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Author Topic: Hi Everyone  (Read 11527 times)

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Hi Everyone
« on: January 25, 2015, 12:11:43 PM »

I have always believed there was a God who created me and the rest of the world and sent his son, our Lord Jesus Christ to save the few men who "will" surrender their lives to him. I lived the first 29 years of my life being a moralist, but knowing fully well that that won't save me, I figured I would enjoy some of what the world has to offer and then give my life to Christ sometimes before I die.
During this time, I didn't attend church much. I knew most churches had many things wrong, I didn't have much knowledge of scripture to back it up but i had read about stephen and apostle paul well before my teenage years, the impression of God, his servants and Christians I got from reading the book of the acts of apostles was at variance with what I observed about most churches but a few churches still seemed to me to have got it right.
In November 2013, I finally "gave my life to Christ" and began to attend a fairly popular church whose founder/pastor has a reputation for preaching sound doctrine, I enjoyed it for a while, in fact, it seemed to me then that I was led there by the spirit.the church had what they call "Apostolic training school" which i was enrolled in.During the apostolic training, I was taught the trinity doctrine, it just didn't make any sense to me, I sought clarification from the teachers and none of them could satisfactorily explain the doctrine using scripture. At about the same time, I realized that the church placed great emphasis on professional and financial achievements(a somewhat tame strain of the prosperity/word of faith movement).
During this time, I used to suffer from guilt feelings, I felt i wasn't sorry enough for my past sins.
The last straw that broke my camel's back was a sermon in the church in which the preacher said and used scripture to "prove" that anybody can live in health and wealth for just about as long as he/she wishes. I didn't and still don't know much scripture, but I just knew that it infringed on God's sovereignty. We were asked to proclaim long life in health and wealth for ourselves and people were happily doing so. That sunday was the last time i attended a service at that church, I stayed away from church for about 2 months then decided to try out another church(tilted towards holiness)  that was reputed to also preach sound doctrine but after attending about 5 sundays, I realized they were very legalistic and also oftentimes forced scriptures to "support" their doctrines, they would only use the KJV.
I stopped attending that church too, at about this time, I came across the website and it pleased God to open my eyes to the truth, I tried to convince my friends and other people I knew who had been "Christians" and been studying the bible for a long time but none of them ever came to see the truth, at this time, I still believed that I and all mankind possessed free will that was somewhat subjected to God. On delving further into the website, I realized there I had no free will and that in fact, none of my "christian" friends will ever be convinced solely on the basis of whatever i tell them or what ever scripture I point them to unless God decides to drag them to him as he had dragged me. At this point, I realized to my horror that i was alone ! There was nobody I could discuss with, they were all sold out on these false teachers peddling heresies.So here I am on hope I haven't rambled too much       



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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2015, 12:27:10 PM »

Welcome DEJI. It is nice to have you here. A lot of us here at Bible Truths would be "alone" in our beliefs if not for each other. The only people I know who share my beliefs are people I've met from this website. None of my earthly family or friends believe what I have learned here.

I'm glad your eyes have been opened regarding free will. I would encourage you to keep reading Ray's articles, and when you're finished, read them again. The two most important truths I have learned from Ray are:

1) God is sovereign (no free will)

2) God will save all.

Always keep those two truths in mind, whatever you do. When you're talking to "Christians," when you're reading the newspaper, when you're studying the Bible, always ALWAYS remember that God is sovereign and God will save all. It will make a wonderfully profound and comforting impact on your life and how you see others.  8)


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2015, 01:17:39 PM »

Thanks Extol. I was exceedingly glad to learn that God will save ALL mankind and there is no hell fire. I felt so foolish for having believed for a while that I was going to go to heaven IF I persevere until I die and that the vast majority of mankind will burn in some fire for eternity. The knowledge of the myth of free will and restitution of all things has radically changed my outlook on a lot of life's issues. As a matter fact, I think about those two marvelous truths all day.


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2015, 01:21:00 PM »

The knowledge of the myth of free will and restitution of all things has radically changed my outlook on a lot of life's issues. As a matter fact, I think about those two marvelous truths all day.

Welcome to the forum DEJI.  Those are too marvelous truths!  I hope the forum will be a place of comfort and encouragement for you as you continue to grow in the knowledge of spirit and truth. :)




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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2015, 01:24:01 PM »

Hello,and welcome,DEJI.

Your name reminds me of the Jeti from stars wars.
Here,s something funny.



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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2015, 01:27:24 PM »

Thanks Rene.@ walt123, my full name is Adedeji, its a yoruba name.


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2015, 02:45:02 PM »

I tried to convince my friends and other people I knew who had been "Christians" and been studying the bible for a long time but none of them ever came to see the truth, at this time, I still believed that I and all mankind possessed free will that was somewhat subjected to God. On delving further into the website, I realized there I had no free will and that in fact, none of my "christian" friends will ever be convinced solely on the basis of whatever i tell them or what ever scripture I point them to unless God decides to drag them to him as he had dragged me. At this point, I realized to my horror that i was alone ! There was nobody I could discuss with, they were all sold out on these false teachers peddling heresies.So here I am on hope I haven't rambled too much       

Hi Deji,
I'm new here too, but I found Bible-Truths many years ago.  I have to say, as you noted above, the one thing that really baffled me the most (at first) was the fact that what I thought was a great and marvelous truth, was utterly rejected by ALL my Christian family/friends.  And continues to this day.  I understand God has a plan and in HIS timing, "all will come to the knowledge of the truth".  But it was hard at first to accept that.  Truly it proves God is sovereign and does indeed blind most to the truth.  For now.

I still don't get why people love hell so much though.  I never got that, even when I "believed" in it.  I just hated the doctrine and hated discussing it.  I just couldn't understand it. We truly are in the Matrix, and only God can set us free.

Nevertheless, you're not alone.  God has his Remnant.  Some participate in forums, some just read and study.  And I am sure the Lord has many also who He's taught these truths and who have never even heard of Ray.  But he surely has used Ray to reach many, and I am very grateful for that, because he indeed opened my eyes.

Michael (formerly "Lurquer"  8))


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2015, 04:58:24 PM »

Thanks Mike. I can't help but pity them. When I told my mother that I had stopped attending church, even after giving her my very good reasons, she couldn't just understand, she kept trying to convince me. One of the ministers in the last church I attended before quitting church attendance happens to be my neighbor. I explained to him that I stopped attending his church due to their belief in eternal torment for sinners. I tried to prove to him the errors in that belief, I was so surprised to see how unreasonable and illogical he became, he began to talk like an illiterate, it was so frustrating. I can't wait for God to reconcile all mankind to himself


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2015, 05:26:31 PM »

I still don't get why people love hell so much though. 

Hey Michael,

Ray briefly touched on this in his January 2007 Free Will Bible study:

Now here we get down to an ethical point, that I think is quite worthy. Dr. Wegner said;

We worry that explaining evil condones it. We have to maintain our outrage at Hitler.

Did you get that? He said, that if we explain the true cause of evil, people will think we condone it. We must maintain our outrage at Hitler.

How many emails have I gotten just like that. ‘Oh your saying, so Hitler is going to be up in heaven with us?’ ‘Oh really, nice Ray, and I suppose Sadam Hussin will be having tea with us and taking the last supper with us.’ You know they get real sarcastic like that. Why? Because they want to be better. They want to be better than Hitler, they want to be able to always think that Hitler made choices to do bad and he’s going to suffer for all eternity for it. They say, ‘I on the other hand, I choose Christ and I’m going to be saved.’ So people feel this way. 

Another reason, I think, is that Christians see their unbelieving friends having all kinds of worldly fun, while they (the Christians) have to be "meek" and "good" and abstain from worldly pleasures. They want to see some sort of balancing out in the end. Let's face it, many (or most) Christians--if they suddenly stopped believing in hell--would love to jump in and engage in fornication, drunkenness, whatever. Ray has gotten many e-mails saying just that: "Oh thanks for this wonderful news about no hell! I can't wait to go out and sleep with as many people as possible, because we're all going to heaven anyway!" But they can't, because there's that fear of hell hanging over them. So they resent the folks who do indulge, and hope they'll be punished in the end.


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2015, 05:31:37 PM »

@Extol, you are very correct about that. It shows that they do not love fellow humans by the way.


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2015, 05:37:16 PM »

Also Ray said several times that he doesn't believe most Christians actually have thought about what hell would be like (if it were real, that is.) It's just some faraway place that sinners go to when they die; they don't actually meditate on how HORRIBLE being burned with fire would be, even for just a few seconds. I dare say more Christians would be disgusted by the hell idea if they meditated on it for a few minutes. The ones who gleefully preach the hell doctrine probably haven't thought much about it---if they could go back in time and witness a burning at the stake, they'd probably throw up and/or faint. And what is death by burning compared to an ETERNITY of burning?


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2015, 05:47:07 PM »

I was so surprised to see how unreasonable and illogical he became, he began to talk like an illiterate, it was so frustrating. I can't wait for God to reconcile all mankind to himself

This reminded me of one of my favorite Ray quotes!

Theologians get so technical. You ought to read some of this stuff they write, when they sit at their Bible desks and they’re writing a thesis or something and you read this gobbledy-gook, this hodgepodge of convoluted nonsense! Oh they get so deep, and they don’t understand ANYTHING.  LOL ;D


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2015, 05:57:35 PM »

Hehehehehehe. Talk of confounding the wise.

Rhys 🕊

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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2015, 04:49:30 AM »

Hello,and welcome,DEJI.

Your name reminds me of the Jeti from stars wars.
Here,s something funny.


Those Jedi Cats are awesome part of God's creation  ;D

Welcome to the forum Deji

Thanks for sharing your story. You have come a long way, may continue in His truth even more


Dave in Tenn

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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2015, 11:42:27 AM »

Good to meet you, Deji. 
Heb 10:32  But you must continue to remember those earlier days, how after you were enlightened you endured a hard and painful struggle.


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2015, 12:40:38 PM »

Hi Deji,

I'm glad you have joined us  :)
To have our eyes open to these truths is the greatest thing that can happen in this life. It is a really humbling experience when we realize we were so blind for so long, but we needed that experience of being lost, worldly, feasting on lies like the rest of the world, for a comparison.

You are a part of a very select few... your witness to other can be by example, not trying to talk them into understanding what YOU have been given. Now your training/preparation really begins, what is happening in your life will be your training ground. Read and study as much as you can, for in the Scripture you hear God speaking and always meditate and pray.  Join the discussions or ask questions, hearing other perspectives is a very good way to help your progression and understanding and to get encouragement.

Here are the boards and info we have here at the forum you may want to check out.
Forum Rules- General info,3.0.html
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child board- Inspirationals, Writings, Poems, Etc.- above Off Topic board,15.0.html

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mercy, peace and love
« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 03:13:08 PM by Kat »


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2015, 02:22:57 PM »

Thanks Rhys, Dave and Kat.


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2015, 02:02:41 PM »

I'm late to the party but welcome aboard! :)
1 Cor 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."


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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2015, 06:35:47 PM »

Thanks  :D

Rhys 🕊

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Re: Hi Everyone
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2015, 09:04:39 PM »

I'm late to the party but welcome aboard! :)

Fashionably late to the party is OK as I know your a man of style  ;D

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