have some medical uses for the extreme patients such as those battling devestating diseases such as cancer. Helping with food retention and appetite is huge in such populations as many struggle to keep the weight on and slowly become emaciated which only serves to exacerbate their condition.

Here is a recent report released on Marijuana just as several states make pushes to legalize the drug. Marijuana is not safer than alcohol. That is a misnomer.

« Last Edit: March 22, 2014, 02:00:05 AM by lilitalienboi16 »
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: Charlotte's Web - Medical Marijuana
« Reply #47 on: March 22, 2014, 10:45:40 AM »

It's quite easy for the beast in us to find a way to justify something that has become an idol (an object of passionate devotion) of the heart.

We all have those idols that we want to hang on to, but if we have God's Spirit in us it will rule our life and one by one those things will be tossed aside.

mercy, peace and love


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Re: Charlotte's Web - Medical Marijuana
« Reply #48 on: March 22, 2014, 04:10:12 PM »

Hi Claudia,

I don’t see a misunderstanding here but what I know is many tons of pot come to the United States from Mexico which is sold by the drug cartel.

Pot sales in the United States supports the drug cartels activity’s which include murdering people. So anyone who buys pot or other drugs are supporting the underworld which does all sorts of evil things with their drug money profits.

So one says, I’ll smoke a joint , get high and chill, but while that one is chilling people in Mexico are being butchered, these people include, mothers , fathers, sons and daughters.

If one buys drugs they support the underworld. Drugs are not illegal because the government wants to put a damper on ones good time but rather drugs are not good for us.

I don’t think its right to say God approves of one getting high, look at it this way. I’m in a room with Jesus and Jesus is speaking to me, and I say excuse me Jesus would you be interested in smoking some pot with   

Don’t you know if one lays in bed with a prostitute they are partakers of her sins and if one buys drugs they are partakers of the drug cartels sin also. No, you didn’t squeeze the trigger but your money bought the guns and ammo that slays people. And what, God’s going to say, well done good and faithful servant?

If one wants to get high then get high but don’t say God made pot for me to indulge in it. God made everything but not everything is good for us. All is of God but not everything is by God.

 Many of America’s youths are over dosing on drugs and many mothers and fathers are crying because their sons or daughters are in the grave.

Be not deceived, anyone who alters their mind with any drug including alcohol , this is not of God.

So if I do wrong, then so be it, but let me not say that wrong is right in doing what’s wrong but acknowledge its wrong and ask God for help in being more than a conquer.

When I was a child I did the things of a child but now I’m a man I need to put aside childish things.


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Re: Charlotte's Web - Medical Marijuana
« Reply #49 on: March 23, 2014, 12:36:28 PM »

2.)  much, much marijuana is grown locally throughout different cities, towns, and states in the good ole u. s.

Need we wonder why the country is in the state its in...


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Re: Charlotte's Web - Medical Marijuana
« Reply #50 on: March 23, 2014, 01:30:55 PM »

2.)  much, much marijuana is grown locally throughout different cities, towns, and states in the good ole u. s.

Need we wonder why the country is in the state its in...

Lets move on folks before this topic deteriorates further. :-\

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