wow where to begin looking back when i joined the forum, I see a clear change in whom i have become. A lot of the imagination have fallen away and life has been really raw lately.While denial is a wonderful place to escape to at times it doesn't clear up the confusion. Growing in the Lord is too real at times without grace and hope. Hope in what is to be. My life has been very raw the last few years, painfully so and now I feel this sense of responsibility to minister and lead those around me, without them knowing, led in the authority of Christ. To infuse into their confusion, light with gentleness, clarity of His light always leading in truth, and hope in knowing we are beings eternally so, in Gods grace and love and righteous judgements, unfolding us in Him. How i got to this place is so very painful afflictions of my soul. So many falling downs over and over failures that clearly showed me how truly awful a monster i was in my flesh. Please don't let your imaginations make this more than what it was. My life is not a movie script. A lot of people around me didn't even know the turmoil underneath. I haven't been in any blatant sin on the outside people around think very well of me ( not that it matters) but i need so much more from Him the hunger and thirst is quite apparent.